体育与健康,physical education and health
1)physical education and health体育与健康
1.Influence effects of the class resources development for Physical Education and Health in College in Shanghai;上海市普通高校“体育与健康”课程资源开发影响因素研究
2.Module curriculum and implement research of physical education and healthy curricuum evaluation in high school;高中体育与健康课程中的“模块课程”及其评价的实施研究
3.The Questionnaire and Analysis to the Human Resources Exploitation of Physical Education and Health in the Middle Schools in Hunan Province;湖南省中学体育与健康课程人力资源开发的调查与分析
1.Analysis for Health Concept in the Course of Physical Education and Health;《体育与健康》课程的健康内涵分析
2.Analysis of Sports and Sub-health--the Third State of Health;析体育与健康的“第三状态”——亚健康
3.A research into the mental health education of the high school students according to Sports and Health Course Standards;《体育与健康课程标准》与中学生心理健康教育
4.Analysison the Relationship Between Happy Physical Education and the PE and Health;快乐体育和体育与健康教育关系辨析
5.Integrating PE Ideological Education into PE and Health Teaching体育与健康教学中渗透体育思想教育
6.Newly Enforced "Physical Education and Healthy Curriculum Standard" and Sport Teachers;新《体育与健康课程标准》与体育教师
7.Curriculum of Physical Education and Health and student s sports experiences;“体育与健康课程”与学生的体育经历
8.Physical Education in Colleges and Universities: Its on-going Reform Following the Implementation of The Curriculum Standard for Primary and Secondary Schools;《体育与健康课程标准》与高校体育改革
9.Thinking over the Lifelong Physical Education Through the New Outline of P E and Health;终身体育与《体育与健康》课程大纲思辩
10.To implement the guiding thought of happy PE class in the teaching of PE and health在《体育与健康》课中实施快乐体育教学
11.On Integration of Leisure Sports into the Course of Sports and Health;谈休闲体育如何融入《体育与健康课程》
12.An Analysis of New Edition High School Textbook “Sports and Health”;浅析新版中学体育教材《体育与健康》
13.A Discourse on the Status Quo of College Students Education in P.E and Health and its Countermeasures;大学生体育与健康教育的现状与对策
14.Learning Evaluation Method about Mental Health in Physical Education and Health Course;体育与健康课程的心理健康学习评价方法探讨
15.The Investigation and Analyse of Advancing Student s Health on Athletics Course of Common University;体育与健康课程对大学生健康促进因素分析
16.Anelysis on the Thought of Health First implemented in RE and Health;《体育与健康》课程贯彻“健康第一”思想剖析
17.Formation of Physical and Health Behavior of College Students;大学生体育与健康行为的培养——体育与健康整合教育的实践研究
18.On the Sport Health and Mental Health Education of College Students;浅谈大学生体育健康与心理健康教育
Sports and health体育与健康
1.The application of discovery method in sports and health classroom instruction;发现法在体育与健康课教学中的应用
2.Considerations on reform of sports and health new course teaching;对体育与健康新课程教学改革的思考
3.Reflections on the Reform of the New "Sports and Health"“体育与健康”新课程改革现状的思考
3)PE and health体育与健康
1.On "Teachers Research" of Combined Subject "PE and Health" Research——Questions and Answers in Construction of "Teaching Themselves";论“体育与健康”教育研究中的“教师研究”——建构积极“教学自我”中的问题与对策
2.A study of the experiment of PE and health curriculum standard implemented in Zhanjiang city;湛江市体育与健康课程标准试验研究
3.The Theoretical Study about the Learning Evaluation and Results Judgment of the Course of PE and Health;对《体育与健康》课程学习和成绩评定的理论研究
4)P.E. and Health体育与健康
1.Discussion on the Reform of 《P.E. and Health》Course;论《体育与健康》课程改革
2.Theory System of Study on P.E. and Health Course and Practice Pattern in Middle and Primary School in the Western Part of Jilin Province;吉林省西北部中小学体育与健康课程理论体系与实践模式的研究
3.Study on the Present Situation of the Gymnastic Event in P.E. and Health in Shandong Colleges;山东省高校体育与健康课体操项目开设现状的调查研究
5)P.E and health体育与健康
1.Research on the Evaluation of Junior Middle School Students Learning about P.E and Health Curriculum in Shaanxi;陕西初中《体育与健康》课程学生学习效果评价调查研究
2.Based on the three aspects,there are definite requirement in view selection,objectives selection,personalities of students,cultivation of group consciousness,socialized objectives,evaluation and assessment goals in the course of "P.基于上述三个方面,高等职业教育《体育与健康》课程在观念选择、目标选择,学生的个性品质、团队意识培养,以及社会化目标、评价与考核目标都要有明确要求。
3.Investigating and researching the gymnastics event teaching means in P.使用文献法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等对高校体育与健康课体操教学方法的调查研究 ,发现大学生喜欢的教学方法与体操教师采用的传统讲授法与考核达标法相冲突 ,多媒体在体操教学中使用较少。
6)Sports and Health《体育与健康》
1.Influence of Sports and Health on psychological development of students in vocational institutes in China;《体育与健康》课程对高职院校学生心理健康发展的作用
2.Teaching contents and teaching methods of Wushu in Sports and Health;《体育与健康》课中武术教学内容与方法的研究
3.Substantial assessment of learning effect of Sports and Health;论《体育与健康》课程学习效果的质性评价
国际健康、体育、娱乐、运动与舞蹈理事会国际健康、体育、娱乐、运动与舞蹈理事会(International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance, ICHPERSD) 国际健康、体育、娱乐、运动与舞蹈理.会(Intemational Couneil for Health,Physieal Edueation,Reereation,Sport,and Dance,ICHpERSD)世界上成立较早且有影响的国际体育学术组织。1950年美国健康、体育、娱乐与舞蹈联盟执委会开始酝酿建立这一组织,1958年该组织在罗马正式成立。该理事会是联合国教科文组织的联系组织,得到国际奥委会的承认,并在联合国注册为具有501(c)(3)身份的非赢利性组织。 该组织既有个人会员(教师、研究人员、教练、教育管理者等),也有团体会员(健康、体育、娱乐、运动与舞蹈领域的学校的系、部,以及国家和国际组织)。 它的目标是促进学术研究,在其成员中交流专业性的信息。该理事会积极进行有关信息、研究开发和各种知识在世界范围的传递。 该理事会每两年召开一次代表大会。执委会由主席、前任主席、秘书长、国际副主席、7名地区副主席、杂志主编和财务委员会主任组成。该组织的机构有非洲、亚洲、欧洲、一中东、拉丁美洲、北美和加勒比、大洋洲的7个地区组织。理事会设有33个专门委员会。 该组织自1968年成立以来,针对不同的专题,已举办了28届理事会世界大会及大量的地区代表大会。为135个国家的专业人员和组织提供过服务与合作。 该组织的出版物为《国际健康、体育、娱乐、运动与舞蹈理事会杂志》,一年4期,刊物上有英、法、德和西班牙语摘要。该杂志的对象是各国奥委会、各国际单项体育联合会、联合国教科文组织、国际奥委会、世界卫生组织、部分图书馆及该组织的成员。理事会还出版其历届世界大会论文集、地区大会论文集等。 该理事会总部自1958年起一直设在美国健康、体育、娱乐与舞蹈联盟总部。通讯地址:ICHPERSDHeadquarters 19(X) Assgeiation Drive Reston,VA 20191USA:电话:(703)476一3462或(703)476一3486:传真:(703)476一9527:电子信箱:ichPer@aahPerd.org。
中学图书馆,middle school library
1)middle school library中学图书馆
1.Improve Middle School Library Service Based on Teaching Material Reform;适应新课程改革 改进中学图书馆工作
2.In this paper,the author proved the importance of middle school library in comprehensive practical activity course implementing by theory,revealed present conditions that middle school libraries were utilized and offered some proposals through abundant and detailed survey data.从理论上论证中学图书馆在综合实践活动课程开展中的重要作用,通过调查获得大量数据,以此揭示中学图书馆在综合实践活动课程中的利用现状,并提出一些改进意见和建议。
3.This paper analyzes the functions of the library in primary & secondary education, and probes into how middle school library to give play to the functions in literacy education of teenagers.分析了图书馆在中小学教育中的作用,从7个方面探讨了中学图书馆在对青少年的素质教育中如何发挥作用。
1.The study of Libraries in normal college serving those in secondary school;谈高师图书馆如何为中学图书馆素质教育服务
2.The Function of Middle School Libraries in the Education;浅论中学图书馆在教育教学中的作用
3.An Opinion on Sharing Resources of the Library in Education College and the Libraries in Middle Schools Under the Network Circumstances;网络环境下教育学院图书馆与中学图书馆资源共享刍议
4.On Western Library Science and the Library Undertaking in Modern China;西方图书馆学与中国近代图书馆事业
5.the library's extensive biology section图书馆中有大量图书的生物学部
6."The term "Education Library"is used to cover the libraries in primary and secondary schools, and higher learning institutions. academic library is for the library in colleges and universities."教育图书馆包括大中小学的图书馆,而学术图书馆则仅指大学图书馆。
7.The Center Library of Auckland City and the Library of Auckland University奥克兰市中心图书馆和奥克兰大学图书馆
8.A Study of Total Quality Management at Libraries and Its Pratice in Chinese and American University;图书馆TQM的研究和中美大学图书馆的实践
9.On the Cooperation between Public Library and Libraries in Schools试论公共图书馆与中小学图书馆之合作
10.Central Library in Taibei台北“中央图书馆”
11.Acquisitions dollars spent per student FTE. 3rd out of 13 libraries.学生人均图书馆购书经费,在13间图书馆中排行第三。
12.Library,Library Science & Public Library--A Reading Note of Public Library,Part 1图书馆·图书馆学·公共图书馆——公共图书馆劄记之一
13.Number of bound volumes per student FTE. 4th out of 11 libraries.学生人均图书数量,在11间图书馆中排行第四。
14.a public, reference, university, etc library公共图书馆、 图书参考室、 大学图书馆的藏书
15.Each public sector secondary school has a library staffed by a teacher-librarian responsible for managing the school library and organising library activities for students.每所公营中学均有一名学校图书馆主任,负责管理校内的图书馆,并为学生举办各类图书馆活动。
16.Investigation and Study on Application of Library 2.0 in Chinese University Libraries:Library 2.0 in Librarians' Opinion图书馆2.0在高校图书馆的应用调研——图书馆员眼中的图书馆2.0
17.Public Bidding for Chinese Book Purchases in University Libraries: A Case Study of Shenzhen Polytechnic Library;高校图书馆中文图书采购招标工作探讨——深圳职业技术学院图书馆中文图书招标实例
18.Discussion on the Function of Library in Teaching in Colleges and Universities;浅谈大学图书馆在高校教学中的作用
high school library中学图书馆
1.The following essay is based on the practice of the trademark construction,which belongs to the Library of the Affiliated High School of South China Normal University and elaborates the definition,scope and function of it that belongs to high school library.文章以华南师大附中图书馆品牌建设工作实践为基础,阐述了中学图书馆品牌的定义和作用,探讨创建中学图书馆品牌的若干措施,提出了中学图书馆品牌的推广途径。
2.Facing the macro-environment of the quality education,this paper expounds the important significance of and paths for improving the professional quality of the librarians of high school library in the information era from professional knowledge,professional ethic and service attitude.面对素质教育的大环境,从专业知识、职业道德、服务态度等方面,阐述了信息时代提升中学图书馆员职业素质的重要意义及途径。
3.This paper analyzes the high school library staffs' quality status,pointing out the embarrassment status and the reasons of librarians' education and training,and gives some recommendations for high school librarians' education and training.分析了珠海市中学图书馆人员素质的现状,指出图书馆员教育培训的尴尬现状与原因,并且给出了针对中学图书馆员教育培训的一些建议。
3)middle-school library中学图书馆
1.The all-round carrying out of the new courses transformation puts forward the severe challenge for the middle-school library.新课程改革的全面实施对中学图书馆工作提出了严峻的挑战。
4)Sun Yat-Sen University Library中山大学图书馆
1.Sun Yat-sen University Library received the mementos of the first President of Sun Yat-sen University, Mr.中山大学图书馆获邹鲁后人捐赠邹夫人赵淑嘉女士珍藏的邹鲁故物,其中包括了300多份信札、书画作品、剪报、唁函、唁电、挽词、遗产表、地契等未曾刊行的珍贵史料。
5)journal of library science in china中国图书馆学报
1.CSSCI-Based h-Index of Journal of Library Science in China and Measurement of its Core Authors;基于CSSCI的《中国图书馆学报》h指数及核心作者测定
2.Characteristics of Journal of Library Science in China;《学报》办得有“格”——祝贺《中国图书馆学报》创刊50周年
3.Journal of Library Science in China in My Eyes;我心目中的《中国图书馆学报》
6)Chinese library science中国图书馆学
1.From inner contradictive movements to view the future development of Chinese library science;从内在矛盾运动看中国图书馆学的未来发展
2.This paper firstly answers what Chinese library science is, then introduces different views on historical stages of Chinese library science and discusses the bases of Chinese library science s historical stages, which include philosophical basis, social basis and academic basis.中国图书馆学是指中国学者在借鉴西方图书馆学思想以及其它学科思想的基础上,用中国式的、民族化的思维去解释图书馆现象,探索图书馆基本规律过程中所形成的基本观点、思想、体系、结论等。
3.The Chinese library science education has already gone through nine decades.中国图书馆学教育走过了九十年历程,可划分为三个发展阶段:1920—1949年为图书馆学教育的开端及第一个繁荣期;1950—1977年为图书馆学教育的第二次繁荣并跌落的阶段;1978—2008年为图书馆学教育的第三个繁荣期及其走低与再兴。
《中国科学院图书馆图书分类法》 中国科学院图书馆编制的等级列举式分类法,简称《科图法》。1954年开始编写,1957年 4月完成自然科学部分初稿,1958年3月完成社会科学部分初稿,1958年11月科学出版社出版。1959年10月出版索引。1970年10月开始修订,1974年2月出版第2版的自然科学、综合性图书和附表部分;1979年11月出版第 2版的马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想,哲学和社会科学部分;1982年12月出版第2版的索引。 体系结构 《科图法》设有马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想,哲学,社会科学,自科科学,综合性图书等5大部类,共25大类。其部类、大类及其标记符号如下: 00 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想 10 哲学 20 社会科学 21 历史、历史学 27 经济、经济学 31 政治、社会生活 34 法律、法学 36 军事、军事学 37 文化、科学、教育、体育 41 语言、文字学 42 文学 48 艺术 49 无神论、宗教学 50 自然科学 51 数学 52 力学 53 物理学 54 化学 55 天文学 56 地质、地理科学 58 生物科学 61 医药、卫生 65 农业科学 71 技术科学 90 综合性图书 结构 《科图法》包括主表和附表两部分。主表设有大纲、简表和详表。附表又分为通用附表和专类附表两种。第1版共设有8个通用附表:总类复分表、中国时代排列表、中国地域区分表、中国各民族排列表、国际时代表、世界地域区分表、苏联地域区分表、机关出版品排列表。第2版删去了使用较少的后两种附表。第1版和第2版均编有索引。 标记符号 《科图法》采用阿拉伯数字为类目的标记符号,号码分为两部分:第一部分为顺序数字,即用00~99标记 5 大部类25 大类及主要类目;第二部分为"小数制",即在00~99两位数字后加一小数点"·",小数点后基本上按小数体系编号,以容纳细分的类目。类号排列时,先排顺序数字,后排小数点后的层累数字,例如:11.1,11.11,11.12,11.13,...,11.2,11.21,11.22,11.23,...,11.29,11.3,...,12,13,...。 特点 ①自然科学类目比较详细。②采用交替、参见等方法,较好地解决了相关类别的图书在目录和藏书组织中既可集中又能分散的问题。③标记符号单纯、简洁,易于排检。④编有相关索引。 应用 《科图法》主要被中国科学院系统图书馆、国内其他一些科学研究机构和高等学校的图书馆采用,1979年使用单位达1000多个。其分类号被印在北京图书馆和上海图书馆编制的统一编目卡片上(见集中编目)。1986年该分类法获国家科委颁发的科技情报成果奖和中国科学院颁发的科学技术进步奖。
学术创新,academic innovation
1)academic innovation学术创新
1.Comments on controversies of musical academic innovation and criterion in new ages;新时期音乐学术创新与学术规范论争述评
2.It is a special cultural product with academic innovation being its essence.学报是一种特殊的文化产品,学术创新是学报的本质属性。
3.In the development of the academic profession,academic prestige and academic innovation is inseparable.在学术职业的发展中,学术声望与学术创新密不可分,一方面学术创新是获得学术声望的基础和前提,而另一方面学术声望的积累具有马太效应,更有利于学术创新。
1.On Academic & Practical Innovation of Editing;论编辑学领域的学术创新与实践创新
2.Academic Innovation,Institutional Innovation and Chinese Traditional Culture学术创新、制度创新与中国传统文化
3.Academic Prestige and Innovation in the Academic Profession Development;学术职业发展中的学术声望与学术创新
4.Comments on controversies of musical academic innovation and criterion in new ages;新时期音乐学术创新与学术规范论争述评
5.A Good Combination of China and South Korea, a New Academic Creation -Commenting on″ The New Theory of Cheng Zhu ldeology;中韩合璧 学术创新——评《程朱思想新论》
6.The Scientific Technology Innovation View--Ecology Technology Innovation;科学的技术创新观——生态化技术创新
7.On Technological Innovation Subjects:the Study of Technological Innovation in the Vision of Philosophy;技术创新主体论:哲学视野下的技术创新研究
8.On the Cultivation of Students Innovative Spirit and Innovative Ability in Wushu Teaching;武术教学中学生创新精神和创新能力培养研究
9.Summarization and Comments on Chinese Technological innovation Study in 18 years;中国技术创新学术研究18年述评(下)
10.Science,Technology and Market--System Management of Technical Innovation;科学·技术·市场——技术创新系统管理
11.Constructing New Technology Laboratory and Cultivating Students Innovation Abilities;建设新技术实验室 培养学生创新能力
12.Science and Technology Create New Industry and New Industrial Structure;科学技术创造新产业和新的产业结构
13.The thought of blazing forth new ideas is the base of politicy, economy, and science and technology.思想创新是政治、济和科学技术创新的基础。
14.Seeking facts scientifically and making technological innovation to create a new epoch of hydropower development;科学求实 技术创新 开创水电事业新纪元
15.Ideal Mukle of Enterprise Technology Innovation--Production,Study and Research Alliance Cooperation Innovation;产学研联盟合作创新 企业技术创新的理想模式
16.Persisting in Technical Innovation & Creating a New Situation in the Work of Science and Technology of NCIT;坚持技术创新 开创学院科技工作的新局面
17.The construction of teaching system focusing on innovation and practice and the cultivation of the creative talents on technological application建立创新实践教学体系 培养创新技术应用人才
18.Innovation Theory of Sustainable Growth of the Enterprise--Economic Analysis on the Coordination Model of Technological Innovation and Institutional Innovation;企业持续成长的创新理论——技术创新与制度创新协同的经济学分析
academic creation学术创新
1.The fundamental belief of the author is that the academic norm goes together with academic creation, the former being systematic guarantee of the latter, and the latter being realized within the former.学术规范和学术创新是一致的。
3)scientific and technical innovation科学技术创新
1.The process of scientific and technical innovation is complicated.科学技术创新过程是复杂的。
4)philosophy of technological innovation技术创新哲学
1.Some reflections are made on the dynamics of the philosophy of technological innovation as well as some general questions concerning the above studies.对技术创新哲学研究的动力及其所关注的带有普遍性的问题作了初步反思。
2.He should mainly make a philosophical study of technological innovation and make great effort to found philosophy of technological innovation.自然辩证法学者要特别着力进行技术创新的哲学研究 ,为发展一门技术创新哲学而努力。
5)financial reform金融学术创新
1.By far the financial reform has always been government-oriented; however it has more and more been subject to the restrictions of academic thoughts, or even ideology.我国金融进一步发展的动力需要依靠包括政府在内的全社会的思维和观念更加民主、理性、务实,要依靠更广泛、更深刻的金融学术创新。
2.By far the financial reform has always been government-oriented,however it has more and more been subject to the restrictions of academic thoughts,or even ideology.中国金融进一步发展的动力需要依靠包括政府在内的全社会的思维和观念更加民主、理性、务实,要依靠更广泛、更深刻的金融学术创新。
6)innovative academic teams创新学术团队
1.On life cycle of innovative academic teams;大学创新学术团队生命周期初探
“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会” 遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿
幼儿园课程,kindergarten curriculum
1)kindergarten curriculum幼儿园课程
1.A survey on the stories in the textbook of 5 provinces reveals that despite the small amount of Chinese traditional stories such as fables, myths, and folk tales, kindergarten curriculum does not demonstrate strong cultural tendencies in terms of quantity.对五省市幼儿园课程文本中的故事材料进行调查和抽样统计发现,虽然中国传统故事,如寓言、神话、民间故事等数量很少,但单从故事数量上分析,我国幼儿园课程并不带有明显的文化倾向性。
2.Teachers are the important factor in kindergarten curriculum.教师是幼儿园课程活动的主体。
1.A Case Study on the Strategies of Kindergarten s Curriculum Development;从浦南幼儿园的案例看幼儿园课程开发的策略
2.On the Curricular Reformation in Guangxi s Kindergartens under New Curricula;新课程背景下的广西幼儿园课程改革
3.Research on Kindergarten Curriculum Evaluation and the Development of Children s Creation Potential;幼儿园课程评价与幼儿创造潜能开发的研究
4.Look at the Professional Growth of Preschool Teachers from Kindergarten Curriculum Reform;从幼儿教师专业成长看幼儿园课程改革
5.Kindergarten Curriculum Design Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences;基于多元智能理论的幼儿园课程设计
6.The Kindergarten s Curriculum Design Aiming at Life World;走向生活世界的幼儿园课程设计研究
7.Primary Exploration about Scientific Activity in Kindergarten;论科学探索活动与幼儿园课程的整合
8.On the Integration between Games and Kinergarten Curriculum;游戏整合幼儿园课程的可能性与策略
9.On Curriculum Based on Life and Fun in Kindergartens;“生活游戏为本”的幼儿园课程探究
10.Play, Happiness and Understanding in Kindergarten Curriculum;用游戏、快乐、理解承载幼儿园课程
11.Moral Leadership in Preschool Curriculum Management;道德领导——幼儿园课程管理的新思路
12.On Parents Participation and Development in Kindergarten Curriculum;幼儿园课程中的家长参与和家长发展
13.Research on Exploration and Utilization of Curriculum Resources in the Country's Kindergarten农村幼儿园课程资源开发与利用研究
14.On Post-modern Concept of Courses and the Localization of Kindergarten Courses;浅论后现代课程观与幼儿园课程本土化
15.Analyze Multicultural Course--Discussing the Curriculum Development of the Kindergarten;解析多元文化课程——兼论我国幼儿园课程的发展
16.Postmodern Curriculum Thoughts and the Inspiration for Kindergarten Curriculum Reform in China;后现代课程理论对我国幼儿园课程改革的启示
17.Qualified Kindergarten Teacher Course合格幼儿园教师课程
18.Problems and Solutions on Kindergarten-based Curriculum Development;幼儿园园本课程开发中的问题及对策
preschool curriculum幼儿园课程
1.Currently, the contents of preschool curriculum expand rapidly.目前,幼儿园课程内容急剧膨胀,特色教育、园本课程以及迫于家长压力增设的课程在幼儿园中不断出现。
2.This paper introduces the main ideas of phenomenal education, trying to analyze, from the perspective of phenomenal education, the current problems of preschool curriculum in China and calls for the return of preschool curriculum.本文介绍了现象学教育学的主要观点,力图用现象学教育学的观点来分析目前我国幼儿园课程中存在的问题,从现象学教育学的角度对幼儿园课程的“回归”进行思考。
3.This text expounds its influence on preschool curriculum objectives, content designing, implementation and evaluation with brief introduction of butterfly effect, self-similarity structure, strange attractor, non-linear phenomenon, which appear as the basic features of theory of Chaos.本文介绍了混沌理论的蝴蝶效应、自相似结构、奇异吸引子和非线性等基本观点,并在此基础上进一步论述了混沌理论对幼儿园课程的目标制定、内容选择、实施及评价等方面的启示。
3)curriculum in kindergarten幼儿园课程
1.The author thinks that the life in kindergarten is the curriculum in kindergarten.研究者认为,幼儿园一日生活就是幼儿园课程,幼儿园一日生活的每个环节都具有教育意义。
4)theme curriculum of kindergarten幼儿园主题课程
1.This article has described the question of theme curriculum of kindergarten on the background of development of curriculum theory,and pointed out s.从课程发展的理论大背景下对幼儿园主题课程这一问题进行分析,我们发现了幼儿园主题课程发展的几点趋势。
5)covert curriculum in kindergarten education幼儿园隐性课程
6)kindergarten curriculum management幼儿园课程管理
1.We define kindergarten curriculum management as managing kindergarten curriculum activities involving persons or organizations in view of learning organization in this article,and then probe into the motion model and development model of kindergarten curriculum management.从学习型组织的角度出发,将幼儿园课程管理界定为有关人员或组织对幼儿园课程实践活动的管理,并进而探讨了幼儿园课程管理的运作模式、发展模式。
上海愚园路第一幼儿园,创建于1939年。至今已整整60年,它位于上海市愚园路1280弄18号。 98年上海市陈鹤琴教育思想研究实验基地在我园隆重揭牌。虽是一所弄堂幼儿园。规模不大,但它是上海市特级教师--赵赫老师的诞生地,几十年来,它始终坚持“一切为了幼儿,为了幼儿的一切,为了一切幼儿”的办园宗旨。为了幼儿的全面发展不断地钻研教材,积极进行教改,是上海市的一所示范性幼儿园,多次向本市,区,外省市公开教学活动,得到同仁的一致好评,曾获得区文明单位七连冠,市优秀家长学校,市体育先进单位,市科研先进单位等光荣称号。在家长,幼儿有着良好的声誉。
攻击性行为,aggressive behavior
1)aggressive behavior攻击性行为
1.Analysis on influential factors of aggressive behavior among preschool children in Zhuhai City;珠海市学龄前儿童攻击性行为影响因素分析
2.Effects of "self talking" on the angry and aggressive behaviors of professional football players“自我谈话”对职业足球运动员愤怒和攻击性行为的影响
3.Objective:Discussing the role of pretend game played in the rectification of children s aggressive behavior.目的:探讨幼儿装扮游戏对幼儿攻击性行为的矫正效果。
1.A Reiew of Aggression in Sport;试论对抗性运动项目中的攻击性行为
2.Research on the Aggression Behavior Development Characteristics of Primary Sschool Children;小学儿童攻击性行为发展特点的研究
3.Sexual Distinction in Attacking Behaviour in Implicit Social Cognition内隐社会认知中攻击性行为的性别差异研究
4.Athlete aggressive behavior differences among sports events and genders不同项目、不同性别运动员攻击性行为差异研究
5.Studies on Character of Gong-du Students' Social Cognition on Aggressive Behavior;工读学生攻击性行为社会认知特点的研究
6.Psych-analysis on and Educational Countermeasures Against Aggressive Behaviors of Juvenile Students;青少年学生攻击性行为的心理分析与教育对策
7.Analysis of Aggressive Behaviors in FIFA 2006 World Cup;2006年德国世界杯运动员攻击性行为的相关因素
8.Investigation on Aggressive Behavior of Female College Students Majoring in Physical Education;体育专业女大学生攻击性行为调查分析
9.Research on Offensive Fouls in College Basketball Game;关于大学校园篮球比赛中攻击性行为的研究
10.Classified Research On The Aggressiveness Of Undergraduates Of PE Major;体育类专业大学生攻击性行为的分类研究
11.an offensive move in a sport or game.运动中攻击性的行为。
12.The act of attacking or assaulting.袭击袭击或攻击的行为
13.Prevention of offensive fouls in basketball games;论篮球比赛中攻击性犯规行为的防止
14.The act or an instance of attacking; an assault.进攻,攻击攻击的行为或实例;猛烈而突然的袭击
15.Act of trying to hurt or harm someone进攻,攻击,袭击,试图伤害某人的行为
16.action taken in return for an injury or offense.偿还伤害或攻击的行为。
17.An Association between Aggressive Behavior and the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of 5-HT Gene;5-HT基因多态性与攻击行为的关联性研究
18.Study on the Group Counseling for the Male Criminals with Impulsive Aggressive Behaviors;男性成年犯冲动性攻击行为的团体干预研究
aggressive behaviors攻击性行为
1.this study is to verify previous research results regarding to aggressive behaviors,describe and explain the cause of aggressive behavior in sports,by studying video recordings of 2006 FIFA World Cup matches.结果表明,在世界杯的比赛中,随着比赛的进行,运动员会做较多的攻击性行为。
2.Through the research on the literature materials,the questionnairesand the data statistics,this essay provides the comparative analyses on the aggressive behaviorsof the sports members in the after-school sports teams in middle schools.通过文献资料调研、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,对中学课余运动队队员和普通学生攻击性行为(包括外显性攻击和关系性攻击)进行了调查和数据的对比分析,发现两个群体男女性别之间攻击性类型趋势相仿:男同学有较高的外显性攻击倾向,女同学表现出较高的关系性攻击倾向。
3.In the light of implicit social cognitive style, this study is an experiment on the characteristics of the explicit and implicit cognition of Gong-du and normal students aggressive behaviors.本研究借助内隐社会认知的研究范式 ,从内隐和外显两个层面对工读学生和普通学生攻击性行为社会认知特点进行比较研究。
3)Offensive Behavior攻击性行为
1.The team work is a new effective way with many obvious advantages in rectifying the Juvenile Offensive Behavior.青少年攻击性行为是青少年偏差行为的重要表现形式之一,这种偏差行为会给他人带来伤害或安全隐患,甚至会发展成为青少年犯罪,所以应在青少年攻击性行为产生的早期及时进行恰当的矫正,使青少年获得健康的身心发展状态。
4)pathological aggressive behavior病理性攻击行为
5)Aggressive driving攻击性驾驶行为
1.Aggressive driving (or driver aggression) has been defined as any behavior intended to physically, psychologically, or emotionally, harm others within the driving environment, including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians, such as tailgating to punish another driver, swearing, and yelling.攻击性驾驶行为是指有意图、有目的地对驾驶环境中他人进行身体、心理或情感伤害的驾驶行为。
6)maternal aggression母性攻击行为
1.The maternal aggression of rats and mice, the chang of hormone in gestation, parturition and lactation,the relationship between the change of the maternal aggression and the change of hormone, and hormone control of maternal aggression were introduced and analysed.通过分析讨论大鼠、小鼠的母性攻击行为和激素在怀孕、分娩、哺乳三个时期的变化、母性攻击行为的变化与激素水平变化之间的关系以及激素对母性攻击行为的调控 ,探讨激素对母性攻击行为的调节 。
转性行【转性行】 经云:如我供养然灯世尊,依彼因缘,读诵经典,转凡成圣,是名菩萨转性行。(如我者,释迦如来自谓也。)
党支部,Party branch
1)Party branch党支部
1.The Existing Problems & Solution Countermeasures for the Rural Party Branch in the Construction of Socialism New Countryside——To take the rural party branch of Qingzhen city as an example;农村党支部在建设社会主义新农村中存在的主要问题及解决对策——以清镇市农村党支部为例
2.Cover Students Effective Ways and Means of Building the Party Branch;试论大学生党支部建设的有效方法及途径
1.In Britain, the two famous major parties are Labour Party and the Conservative Party.英国则有工党支部和保守党两大政党。
2.Learning new "Party Constitution" to Reinforce Party Branch Building at College;学习新《党章》 加强高校党支部建设
3.The Party branch elected Lao Zhou to take over Lao Wang's dunes as its secretary.党支部选举老周接替老王担任支部书记。
4.A Brief Study on How Party Branch Work on Student Party Construction in Advanced Professional College;高职院校基层党支部学生党建工作初探
5.Thinking on How to Standardize the Party Members' Behaviors in the New Round of the Election of the Party Branch规范党支部换届选举中党员行为的思考
6.Some of the League members sat in on the Party branch meeting.一些团员列席党支部的会议。
7.A Party branch committee meeting will be called to block out a plan of action.将要召开党支部委员会制订行动计划。
8.We shall put Comrade Tang up for the post of secretary of the Party branch.我们将提名唐同志为党支部书记。
9.Building the Party Branch in Rural Areas under the View of New Rural Construction;新农村建设视角下的农村党支部建设
10.Some Reflections on Building Basic Party Branches in Scientific Research Units;科研单位基层党支部建设的几点思考
11.Research on the setup of CCP Branch of College Students;关于高校学生党支部设置模式的探究
12.Win-win: Adjustment of Relationships between Village Branch of CPC and Village Committee;双赢:村党支部与村委会关系的调适
13.Discussed shallowly how to complete basic unit maritime affairs office party branch secretary;浅谈如何做好基层海事处党支部书记
14.On the action of property management and their basic party branch;浅谈物业管理及其基层党支部的作用
15.Tighten the Subject of New Countryside,Build Innovative Party Branches;紧扣新农村主题 建设创新型党支部
16.Working Method and "Five Perseverance" of Grass-Boots Party Branch;基层党支部工作方法与“五个坚持”
17.Bringing Forth New Ideas in Learning to Give Impetus to the Advanced Construction of Party Branches in Universities and Colleges;创新学习,推进高校党支部先进性建设
18.The Research on Objective Management of Party Branch in Class;关于建立班级党支部目标管理的研究
the Party branch党支部
1.To give the full play to the role of the Party branch as a fighting bastion is one of our Party s glorious tradition.党支部是党的基层组织,同时也是各项工作的执行单位。
2.Givi ng right play to the key leading role of the party branch is a guarantee of prac ticing villager self-government.社会主义村民自治是社会主义行政文明、政治文明、社会文明的重要组成部分 ,是国家民主政治改革和民主政治建设的实验示范工程 ,正确发挥党支部领导核心作用是实行村民自治的保证 ,党支部对村民自治的领导主要是思想领导、政治领导、组织领导 ,党支部要敢于与善于依法指导、规范、监督、制约村委会行使职权 ,要正确定位 ,改变领导方式。
3.This paper analyzes the basic character of the party branch.分析党支部的基本性质 ,提出要加强党支部的政治建设、思想建设和组织建
3)Party branches党支部
1.Party branches should organize the Party members to study and solve such problems as the awareness of the importance,the idea and forms of learning,the integration of Party members learning and their leading function in the masses,the formulation of learning regulations and motivation systems,and the guaranteeing of necessary investment as well.党支部要组织党员进行学习,同时解决好思想认识和学习理念的问题,党员学习与带动群众的问题,制度机制与激励政策的问题,教育方式与投入保障的问题。
2.Party branches at the basic level in colleges and universities are the organization pillars for the communist party to lead the schools.高校基层党支部是党领导高校的组织基础,处于教书育人、管理育人、服务育人的第一线,天天与师生打交道,地位十分重要。
3.In accordance with the Party-building theory of "Party branch in the company," and the principle of the Party Constitution,it is not difficult for us to realize the significance of setting up Party branches in volunteer service teams.按照“支部建在连上”党建理论与实践原则和《党章》的要求,把党支部建在志愿服务队上意义重大。
4)the Party branch of department系党支部
5)village Party branch村党支部
1.As a Party s primary organization,the village Party branch is the leading core of new socialist countryside construction,and therefore it should make greater efforts to improve itself,get its ideas into shape,arouse villagers start-up fervour and integrate the building of the village Party branch with the building of new socialist countryside in order to play a good role of combat stronghold.村党支部作为党的基层组织,是社会主义新农村建设的领导核心和决策核心。
2.At present,we must make clear and regulate the duties of village Party branch and village committee,establish and perfect all kinds of systems and work moving mechanism,and guarantee that village party branch of the Communist Party of China and village committe give full play to its function.农村党支部与村委会的关系是领导与被领导的关系。
6)basic party branch基层党支部
1.On the action of property management and their basic party branch;浅谈物业管理及其基层党支部的作用
2.Concept of "Two Duties for One Post" Objective Management of the Party Members in Basic Party Branch基层党支部对党员实行“一岗双责”目标管理的构想
连队党支部 中国共产党在中国人民解放军中建立的基层组织,连队统一领导和团结的核心。 组成与任务 依照《中国共产党章程》规定的原则,凡有正式党员 3人以上的连队,经团或相当于团的党委员会批准,成立支部。连队党支部的领导机关是支部党员大会和它所选出的支部委员会。支部委员会根据实际情况,设书记、副书记和组织、纪律检查、宣传、青年、保卫委员,必要时还设群众工作委员和敌军工作委员。支部委员会选出的书记和副书记,由团或相当于团的党委员会批准。支部委员会每届任期两年。党支部的主要任务是:宣传和执行党的路线、方针、政策,国家的法律、法令,上级的决议、命令、指示,团结和带领群众完成作战、教育训练等各项任务;领导党员和群众学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想,学习党的基本知识和党的优良传统,学习军事、业务和科学文化,建设社会主义精神文明;发展党员,教育党员,维护党的纪律;密切联系群众,了解并向上级反映群众对党员、党的工作的批评和意见;领导连队共青团支部和革命军人委员会的工作。支部委员会实行集体领导,连队一切重要问题经集体讨论决定后,由连长、政治指导员分工组织实施;紧急情况下可由连首长临机处置,事后向党支部报告。 简史 连队建立党支部,是毛泽东1927年9月在三湾改编时提出并实行的。1929年12月,古田会议决议肯定了连队设立党支部是红军中党的组织的一个重要原则。1930年底,中国共产党中央委员会第一次颁发的《中国工农红军中党的连支部及团委工作暂行条例草案》,明确规定了连队党支部的性质和任务。1935年5月2日,中国工农红军总政治部在支部工作的训令中,提出加强连队党支部建设的具体措施,强调支部在连队中的领导作用,要求转变支部的领导方式和工作方法。1948年2月5日,总政治部指示全军将长期处于秘密状态的连队党支部公开,使支部更好地联系群众,使党员接受群众的监督,保证支部领导的正确和组织上的纯洁。1954年以后历次颁布的《中国共产党连队支部工作条例》,对连队党支部的性质、任务、组织原则、领导方法等,都作了具体详尽的规定。 连队建立党支部,是中国共产党加强对中国人民解放军领导的一项重要制度。毛泽东指出:"红军所以艰难奋战而不溃散,'支部建在连上'是一个重要原因。"(《毛泽东选集》第68页,人民出版社,1964年4月第1版)在长期革命战争和军队建设中,连队党支部团结带领党员成为英勇作战的模范、执行命令的模范、遵守纪律的模范、政治工作的模范和团结统一的模范,成为联系广大群众的基本纽带,发挥了战斗堡垒作用。 参考书目 《毛泽东选集》:《井冈山的斗争》,人民出版社,北京,1964。
学术水平,academic level
1)academic level学术水平
1.Study on evaluating method of academic level of scientific papers;科技论文学术水平评价方法研究
2.Academic level is the foundation of scientific journals,and editors are the key in mastering the academic level of journals.科技期刊的学术水平是期刊的第一生命,编辑是把握科技期刊学术水平的关键因素。
1.a Book that gives ample evidence of the author's scholarship.一本充分显示著者学术水平的书
2.Persist in Innovation of Scientific Research Management,Promote Raise of Academic Level;坚持科研管理创新,促进学术水平提升
3.On Core Periodicals and the Quality of Academic Paper;如何看待“核心期刊”和“论文学术水平”
4.The Review of the Present Actuality and Development of Scientific Research Level of Our University;我校科研学术水平的现状与发展述评
5.On the Promotion of the Undergraduate s Academic Level in the View of Research-based Learning;论研究性学习视野下大学生学术水平的提升
6.On the scholarly level, the study of American literature has assumed proportions of a minor industry.就学术水平而言,美国文学的研究已经初具规模。
7.The book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry.这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。
8.Study to the Index System for Synthetic Evaluation from Academic Level of Medical Journal;医学期刊学术水平综合评价指标体系的研究
9.University Professor s Academic Standards and Assessment Mechanisms Countermeasures;大学教授的学术水平评定机制问题与对策思考
10.The Importance of the College Teaching in the Content of Academic Level;从“学术水平”的内涵看高校教学的重要性
11.But you scored 1400 on your SATs!你的学术水平测验考试不是考了1400分吗!
12.Studies on Evaluation of Police Professional Academic Journal and Academic Thesis;公安专业学术期刊及学术论文水平评价研究
13.Countries with a high scientific and technological level are overblown with arrogance.科学技术水平高的国家,就骄傲得很。
14.To Boost up Urbanolgical Studies so as to Raise the Level of Urban Planning and Design加强城市学术研究 提高规划设计水平
15.The Research of Improving Mechanism of Graduate Students Academic Morality Level;研究生学术道德水平提升机制的研究
16.Brief Comment on the Development Level of Academic Thought and Culture in the Han Dynasty in Henan Province;河南汉代学术思想文化发展水平蠡测
18.Improving the Teaching Level of Electronic Technology Experiment by Multisim10用Multisim10提升电子技术实验教学水平
science level学术水平
1.To predigest the evaluation indexes of medical college transactions science level and to to establish a new evaluation indexes system.从目前得到广泛认可的科技期刊学术水平评估指标中筛选出影响作用大的指标 ,构建医学高校学报学术水平评估指标体系。
2.The statistical result of the distribution of Technology matix periodical in Chinese kernal periodical,reflecting the Technology matix periodical s science level,the structure likes upside down pogoda.科技方阵期刊在中文核心期刊各学科中的分布统计结果 ,客观地反映了科技方阵期刊的学术水平 ,其结构呈现倒“宝塔型”。
3.Because science study is leaded by benthamism,the system of science estimating losed mode,the ability of science competition is deficient and the management is unconsummate,recently there is a little arts transaction in region college encountering the plight about high quality manuscripts' shrinking and science level's descending.近年来,由于学术研究的功利主义导向、学术评价体制的失范,以及自身学术竞争力的不足、管理制度不够完善诸原因,不少地方性高校文科学报遭遇到优质稿源萎缩、学术水平下降的发展困境。
3)academic and teaching level教学学术水平
4)academic level in teaching教学的学术水平
5)science and technology and academic level科技学术水平
6)teaching and technical level教学和技术水平
“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会” 遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿
学生事务,Student affairs
1)Student affairs学生事务
1.An investigation on causes of problems existing in student affairs in China当前我国高校学生事务管理问题的成因调查
2.The concept evolution and localization of student affairs management in universities高校学生事务管理概念的演变与本土化
3.With the transformation of social economy and the massification of higher education,more and more problems emerge from student affairs in Chinese universities and colleges.随着我国社会经济的转型,高等教育的大众化发展,大学生事务管理问题日益凸现。
1.dean of student affairs [post-secondary college]学生事务主任〔专上学院〕
2.The New Development of the Relationship between Academic and Student Affairs in American Higher Education: Enhance Academic and Student Affairs Collaboration;美国高校学生事务与学术事务关系的新发展——加强学生事务与学术事务的合作
3.Student-Oriented: A New Concept of Student Affairs Management in Chinese Institutes of Higher Education;以学生为本:高校学生事务管理新理念
4.To Promote College Students Affair Management from the Freshman Enrollment Direction and Service;以新生入学指导与服务促高校学生事务管理
5.The Professional and Academic Trend of Student Affairs in American Universities--in the Perspective of Evolution of Relationship between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs;美国高校学生事务的专业化与学术化——以学生事务与学术事务关系演变为视角
6.On American College Students Afairs Administration of Promoting Their Individual Development;促进学生个性发展的美国大学学生事务管理
7.From Alienation to Collaboration: The Transition of the Relationship between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs in American Colleges and Univerisities;从疏离到协作:美国高校学生事务与学术事务关系的转变
8.Evolution and Reflection of College Student Affairs Management in China;我国高校学生事务管理的演进与反思
9.A Commentary on the CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education in America;美国高校学生事务发展专业标准述评
10.Strengthening Student Affairs Management & Meeting the Challenge from Multi-Cultures;加强学生事务管理 应对多元文化挑战
11.Research on Direction of Student Affairs Reform in Local University地方高校学生事务工作改革趋势研究
12.The Review of 30-year College Students Affairs Management Research大学生事务管理近30年研究进展述评
13.Characteristics and Enlightenment of American University Student Affairs美国高校学生事务管理之特点与启示
14.Changes and Enlightenment of American College Student Affairs Management美国高校学生事务管理的变革及启示
15.The students affairs management (SAM) in higher education institutions in Mainland China:issues and strategies我国高校学生事务管理:问题与对策
16.The Viewpoints, Practice and Edification of the Student Affairs Administration of American Universities;美国高校学生事务管理的观点、实务及其启示
17.The Exploration and Practice of "One-Stop" Service Pattern of Students' Affairs高校学生事务“一站式”服务模式的探索与实践
18.On the Student Management of China s Non-state Institutions from the Theory of Student Affairs Management;从学生事务管理理论看我国民办高校学生管理
Student Affairs Division学生事务处
3)college student affairs大学生事务
1.Regarding "Higher Education"(RUC1980-2007)as an object,the paper analyzes the progress of nearly 30 years' college student affairs management research.以《高等教育》(人大复印资料1980—2007年)为研究对象,就我国近30年来学者对大学生事务管理研究进展进行了梳理。
4)student affairs administration学生事务管理
1.On the Ethical Principles of the College Student Affairs Administration;高校学生事务管理的伦理原则
2.The administration of college students mass organization is an important component of student affairs administration.高校学生社团管理是学生事务管理的重要组成部分,学生社团是塑造学生综合素质的平台,具有内容广泛性、形式多样性、参与自主性和成效辐射性等特点。
3.From the perspectives of culture,student affairs administration is a cultural process in which universities and colleges try to turn campus culture into student culture for promoting the student all-around development,which is useful to reorientate the characteristics of student affairs administration and the role of student affairs administrators.高校学生事务管理是指高校对学生非学术性活动和课外活动的组织指导和管理。
5)student affairs management学生事务管理
1.The concept evolution and localization of student affairs management in universities高校学生事务管理概念的演变与本土化
2.The student affairs management is one of the most important issues in contemporary international higher education development.学生事务管理是当今世界各国高等教育改革的重要议题,本文对目前国际上主要的三种学生事务管理组织模式,即内部事务型、外部事务型、内外事务混合型进行分析,并对这三种模式各自的组织结构和功能作了比较。
3.Its excellent achievements and effects in higher education are closely associated with the student affairs management.美国是当今世界上高等教育最发达的国家之一,其高教领域的杰出成就与其卓有成效的学生事务管理工作密不可分。
6)student affairs administrator学生事务管理者
SOM建筑设计事务所 美国最大的建筑师-工程师事务所之一。1936年,L.斯基德莫尔(Louis Skidmore)和J.O.梅里尔(John O.Merrill)在芝加哥开始合作,1939年 N.奥因斯(Natha-niel Owings)加入,事务所按三人的姓氏的第一个字母取名为SOM。斯基德莫尔是一位思想敏锐的设计师,梅里尔是工程师,奥因斯则是一位组织者。对于每一个重大项目,这三位合作者中有一人负责同业主打交道,一人负责具体事务,一人负责选择和支持设计师作出尽可能完善的设计,而对设计过程尽量不加干预。后来,事务所的规模逐步扩大,除芝加哥外,还在纽约、旧金山、波特兰、丹佛、洛杉矶、休斯敦、波士顿和华盛顿设立分所,拥有 1800多名建筑师和工程师。SOM的作品遍及美国和世界上40多个国家。曾获得美国建筑师协会1962年首次颁发的建筑企业奖。 SOM的早期作品受 L.密斯·范·德·罗的影响很大,60年代中期以后,情况有所改变,但其作品仍然保持干净利索、简洁新颖的特点,结构体系则更为多样化,外部轮廓增加了变化。 SOM在高层和超高层建筑设计方面的成就得到公认。 SOM的著名建筑师G.邦沙夫特设计,1952年建的纽约利华公司办公大厦(简称利华大厦,见彩图),是当时新型办公楼的代表。建筑理论家L.芒福德说:"它在两个显著方面超越了传统的办公楼,即设计不是根据最大租赁率而是为获得迅速开展业务的效率;充分运用了当时所能有的办法使大厦出落得舒适、雅致和漂亮。" SOM在 60年代设计的办公楼大都是直上直下、不加装饰的各式高层框架。 如 60层的纽约大通曼哈顿银行、52层的休斯敦贝壳广场大厦、纽约美国钢铁公司等。而晚些时候芝加哥的100层约翰·汉考克大厦(1970)和110层西尔斯大厦(1974)都是非常别致的超高层建筑。约翰·汉考克大厦上小下大,斜撑外露,屋顶竖有高106米的两层电视塔;每平方米耗钢量为 145千克,相当于一般传统框架结构40~50层塔式建筑的用钢量。 SOM其他著名作品很多,如比利时布鲁塞尔的朗伯特银行、沙特阿拉伯吉达新国际机场以及美国许多大学校园和一些工厂实验室等。
大学发展,university development
1)university development大学发展
1.University president s personality charm and university development;大学校长的人格魅力与大学发展
2.Whether university can make institutional adjustment timely to the transformation of knowledge paradigm directly decides whether university can gain the acknowledgement of the society and therefore leads to the prosperity and decline of university development.大学对知识范式的转型能否及时作出制度上的调整,直接关系到大学能否得到社会的肯定并由此引发大学发展的兴盛与衰亡。
3.To treat the development of university in the view of academic freedom is to emphasize that academic freedom should be taken as the basic principle and tiptop value orientation of university development,as well as a comprehensive and overall value standard system.以学术自由来观照大学的发展,就是强调应以学术自由为大学发展的基本原则和最高价值取向,要将学术自由作为一个综合的、全面的价值标准体系,以学术自由为根基来运作和引导大学的改革与实践,统整大学的规模、效益、速度、结构、质量等全面协调发展。
1.University Spirit and its Uses in the Development of a University;论大学精神及其在大学发展中的作用
2.Promoting the University Development by Culture Construction--Take Jishou University in Hunan Province as case;建设大学文化 促进大学发展——以吉首大学为个案
3.The symbiosis relationship between the idea and principal of the university from the universities development;从大学发展看大学理念与大学校长的共生关系
4.Implementation Realization Science Development View to Impetus Institute Big Development;贯彻落实科学发展观,推动学院大发展
5.The Strategy of Scientific Development and the Undergraduates Outlook of Sustainable Development;科学发展观与大学生的可持续发展观
6.Instructing University Students Full Scale Development by the Scientific Concept of Development;以科学发展观指导大学生的全面发展
7.Inter-University Centre for Andean Development大学间安第斯发展中心
8.Look Back on 30 years' History of TVU,Look Forward to Its Scientific Development回顾电大30年历程 展望电大科学发展
9.A Significant Innovation: China s Shift from the Traditional Development View to the Present Scientific Development Theory;科学发展观是对发展理论的重大创新
10.Establishing Scientific Developing Viewpoint Developing Circulation Economy;树立科学发展观 大力发展循环经济
11.Programme for the Future and Development of RTUs with Scientific Idea on Development;用科学发展观谋划电大的未来和发展
12.Devoting Major Efforts to Developing Higher Professional Education While Holding Firmly to the Scientific Philosophy of Development;坚持科学发展观 大力发展高职教育
13.Carrying out the View of Scientific Development Developing the Cyclical Economy Greatly;落实科学发展观 大力发展循环经济
14.On Scientific and Sustained Development of RTVU;树立科学发展观 促进电大持续发展
15.To Guide the Coordinated Development of the Cause of TVU with the Scientific Concept of Development以科学发展观引领电大事业协调发展
16.On learning & practicing of the concept of scientific development and promoting the students' all-round development学习实践科学发展观 促进大学生全面发展
17.Develop Subjects Scientifically:Thinking about the Building of College Subjects;科学发展学科——大学学科建设的思考
18.New Century:The Development of China s Universities and their Students;新世纪:中国大学与大学生的发展方向
development of university大学发展
1.From the perspective of education, it also makes further study of the spirit of university and expounds the important role of this spirit in the development of university.本文对大学精神的定义和内涵作了分析,从教育的角度进一步研究了大学精神,并阐述了大学精神在大学发展中的重要作用。
3)ideas on universities development大学发展观
4)developing university发展中大学
1.On strategies of laboratory construction of the developing university;论发展中大学实验室建设的策略
5)development of college students大学生发展
6)development of university disciplines大学学科发展
山东大学哲学与社会发展学院山东大学哲学与社会发展学院成立于1999年11月,由原哲学系和社会学系合并组建而成。现设哲学、宗教学、社会学、社会工作四个本科专业;拥有“易学与中国古代哲学” 、“犹太教与跨宗教研究” 2个教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地;中国哲学、外国哲学2个博士点;马克思主义哲学、中国哲学、外国哲学、科技哲学、宗教学、伦理学、社会学、社会保障8个硕士点;哲学一级学科博士后科研流动站。另有诠释学研究中心、儒学研究所、宗教研究中心、社会发展研究所、社区研究所、现代传播研究所等科研机构。全院现有教职工60人(包括2名外籍教授),其中教授22人,副教授19人,获博士学位者17人,在读博士学位者7人,占教师人数的61.7%,博士研究生导师11人。 现有在校本科生、研究生725人;继续教育学生813人。哲学专业1960年开始招收本科生,1964年招收研究生,是专业基础十分深厚成熟的基础专业,易学、儒学、中外比较哲学、犹太哲学、社会发展理论等领域的研究均形成了鲜明的研究特色,在国内本学科领域具有一定的地位和影响。社会学专业是我国社会学专业恢复以后教育部第一批批准组建的社会学专业之一,筹建于1983年,1986年正式招收第一届本科生,1994年开始招收硕士研究生,目前已建设成具有广阔发展空间、基础与应用紧密结合的社会应用性学科,在社会学理论、社会心理学、社区研究、社会保障、社会学方法等领域研究方面形成鲜明特色。宗教学专业2001年开始招收本科生,该专业以学习宗教学的基本理论,学习和研究国外的宗教学说、世界主要宗教的思想和历史,引导正确的信仰为专业研究重点,培养具有较广博的文史哲知识的宗教研究与管理人才。在犹太教、佛教、道教等方面独具特色。社会工作专业1999年招收本科生,是我院在应用社会学领域为适应同国际化接轨的需要而设立的新兴专业,致力于社会工作理论知识、社会保障及社会福利、社区工作等学术领域的研究,培养政府及其社会组织的复合型管理人才。近年来,学院,先后与中国社会科学院哲学所、宗教所,北京大学、人民大学等著名学术机构和高校建立起密切的合作关系。与英国、美国、加拿大、以色列、韩国、瑞士、香港、台湾等国家和地区的大学或研究机构亦建立起经常性的交流与合作关系。学院位于山东大学东区(老校)六号楼,院图书室拥有中外文藏书10万余册,各类学术期刊265种;计算机室设备齐全,条件良好;社会工作、心理学实验室、多媒体、多功能教学设备先进.二十多年来,学院共培养本专科生2300余人,双学位生200余人,研究生538人。
农村图书馆,Rural library
1)Rural library农村图书馆
1.The rural library can elaborate important effects in enhancing the peasant s cultural and technological qualities.建设社会主义新农村离不开农村文化建设,农村图书馆建设和发展对提升农民文化素质和农业技术水平起着重要作用。
2.In view of the relative lagging behind of the current rural library development,the concerns by the Party and the government for people s livelihood,and the disintegration of the administration concepts in building a new socialist countryside,the paper has undertaken a theoretic thought,and repositioning of rural library from the angle of legal and regulation.针对当前农村图书馆发展相对滞后,与党和政府关注民生、建设新农村的执政理念相脱节的现象,进行理性的思考,并从法律、法规的角度对农村图书馆重新定位思考。
3.This paper introduces the present situation of educational function of American rural library,and in the light of the concrete situation of Chinese rural library,advances some suggestions from the aspect of the combination of rural library and rural education.介绍了美国农村图书馆教育功能的现状,针对我国农村图书馆的具体情况,从农村图书馆与农村教育相结合方面提出了一些建议。
1.The Present State and Future of the Construction of Countryside Library--Illustrated by Changde Countryside Library;农村图书馆的建设现状及发展思路——以常德市农村图书馆为例
2.Talking about the Present Situation of Basic-level Rural Library and the Coping Strategy浅谈基层农村图书馆现状及应对策略
3.An Analysis of Researches on Rural Libraries Published in China from 1978 to 20071978-2007年我国农村图书馆研究状况述评
4.Discussion on the Construction of the Library(Book Room) in the New Socialist Countryside简论社会主义新农村图书馆(室)建设
5.A Combination of Library and Teaching: Opportunity and Countermeasures for Rural Library Development馆教结合:农村图书馆发展的机遇与对策
6.Research on Information Resources Sharing between Urban and Rural Libraries in the Construction of Rural Library农村图书馆建设过程中的城乡图书馆信息资源共享服务初探
7.A Feasible Measure to Develop China Rural Libraries Sustainably--Library Foundation我国农村图书馆持续发展的可行措施——图书馆基金会
8.Study on the Project Quality Control of Qingdao Rural Library青岛市农村图书馆建设项目质量控制研究
9.The Construction and Development of Rural Community Libraries;农村社区图书馆(室)建设发展问题初探
10.The Development of the Cuture Construction of New Countryside and the Libraries of Villages and Towns;新农村文化建设与乡镇图书馆的发展
11.On Construction of Rural Libraries in Building a New Countryside;新农村建设中的乡村图书馆(室)建设探讨
12.Research on the Construction of New Socialist Countryside and the Development of Rural Library;社会主义新农村建设与乡村图书馆发展研究
13.Develop Rural Library to Promote the Construction of Socialist New Countryside发展乡村图书馆促进社会主义新农村建设
14.Construction of the Knowledge Platform Serving New Socialist Countryside in Libraries of Agricultural and Forestry Universities农林高校图书馆新农村服务知识平台的构建
15.Exploration on Rural Knowledge Service Model of Agricultural University Libraries农业院校图书馆对农村知识服务模式的探讨
16.On the Agricultural University Library Serving the Rural Reform and Development试论农业高校图书馆为农村改革发展服务
17.On the rural library s functions in the new countryside reconstruction;浅谈乡镇图书馆在新农村建设中的作用
18.The Study on the Development Strategy of Rural School Libraries in the New Situation;农村学校图书馆在新形势下的发展策略
Rural libraries农村图书馆
1.This paper has made a fairly thorough investigation on the current situation of rural libraries in economically developed regions,expounded the developing situation of rural libraries at present and analyzed the existing problems in two aspects.对某经济发达地区农村图书馆现状进行了比较深入的调查,阐述了当前农村图书馆的发展状况,并对其存在的一些问题从两方面进行了分析。
2.This paper has explored the development of rural libraries in China,that is,the problems of rural library construction through documentary investigation.运用文献资料法对我国图书馆事业发展中的薄弱环节——农村图书馆建设问题进行探讨,结果认为:在创建和谐社会与社会主义新农村背景下建立我国农村图书馆具有重要的意义;通过历史回顾与分析,指出我国农村图书馆发展的主要困境有书源严重不足、活动萧条、缺少管理员、缺乏购书经费。
3.The rural libraries should have great developing opportunities along with the construction of new socialistic countryside and the realization of harmonious society.文章分析了在建设社会主义新农村,全面实现小康的伟大进程中,农村图书馆(室)必将迎来大发展的契机;论述了农村图书馆(室)的发展重在创新机制;探讨了注重特色是农村图书馆(室)发展的必然。
3)Rural libraries development农村图书馆建设
4)the rural school library农村学校图书馆
1.The article discusses the position and name function in sympathetic responsibility that should be bom of the rural school library in the development of the rural education.讨论农村学校图书馆在农村教育的发展过程中,所处的地位及应承担的责任和应起的作用。
5)library in new rural area新农村图书馆
6)Rural community library农村社区图书馆
《中国科学院图书馆图书分类法》 中国科学院图书馆编制的等级列举式分类法,简称《科图法》。1954年开始编写,1957年 4月完成自然科学部分初稿,1958年3月完成社会科学部分初稿,1958年11月科学出版社出版。1959年10月出版索引。1970年10月开始修订,1974年2月出版第2版的自然科学、综合性图书和附表部分;1979年11月出版第 2版的马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想,哲学和社会科学部分;1982年12月出版第2版的索引。 体系结构 《科图法》设有马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想,哲学,社会科学,自科科学,综合性图书等5大部类,共25大类。其部类、大类及其标记符号如下: 00 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想 10 哲学 20 社会科学 21 历史、历史学 27 经济、经济学 31 政治、社会生活 34 法律、法学 36 军事、军事学 37 文化、科学、教育、体育 41 语言、文字学 42 文学 48 艺术 49 无神论、宗教学 50 自然科学 51 数学 52 力学 53 物理学 54 化学 55 天文学 56 地质、地理科学 58 生物科学 61 医药、卫生 65 农业科学 71 技术科学 90 综合性图书 结构 《科图法》包括主表和附表两部分。主表设有大纲、简表和详表。附表又分为通用附表和专类附表两种。第1版共设有8个通用附表:总类复分表、中国时代排列表、中国地域区分表、中国各民族排列表、国际时代表、世界地域区分表、苏联地域区分表、机关出版品排列表。第2版删去了使用较少的后两种附表。第1版和第2版均编有索引。 标记符号 《科图法》采用阿拉伯数字为类目的标记符号,号码分为两部分:第一部分为顺序数字,即用00~99标记 5 大部类25 大类及主要类目;第二部分为"小数制",即在00~99两位数字后加一小数点"·",小数点后基本上按小数体系编号,以容纳细分的类目。类号排列时,先排顺序数字,后排小数点后的层累数字,例如:11.1,11.11,11.12,11.13,...,11.2,11.21,11.22,11.23,...,11.29,11.3,...,12,13,...。 特点 ①自然科学类目比较详细。②采用交替、参见等方法,较好地解决了相关类别的图书在目录和藏书组织中既可集中又能分散的问题。③标记符号单纯、简洁,易于排检。④编有相关索引。 应用 《科图法》主要被中国科学院系统图书馆、国内其他一些科学研究机构和高等学校的图书馆采用,1979年使用单位达1000多个。其分类号被印在北京图书馆和上海图书馆编制的统一编目卡片上(见集中编目)。1986年该分类法获国家科委颁发的科技情报成果奖和中国科学院颁发的科学技术进步奖。
责任教育,responsibility education
1)responsibility education责任教育
1.In the sight of reality of public activities,this paper discusses the significance of developing responsibility education,and put forwards the idea of systematic responsibility on the basis of system theory.从社会生活的现实出发,论述了开展责任教育的社会意义,并从系统学说的理念提出系统责任教育的思想。
2.The responsibility education is one of the core contents of the university students moral education.责任教育是大学生德育的核心内容之一。
1.Compaion Education Applies in the Responsibility;同伴教育在高中生责任教育中的应用
2.On the Duty Education in the Moral Education Teaching of Vocational Colleges and Universities;刍议职业院校德育教学中的责任教育
3.Responsibility Education:a Recent Task of Moral Education in the University;责任教育:高校德育的一个全新课题
4.On the Moral Responsibility Education under Non-standpoint Angle;论“无立场”视阈下的道德责任教育
5.A Discussion of The Carry-out of Fostering the Sense of Responsibility in College Students;在高校大学生中开展责任教育的探讨
6.Research on the Insufficiency of the Responsibility Education for Contemporary College Students;关于当代大学生责任教育缺失的思考
7.On the Moral Responsibility Education in Universities in Sight of the Harmonious society;论和谐社会视域下高校道德责任教育
8.Reflections on Undergraduates Responsibility Education Content System;关于大学生责任教育内容体系的思考
9.On the Practical Model of Fostering the Sense of Responsibility of the Modern University Students;当代大学生责任教育的实践模式探讨
10.education for responsible parenthood有关父母责任的教育
11.Entrepreneur Education: New Responsibility and Mission of Higher Education;创业教育:大学教育新的责任与使命
12.Educational Accountability System and Strengthening of Educational Responsibility of American Government;教育考责制与美国政府教育责任的强化
13.On Government Responsibility and Path to Realization in Private Higher Education in China;论我国民办高等教育的政府责任及其履责路径
14.She was saddled with the responsibility of educating three small children.她承担着教育三个孩子的责任。
15.They are charged with the heavy responsibility of educating people.他们在思想教育方面的责任尤其重大。
16.He had to assume the responsibility of educating his brother'schildren.他必须担起教育他哥哥的小孩的责任。
17.His further education intensified his sense of responsibility.他进一步受的教育加强了他的责任感。
18.Parents are responsible to their children for their education.父母应该对其子女的教育负有责任。
education responsibility教育责任
1.This paper discusses the dilemma which teachers face while undertaking the education responsibility.从教育诉讼增多现象开始分析,以责任和教育责任为逻辑起点,探讨了教师承担教育责任的两难困境,分析了教育责任中的伦理问题,提出使教师承担教育责任的三点建议。
2.American educational accountability system is one kind of management mode, which begins from 1960s with the promotion of the Civil Rights Movement and Education Equality Movement, this policy system focus on the identify and examine of education responsibility.美国教育考责制是在20世纪60年代教育机会均等和民权运动的推动下产生的管理模式,它是一种对教育责任进行认定和考查的法律制度。
3)the high school in the mountain area责任感教育
4)sense of educational responsibility教育责任心
5)the sense of the educational responsibility教育责任感
6)education quality responsibility教育质量责任
基督教僧侣教育和教民教育 西欧中世纪早期,基督教成为封建社会的支柱,教育被教会垄断,教师由教会委任,教育内容以神学为主,异教学校被取缔,世俗文化教育几乎被一扫而光。基督教僧侣教育和教民教育成为西欧中世纪教育的主体。 基督教教会的教育机构 僧院学校 基督教教会最主要的、水平较高的教育机构是僧院学校。僧院学校是由僧院发展而来的。公元3 世纪起,罗马帝国进入奴隶社会的崩溃阶段,特权阶级穷奢极欲,民不聊生。众多基督教教徒遂隐遁山野,企图借独居隐修生活,忘却尘世疾苦。这些"修行者"大多居住在埃及的荒漠之地,过着森严的禁欲生活。由于隐居修行的人日增,后来便建立公共场所,开展集体苦修活动。公元 4世纪,在埃及出现了最初的僧院。此种修行制度渐渐遍及埃及、叙利亚、巴勒斯坦等地,并传至希腊、意大利等地,不久,便盛行于西欧各地。修行制度经基督教教父之一的哲罗姆、著名神学家圣奥古斯丁、J.卡西安等人改进,特别是本尼狄克制定教规后,西欧僧院的风尚和活动为之一新。僧侣除注意自身虔修外,还注意读经学习。修行者为了诵读,便搜集经卷,广为抄写。僧院一般都设有图书馆及阅览室,逐渐成为文化和知识的贮藏所。有些修行者也著书立说,内容涉及宗教、道德和历史等。公元 9世纪时,几乎所有僧院都附设学校,称为僧院学校。 僧院学校的学生分为两类。一类是准备充当僧侣的儿童,称为"自愿献身者"(Oblate)。另一类是学成后仍为俗人,不准备充当僧侣者,称为"外来者"(Externe)。公元10世纪时,已有两类僧院学校。为前类儿童设的学校称为内学,为后类儿童设立的学校称为外学。僧院学校学生入学年龄约在10岁左右。 学习期限约8~10年。僧院学校的教育目的是培植学生具有僧侣所必备的"服从、贞洁、安贫"三种品质。 僧院学校除传授基督教教义外,也进行简单的读、写、算的基本知识教育。这些都是为诵读圣经、抄写圣书和计算宗教节日服务的。后来逐渐把七艺纳入课程。一些学校只教授三艺(文法、修辞、辩证法)称为三科学校 (Trivial schools)。只有高级的学校才在三艺之后学习四艺(算术、几何、天文、音乐)。中世纪的七艺经过基督教教会的加工,已贯穿了宗教的精神,而神学则是整个学科体系的"王冠"。神学加上七艺,构成了中世纪中等教育的主要内容。 僧院学校的教师多由僧侣担任。领导学校的僧侣称为校长,大的学校校长则配有助手。一般学校中设有唱歌长,负责教唱教会歌曲,也负责抄写?捅9芡际椤I枰幻Ъ啵涸鸺喽窖难孕小?教学方法是由教师口授,说明意义,学生记录讲述的内容,诵读牢记。学生入学时间不一,学习进度不等,学习时间也因人而异。教学用语为拉丁语。教学多采用问答法,实行个别教学。僧院学校对学生的管教是极为严格的,盛行严酷的不容申辩的体罚和侮辱性的惩罚。 大主教学校 早在基督教教会建立之初,教会便设立了教义学校,对洗礼入教的教民施行有关教义、教规的训练。为了传播教义,培训传教人员,基督教教会又在城市的大教堂中设立教义问答学校,由主教以带徒弟的方式传授神学。基督教传遍罗马帝国全境后,曾划分主教管区,各主教管区内设立大主教学校,直接由主教管理。后来,主教又委托专人(称为Scholastius)主管大主教学校。大主教学校以培养未来的僧侣为目的,学校的水平同僧院学校比较接近,学校设备较其为好,学科内容也更完备些。 其他教育机构 教会对教民和一般世俗群众进行教育的主要机构是教区学校。教区学校设在牧师所在的村落,学校规模很小,设备简陋,只教授一般读、写、算和基督教的初步知识。 基督教教会对女童的教育主要是在家庭和女修道院中进行的。封建贵族常把他们的女童送入女修道院中接受文化和宗教教育。学习内容除读、写外,还有音乐、纺织、女红等。 在中世纪后期,基督教教会创办了拉丁文法学校,同时产生了教徒私人捐款设立的义院学校。前者是由教会控制的中等教育性质的学校。后者由神职人员任教师,但受俗人的支持和监督。 基督教教派对教育的影响 基督教内部派系复杂,各派为扩大本教派的影响,都在传教的同时致力于教育事业。中世纪早期影响较大的是本尼狄克派,后期影响较大的是托钵修会。 ①本尼狄克派。本尼狄克生于意大利的贵族家庭。初为基督教修行主义者。公元 529年在拿波里附近山中建立僧院,对徒众进行宗教教育,并改进修行制度,制定教规。本尼狄克教规共73条。其中规定修行者每日参加体力劳动7小时,读书学习2小时。僧徒除斋戒冥思、孤身修炼、进行传教活动外,还从事耕作、慈善事业及儿童教育工作。后来,还从事土地开垦和学术研究等。因此,本尼狄克派名声大振,影响扩及英国、法国、比利时、奥地利和瑞士等国,在各地建立僧院多达250所。 ②托钵修会。托钵修会中,方济各派和多米尼克派对教育有较大的影响,有许多高级僧侣以研究经院哲学著称。方济各派是由意大利人方济各于 1209 年创立的,1212年得到教皇的明令认可。此派一面宣传基督教教义,一面致力于平民教育。1230年方济各派在巴黎建立一所僧院,加强神学教育,也注意提高文化知识教育水平。此派曾造就了许多有名的学者。多米尼克派是由西班牙僧侣多米尼克建立的,于1217年经教皇认可。此派注重对社会中上阶级进行高等教育。意大利的博洛尼亚大学、法国的巴黎大学、英国的牛津大学都是此派的活动据点。 基督教垄断西欧教育事业达1000余年之久。至中世纪后期,新兴市民阶层兴起,几经斗争,赢得了开办世俗学校的权利,基督教独占教育的局面才告结束。但是,基督教教会仍开办相当数量的教会学校,对世俗学校的控制和影响仍是相当深远的。 (见彩图) 参考书目 Margaret Deansley , A History of the MedievalChurch,590~1500,2ed,Methuen & Co.,Ltd.,London,1938. Lan C.Hannah, Christiɑn Monasticism , A Great Force in History,The Macmillan Company,New York,1925.
游牧文化,nomadic culture
1)nomadic culture游牧文化
1.Refulgence made by combining nomadic culture with farming culture——Qin Dynasty unification(first);游牧文化和农耕文化联手打造辉煌——秦统一论纲(一)
2.Research from Nomadic Culture and Female Customs to Folk Faith;从游牧文化、女性民俗到民间信仰研究
3.The nomadic culture" and the Utopia in cyberspace;“游牧文化”与网络乌托邦
1.Pasture Tourism: Nomadic Culture on Display and Pastoral Area’s Harmonious Development--the Case of Kazak in the Hutubi County牧家乐:游牧文化展演与牧区和谐发展——以呼图壁县哈萨克族为例
2.Nomadism Culture and Farming Culture : Two Kinds of Culture Blendings together with Patching each other;游牧文化与农业文化:两种文明的交融与互补
3.Research from Nomadic Culture and Female Customs to Folk Faith;从游牧文化、女性民俗到民间信仰研究
4.Intermingling and Conflict of the Poems in Yuan Dynasty between Nomadic and Agricultural Life;游牧文化与农耕文化冲击及融合中的元诗
5.The reflections of nomadic and farming cultures in Arabic and Chinese vocabularies;游牧文化与农耕文化在阿汉词汇中的体现
6.Humanistic Spirit In Qin and Han dynasties of the Nomadic Culture Reflected in "Be Willing to Hear about the Hun"从“闻匈奴中乐”看秦汉时期游牧文化的人文精神
7.Mongolian People and Nomadic Culture in the Industrialization Tide;工业化浪潮之下的蒙古民族及其草原游牧文化
8.The plowing culture and the nomadic culture are two traditional principal cultures in China.农耕文化与游牧文化是我国传统的两大主体文化。
9.Embodiment Study on Mongolian Nomadic Culture in Contemporary Chamber Designing;蒙古族游牧文化在现代室内设计中的体现研究
10.On the Feature of Nomadic Culture of Uygur from The Felt Blanket of Xinjiang;由新疆毡毯看维吾尔族的游牧文化特征
11.On the Ecological View of the Nomadic Culture of Mongolian and its Enlightenment;蒙古族草原游牧文化中的生态观念及其启示
12.An Archaeological Study of Settlements of the Early Nomadic Culture in the Eastern Tianshan Mountain Region东天山地区早期游牧文化聚落考古研究
13.The article discusses the diet culture of the herdsmen who are accustomed to the nomadic environment and economy.文章研究了适应游牧环境和游牧经济的牧人的饮食文化。
14.Fasti Festival and the Dietetic Culture of Northern Nomad Nationalities岁时节庆与北方游牧民族饮食文化
15.Aesthetic Sense Expressing by Nomadic Vocabulary of Yugur;裕固族游牧词汇表现的审美文化内蕴
17.The Historical Development and Present Situation of the Northern Horde Craft Culture;北方游牧民族工艺文化的发展历史与现状
18.The Nomad s Way of Life Hunts the Culture of Social Original Athletics Appearance to Contain to Test;游牧狩猎社会原始体育形象的文化蕴含略考
Nomadic culture circle游牧文化圈
3)Mongolian nomadic culture蒙古族游牧文化
1.Based on the Mongolian nomadic culture,the essay cuts in from the designing and embodiment of Mongolian style chamber after the investigation and research of the Mongolian nomadic culture.在总结蒙古族游牧文化特征的基础上,从现代具有蒙古族风格的室内空间设计与表现切入,与时代相结合,将蒙古族游牧文化转化为室内设计语言再现于现代蒙古族风格室内空间之中,目的是做出可以真正满足人们的审美及基本需求的设计,从而开拓了研究蒙古族游牧文化的新视角。
4)normadic ecnomic culture游牧经济文化
5)the culture of the nomadic nationalities游牧民族文化
6)nomadic culture remains游牧文化遗存
游牧公社 见农村公社。
科学社会学,sociology of science
1)sociology of science科学社会学
1.Study of sociology of science on the chemists in Fujian province;闽籍化学家人才群落形成的科学社会学探析
2.Methodology of sociology of science: toward social contextualization;科学社会学方法论:走向社会语境化
3.Studies on the formation and development of sociology of science from the Soviet science study;从科学学看苏联科学社会学的形成和发展
1.The Relationship of Science and Society in the Perspective of Sociology of Science科学社会学视野中的科学与社会的关系
2.Methodology of sociology of science: toward social contextualization;科学社会学方法论:走向社会语境化
3.Social anthropology is one of the social sciences.社会人类学是社会科学的一门学科.
4.Bachelor of Social Sciences [University of Hong Kong]社会科学学士〔香港大学〕
5.China Society for Social Sciences Information中国社会科学情报学会
6.Society for Social Responsibility in Science科学的社会责任学会
7.interdisciplinary programs in the humanities and social sciences跨学科的人文学科和社会科学
8.Another"Science" --On the Scientific Essence of Social Science;另一种“科学”——论社会科学的科学本质
9.China Social Sciences Publishing House中国社会科学出版社
10.Doctor of Social Sciences [University of Hong Kong]社会科学博士〔香港大学〕
11.Master of Social Sciences [University of Hong Kong]社会科学硕士〔香港大学〕
12.Economics and sociology are social sciences.经济学兴社会学是社会科学。
13.The Structure of Social Sciences in the Perspective of Sociology;社会学视野中的社会科学学科构成——兼论社会科学研究的基本困境
14.SSRC (Social Science Research Council)社会科学研究委员会
15.The Perspective of Science Education in the Field of Vision of Sociology of Scientific Knowledgehina;2Q;科学知识社会学视野中的科学教育观
16.A Study of the Dispelling of Scientism by Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;论科学知识社会学对科学主义的消解
17.Science Popularization: Sociological Resolution and Social Action;科学普及的社会学解析及其社会举措
18.The Sociality and Medical Sociology Quality of General Practitioners;全科医生的社会性及医学社会学素养
scientific sociology科学社会学
1.Reviewing from the angle of scientific sociology to unclose the mode of "architecture-society" under the form of China ancient architecture and its social philosophy will provide a new way for research of China ancient architecture.运用科学社会学的观念,揭示中国古建筑在其形式背后的"空间-社会结构"模式,以及这种模式下的社会哲理,将会为古建筑研究提供一个新的研究路径。
2.Bernard Barber holds that Marxist scientific sociology needs amendment and purification because Marx only recognizes “economic factor".伯纳德·巴伯认为,马克思只承认“经济因素”对科学进步产生作用,因而提出对马克思主义的科学社会学要进行“修正和纯化”。
3)Social science社会科学
1.Metrological research on articles in six academic periodicals of social science;六种社会科学期刊论文计量研究
2.An Analysis on the Academic Influence of University Press in the Social Science Studies through CSSCI;从CSSCI看大学出版社在社会科学研究领域的学术影响
3.How new editors working in the social science magazines can be competent for their work as soon as possible;哲学社会科学期刊新编辑自我定位的探讨
4)social sciences社会科学
1.A study on social sciences information net construction of Liaoning academy of social sciences;辽宁社会科学院社科信息网构建研究
2.Analyzing Guangdong Productivity Social Sciences;广东社会科学生产力试析
3.Differences between social sciences and natural sciences;社会科学与自然科学的五个差异——兼论进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的现实意义
5)scientific society科学社会
6)social studies社会学科
科学社会学 科学学、社会学的一个组成部分。也是马克思主义哲学,特别是历史唯物主义所关注并指导其研究的一个重要课题。它主要研究作为一种社会结构的科学社会体制的结构、职能、演变及其与其他社会体制的相互关系,阐述科学的社会功能及其历史地位。(见科学学、自然科学与社会)
学术影响力,academic influence
1)academic influence学术影响力
1.A study on academic influence of honors of Nightingale medal and its significance;南丁格尔奖获得者学术影响力的研究意义
2.Evaluation and analysis of academic influence of Fujian agricultural journals;福建省农业科技期刊学术影响力的评估与分析
3.Comparative study on academic influence of 5 journals in obstetrics and gynecology;5种妇产科期刊学术影响力的比较研究
1.Functioning Mechanism Innovation:a necessary means to develop the academic journal提高大学学报学术影响力的有效路径
2.Measurement of the Academic Influence of University Journals of Arts in Jiangxi Province;江西省高校文科学报学术影响力测度
3.Influences of sports academic periodicals based on CSSCI;基于CSSCI(2004—2006)的体育学术期刊学术影响力分析
4.Research on University Academic Level Based on Web Link Analysis基于链接分析的高校学术影响力研究
5.Scholarly Impact of Youth studies Based on the Database of CSSCI基于CSSCI视角看《青年研究》的学术影响力
6.Evaluation on the Academic Influence of Comparative Education Review《比较教育研究》的学术影响力评价
7.Masters thesis·Academic Factors and Academic Influence:Thinking on the Style of Academic Journals;名人论文·影响因子与学术影响力——对学术期刊编风的思考
8.Analysis on the Changing Trends of Academic Influence of Medical Core Journals in China from the View of Impact Factor从影响因子角度分析我国医学核心期刊学术影响力变化趋势
9.CSSCI and Academy Impact Analysis about Several Journals of Management Science Preliminarily;CSSCI与管理科学部分源期刊学术影响力浅析
10.An Analysis on the Academic Influence of the History Series of Duplicated Newspapers and Periodicals Data“复印报刊资料”史学系列期刊学术影响力分析
11.Academic-weight Analysis of Jurisprudence Editions of Fu Yin Bao Kan Zhi Liao《复印报刊资料》法学系列期刊学术影响力分析
12.Academic Influence of "Replicated Journals" of Philosophy“复印报刊资料”哲学系列期刊学术影响力分析
13.Analysis on the Academic Influence of "Photocopied Data" Pedagogy Series Periodicals《复印报刊资料》教育学系列期刊学术影响力分析
14.Statistical Analysis of Productivity and Influences of Academic Papers in Tianjin Radio & TV University during 2001-20072001~2007年天津电大学术论文产出力和学术影响力的统计分析
15.A study on academic influence of honors of Nightingale medal and its significance南丁格尔奖获得者学术影响力的研究意义
16.Report of Productivity and Impact of Scientific Articles Produced by Authors in Harbin Medical University;哈尔滨医科大学学术论文产出力与影响力研究
17.Analysis of factors Related to the Quality and Influence of Medical Academic Papers医学学术论文产出力及影响力相关因素分析
18.Their writings took powerful hold of academic circles.他们的著作在学术界有巨大的影响力。
academy impact学术影响力
1.Generally,there was a little increase of academy impact of these journals between four years,but most indicators keep low within the same subject category.总体上,四年间SCIE收录我国生物类期刊学术影响力有所增大,但一些指标的学科内排名仍然很低。
3)academic impact analysis学术影响力分析
4)web academic impact网上学术影响力
5)academic influence学术影响
1.According to the sample data of statistical journals in CSSCI from 2004-2006 compiled by Chinese Social Sciences Research Evaluation Center,this paper makes statistical analyses on the evaluation index,such as speed of citation,times cited and impact factor,so that to analyze the academic influence and development trend of all kinds of journals.根据南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心编制的中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)提供的2004-2006年统计学期刊数据,对统计学期刊的影响因子、被引次数、被引速率等指标加以统计分析,以剖析各期刊的学术影响力及发展变化趋势。
2.And religious periodicals have been divided into several levels according their comprehensive academic influence.本文以11种宗教学期刊2004-2006年在CSSCI的相关统计数据为数据来源,从被引次数、被引速率和影响因子三个角度定量分析评价了宗教学期刊的学术影响力,最后还根据各刊的综合学术影响力划分了层次,以此来促进和引导宗教学期刊及宗教学研究活动的繁荣与发展。
6)Influence of mechanics力学影响
发达国家主导弱化我实质影响力 中国亟需定价权中国是世界上石油、铜、大豆等许多大宗原材料的%26#8220;大买家%26#8221;,却没有大宗原材料的国际定价话语权,要随时无奈承担国际市场投机涨价的风险。中国对世界大宗原材料贸易形成强大的需求拉动,却没有掌握大宗原材料市场竞争的%26#8220;主场权%26#8221;,对国际大宗原材料市场影响大但%26#8220;影响力%26#8221;薄弱。世界经济运行中凸显的这一悖论现象正威胁着中国的经济金融战略安全。 中国遭遇的这一经济悖论现象并不是偶发现象,而是战略性的。要有效化解这一现象,中国迫切需要从总体上、从全局上予以战略应对,加快建立大宗原材料国际战略,及早构建对全球大宗原材料市场的%26#8220;影响力体系%26#8221;,而不是头痛医头、脚痛医脚。 大买家无奈承担国际市场投机涨价风险 2005年春节过后,中国企业迎来新一年的生产原材料进货高峰期,与之伴随的是国际大宗原材料价格相继提价。国际铜价在库存巨减与需求强劲的情况下,创下1990年以来的新高,而WTI原油价格在4个月之后,重回53美元以上。整个2月份,食物、工业金属、基本工业原料等悉数稳步上涨;CRB期货指数单月涨幅7.11%,创下10年来单月涨幅的新纪录,其中能源指数暴涨7.84%,谷物暴涨16.12%;工业原料暴涨10.08%。国外铁矿石供应商最近甚至采取联手行动,迫使中国企业接受4月1日起进口铁矿石价格上涨7成以上的条件。 中国企业在国际大宗原材料采购中没有从大市场、大购买中获益的现象,近几年来日益严重。2004年,中国部分大宗原材料采购占世界总进口量的20%至35%,其中铜进口量占国际贸易总量的20.6%,大豆进口量占31.2%。而同期,国际原材料市场价格大幅波动,石油、铜价格波幅分别为73%和39%,大豆、玉米和棉花价格波幅分别为112%、76%和70%,主要品种价格均创出近10年甚至20年新高。 值得关注的是,中国买家的每一次购买,几乎都暴露在国际市场面前,成为国际大型基金的%26#8220;逼仓%26#8221;对象,被迫%26#8220;追涨杀跌%26#8221;甚至%26#8220;高买低卖%26#8221;,以承担巨额损失而告终。去年5月至6月,芝加哥原材料交易所大豆期货价格下跌前,中国在高价区订购的南美大豆总量高达450多万吨,船未到岸,每吨损失已超过1000元以上,每船损失高达2000万至5000万元。根据统计,中国初级产品贸易逆差在2004年上半年便高达378.37亿美元。 中国成为全球的加工、生产中心,但主导了生产,主导不了贸易。中国企业处于产业低中端加工生产环节,成为遭受境外企业、国际炒家两头夹击的%26#8220;三明治%26#8221;:一头是境外对中国外贸企业所需能源、资源、原材料的价格战,一头是境外对国际市场和营销渠道的掌控。据一些外贸企业人士介绍,境外企业正是借助这些优势,将中国出口原材料的价格压到最低,把持着作为产业高端的贸易金融环节牟利。而中国企业出口原材料,很难绕开国际中间商直接进入国外最终端市场,只能被动地参与交易。以服装为例,一般外商在中国的采购价与国外连锁店的售价之比为1∶8至1∶10。即在中国的采购价如果是1美元,那么在美国或欧盟国家商店的售价为8美元至10美元
形势与政策,Situation and policy
1)Situation and policy形势与政策
1.The Exploration of Some Problems for Hight Vocational College of Situation and Policy s Teaching;高职院校形势与政策教育课教学若干问题之探索
2.The Discussion on Improving the Education Effect of the Course of Situation and Policy;浅论增强《形势与政策》课程教学效果
3.Practice and Exploration on Construction of Key Course "Situation and Policy";“形势与政策”重点课程建设的实践与探索
1.The Innovation and Reform On Situation and Policy Course of University;高校《形势与政策》课教学改革与创新
2.Characteristics and Teaching Dimension of "Situation and Policies" Course;《形势与政策》课课程特性与教学之维
4.Study and Analysis on the Course Construction of "Situation and Policies" in Colleges and Universities;高校“形势与政策”课课程建设探析
5."People-Oriented" Education of University Situation and Policies;大学形势与政策教育应体现“以人为本”
6.The Study on Teaching System of Situation and Policy in Vocational Colleges;高职院校形势与政策课教学体系研究
7.Discussion of Improving the Education Effect of the Course of Situation and Policy;论增强《形势与政策》课程教学效果
8.A Probe into the Course Situation and Policies;加强《形势与政策》课教学效果的思考
9.Research on Influence of Situation and Policies Education on College Students "Being Adult";形势与政策教育对大学生“成人”的作用
10.Strengthen the Teaching Effect of the Course of "Situation and Policy";增强“形势与政策”课程教学效果探讨
11.The Situation and Policy Suggestions of Agricultural Products in Contemporary China;当前中国农产品供求形势与政策建议
12.CHINA S MACROECONOMIC SITUATION AND POLICIES: 2007-2008;中国宏观经济形势与政策:2007—2008年
13.The Discussion on Improving the Education Effect of the Course of Situation and Policy;浅论增强《形势与政策》课程教学效果
14.CHINESE MACROECONOMIC SITUATIONS AND POLICIES: 2006-2007;中国宏观经济形势与政策:2006—2007年
15."Three-nesses" and "Three-tions" in the Class of Situation and Policy;形势与政策课教学的“三感”“三性”
16.CHINA S MACROECONOMIC SITUATION & POLICIES:2005-2006;中国宏观经济形势与政策:2005—2006年
17.CHINA S MACROECONOMIC SITUATION & POLICIES:2004-2005;中国宏观经济形势与政策:2004—2005年
18.Problems in Teaching of the“ Current Affairs and Policies”in Colleges and Universities;关于高校“形势与政策”课的几点思考
Situation and Policies形势与政策
1.Discussions on the Reform of Classroom Teaching of Situation and Policies《形势与政策》课堂教学改革刍议
2.On Teaching Effect of Improving the Course of Situation and Policies in College论高校“形势与政策”教育课教学效果
3.Ever since the set-up of "situation and Policies" course in some colleges and universities,certain achievements have been obtained,and a great deal of experience has been accumulated,However,some existing problems are still worrisome,including the relation between "theoretical teaching" and "practical teaching","teacher-oriented" and "student-oriented","learning" and "action",etc.高校《形势与政策》课程,作为最能捕捉我国改革开放和现代化建设新时期特征的高校思想政治理论课,非常重要。
3)Situation and policy class形势与政策课
1.On the Situation and Policy Class Position in the Moral Education Ecological Systern;论形势与政策课在德育生态系统中的定位
2.Situation and policy class is an important part of university s ideological political theory teaching as well as the compulsory class of every university students.形势与政策课是高校思想政治理论课的重要组成部分,是每个大学生必修的课程。
4)Situation and policy education形势与政策教育
1.To enforce the situation and policy education is an important component in colleges now.加强形势与政策教育是当前高等学校不容忽视的重要内容。
2.The situation and policy education of the college which is in national minority area has its own unique characteristics.形势与政策教育是大学生思想政治教育的重要内容和途径。
3.In terms of content,the teaching of "situation and policy education" should be closely connected with the spirit learning of the 17th Party Congress and the implementation,and it should clearly elaborate on the relevance between the economic growth and the social harmony and their importance,and it also should give prominence to the interpretation of the scientific outlook on development."形势与政策教育"课的教学,在内容上应密切联系党的"十七大"精神的学习与贯彻落实,讲清楚经济增长与社会和谐发展的相关性、重要性,把对科学发展观的诠释放在突出位置。
5)teaching work of "situation and policy""形势与政策"教学
1.With the approach of the network ages in the new century,teaching work of "situation and policy" whose goal is training and cultivating people will face the new challenge.随着新世纪网络时代的来临,作为培育和塑造人的“形势与政策”教学工作面临新的挑战,如何应对网络文化,把握正确方向,做好高校“形势与政策”教学工作,成为新时期高校思想政治工作一个主要课题。
6)Journalistic Policy and Situation新闻政策与形势
财政政策与其他经济政策的配合财政政策与其他经济政策的配合 财政政策与其他经济政策的配合财政政策与产业政策、货币政策、价格政策之间的协调配合。是实现财政政策目标和经济协调发展的重要条件。财政政策是贯彻国家产业政策的重要手段,产业政策必须依靠财政政策才能实现。国家财政通过税收政策鼓励或限制不同产业、产品的发展,通过投资政策和补贴政策,直接支持基础产业、新兴产业和急需发展的产业,并间接地引导社会资金的投入和流向,影响着产业结构的调整和发展方向。同时,产业政策决定着国民经济的生产规模和结构,它对分配结构及财政收支状况有重要影响。财政政策必须以产业政策为基础。 财政政策与货币政策之间存在着密切的内在联系。财政和银行都是国家分配资金的渠道,共同担负着供应生产建设资金的任务。财政收支规模、构成会影响银行信贷资金来源;财政赤字会影响银行信贷收支平衡和货币供应量。货币政策也常常制约财政政策的效果。财政政策与货币政策都对社会供需总量平衡和结构平衡产生重大影响。在国民经济宏观调控中,财政、货币两大政策的紧密配合,成为稳定经济的基本条件。 财政政策与价格政策都具有分配国民收入和调节经济的职能。价格政策影响财政政策,财政政策制约着价格政策。价格变动引起的一系列国民收入再分配,必然影响财政收支,从而影响财政平衡。价格状况还影响着财政调节的力度和效果,不合理的价格体系是造成财政补贴负担沉重的根本原因;价格水平的稳定往往需要财政政策的支持。财政分配制约着价格分配,价格的重大调整要受到财政承受能力的制约;财政赤字往往是引起物价水平上涨的重要因素;税收与价格共同调节着企业的利润水平。 财政政策与个人收入分配政策,客观上存在相互影响、相互制约的关系。财政政策是调节积累与消费比例,实现个人收入分配公平目标的重要手段,而税收政策和补贴政策直接涉及到个人收入水平的调节,一部分社会成员的个人收人是通过财政分配形成的。特别是在中国公有制为基础的市场经济条件下,财政政策是决定国民收入分配格局的主导力量,个人收入分配政策受财政政策制约。当然,个人收入分配政策也影响财政收入和支出,财政政策也必须考虑个人收入水平变动的影响。 在诸种政策的协调配套中,财政政策与货币政策的配套是市场经济条件下宏观管理的一个大课题。就其对于需求是起刺激作用还是压缩作用而言.两大政策的配合大致有二种模式:①双紧政策。
MBA教育,MBA Education
1)MBA EducationMBA教育
1.Research on China s MBA Education by leaps and bounds;对我国MBA教育实现跨越式发展的一些思考
2.Study on several present existing problems of MBA education in China;关于我国MBA教育存在问题的研究与探讨
3.Transform of MBA Educational Mode and Managerial Educational Mechanism;管理教育机制与MBA教育模式变革
1.The Implication of the British MBA Education to Chinese MBA Education;英国MBA教育对我国MBA教育的几点启示
2.Understanding The Development of MBA Education From The Practice of Techno-MBA in China;从技术MBA的实践看我国MBA教育的发展
3.Transform of MBA Educational Mode and Managerial Educational Mechanism;管理教育机制与MBA教育模式变革
4.The Brand Building Research of MBA Education of DUT;大连理工大学MBA教育品牌建设研究
5.The Impact of MBA Education on Top Manager Exit and Promotion;MBA教育对高管离职与提升的影响分析
6.System of Control and Evaluation of MBA Education Quality;MBA教育质量控制与评价体系新探
7.Research in MBA Educational Development Strategy in Shanghai Jiao Tong University;上海交通大学MBA教育发展战略研究
8.Current Situation and Development of MBA Education in China;我国MBA教育的现状与发展对策研究
9.Some thoughts about China s MBA education development strategy;关于中国MBA教育发展战略的若干思考
10.History of MBA Education and Countermeasures of Guizhou Province;MBA教育发展历程及贵州省对策研究
11.Some New Features Faced by MBA Education in New Century;新世纪MBA教育面临的几个新特点
12.Some Thoughts and Practices for MBA Education of UESTC;电子科技大学MBA教育的思考与实践
13.MBA education and cultivation of China s professional managers;MBA教育与中国企业职业经理人培养
15.Research on Evaluation System of MBA Education Training and QualityMBA教育培养质量评价指标及应用研究
16.Study of MBA Education Resource Search Engine Based on PageRank基于PageRank的MBA教育资源搜索引擎研究
17.Corporate university management education vs university business school MBA education;公司大学管理教育与大学MBA教育模式的比较
18.Discussing Several Problems in Case Study Teaching in MBA Education and its Countermeasures;浅议MBA教育中案例教学存在的几个问题及对策
British MBA Education英国MBA教育
1.The Implication of the British MBA Education to Chinese MBA Education;英国MBA教育对我国MBA教育的几点启示
3)distance learning MBA education远程MBA教育
4)China's MBA education中国MBA教育
5)MBA Academic Degrees EducationMBA学位教育
6)MBA Education Resource Search EngineMBA教育资源搜索引擎
MBA分子式:C7H10N2O2分子量:154.17CAS号:110-26-9性质:密度1.235。熔点185°C。水溶性0.01-0.1 g/100 mL at 18°C。
课外体育活动,extracurricular sports activities
1)extracurricular sports activities课外体育活动
1.Management system of extracurricular sports activities at colleges;高等专科学校课外体育活动的管理系统
2.Investigation and analysis on extracurricular sports activities and sports related consumption of impoverished college students;对高校贫困生课外体育活动与体育消费的调查分析
3.A survey on extracurricular sports activities of sophomores;黄冈师院二年级学生课外体育活动现状调查
1.On Morality Education in Outside Class Exercise再论课外体育活动课中的思想品德教育
2.A Survey on Middle School Students After-school Physical Activities in Yunnan Province;云南省中学生课外体育活动调查研究
3.Research on the Conflicts Phenomenon of Extracurricular Physical Education in Middle School;中学课外体育活动中冲突现象的研究
4.The Actuality and Countermeasure of the Students Extracurricular Athletics in University;高校学生课外体育活动的现状与对策
5.An Analysis on the Present Situation of the After-School Sports Activities of General College Students;普通高校学生课外体育活动现状分析
6.Discussion on outside-of-class Physical Education in Xinjiang Higher Learning Institutions;对新疆高校开展课外体育活动的探讨
7.The Research on the University Students Attitudes to Take Part in Sports of Extracurricular in China;普通高校学生课外体育活动状况分析
8.Investigation and research on physical activities after class of students in colleges and universities;关于大学生课外体育活动的调查研究
9.High College should emphasize on student s outer P.E activities;普通高校应重视学生的课外体育活动
10.Analyses of Managing Modes of After-class Physical Activities at Universities;普通高校课外体育活动管理模式分析
11.Extracurricular Physical Activities--The Main Way for the Body-building Exercise of University Students;大学生健身的主要途径——课外体育活动
12.The Developing Tendency of Extra Physical Activity in Universities;普通高校课外体育活动发展趋势探析
13.Comparing Study on Out-class PE between China , America and Japan;中、美、日三国学校课外体育活动比较
14.A Probe into Management and Reform of After-class Sports in Universitles;高校课外体育活动的管理与改革初探
15.The research of extracurricular activities club in university;普通高校课外体育活动俱乐部的研究
16.The Influence of Encouragement Mechanism on the College Extracurricular Sports Activities;激励机制对高校课外体育活动的影响
17.Current extracurricular sports activities in ordinary colleges and countermeasures普通高校课外体育活动的现状及对策
18.Athletic Club-the Organizing form of Extracurricular Physical Activities for College Students;体育俱乐部——大学生课外体育活动的组织形式
Extracurricular Sports课外体育活动
1.The Probe and its Analysis on the Students Extracurricular Sports;我院学生课外体育活动现状的调查与分析
2.By literature,polls,talks and mathematical statistics,this paper probed the factors which affected university female students to take extracurricular sports.通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法,对影响河北省高校女生参加课外体育活动的因素进行调查分析,并在此基础上提出改进建议,希望对高校女生体质的进一步改善与提高有所帮助。
3.By utilizing the methods of the literature datum,the questionnaire and the interview,this article investigated and analyzed the present situation of students extracurricular sports activities in our university.运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访问调查法对山西大同大学一至四年级在校大学生就课外体育活动的现状进行了调查和研究。
3)extracurricular physical activities课外体育活动
1.A survey on the status quo of extracurricular physical activities of students in our college;关于我校学生课外体育活动现状的研究
2.Using the methods of questionnaire investigation,documentary and mathematical statistics,extracurricular physical activities and its present conditions were studied.采用问卷调查,文献资料调研和数理统计等方法,对陕北地区中学课外体育活动及现状进行详尽分析及研究,并对促进陕北地区中学课外体育活动健康有序地开展提出建议,为陕北中学体育活动的开展提供参考。
4)extracurricular activities课外体育活动
1.On the concept and managerial mode of extracurricular activities in colleges and universities;高校学生课外体育活动类型与管理模式
2.Suggestions to Extracurricular Activities of School CMldren in Huizhou;影响惠州市区学生课外体育活动的主要原因与解决对策
3.The research of extracurricular activities club in university;普通高校课外体育活动俱乐部的研究
5)physical activities after class课外体育活动
1.Investigation and research on physical activities after class of students in colleges and universities;关于大学生课外体育活动的调查研究
2.A Survey on the Present Situation about Students' Physical Activities after Class in Western Areas——Taking the Bijie University in Guizhou Province as an Example西部地区大学生课外体育活动现状的调查研究——以贵州省毕节地区毕节学院为例
3.Whether the development of the physical activities after class is stand or fall, it has the vital effect on the students health of body and mind.课外体育活动是实现学校体育目的任务的重要途径之一,它与体育课相辅相成,是学校体育不可缺少的组织形式。
6)extra-curricular sports activities课外体育活动
1.Analysis on factors interfering students′ extra-curricular sports activities——A survery on outside-class physical teaching of different schools in Zhuhai影响学生课外体育活动的障碍性因素分析——对珠海市学校课外体育活动的调查研究
2.For better implementation of the "sunshine sports", A variety of extra-curricular sports activities develops the physical quality of the girls in vocational schools.为了更好的推行“阳光体育”,多样化课外体育活动提高了职高女生的身体素质。
3.The university sports associations of college students in extra-curricular sports activities organized by major carriers,is the student sports activities to enhance their abilities to fully disseminate an organized group of campus culture.高校体育社团是大学生课外体育活动组织的重要载体,是学生通过体育活动来全面提升自身综合素质、传播校园文化的一种组织群体。
课外体育活动 指课余时间在校内组织学生参加的体育活动,是学校体育的一个重要方面。因为,每周两节体育课对促进学生身体的发展,增强其体质是不够的。必须在课外有计划地组织学生经常锻炼身体,才能不断巩固、提高体育课所学的知识、技能,培养他们对体育活动的爱好,养成锻炼身体的习惯。课外体育活动同时又是很好的课外文娱活动,通过富有趣味的体育活动,既可以满足学生课余文化生活的需要,发现一些有运动才能的学生,又可以培养学生在集体活动中良好的作风和道德品质。因此,各国都很重视学生的课外体育活动,视为学生教育和生活的一个重要方面。课外体育活动一般包括以下几种: ①早操和课间操。是学校作息制度中安排的体育锻炼,学生每天都应当参加。住宿在学校的学生,每天起床后做早操15~20分钟。做早操能促进机体的新陈代谢,使身体从睡眠时的抑制和放松状态,进入积极活动的状态,开始一天的学习生活。走读的学生,一般是在上第1节课前做早操(或称课前操)。 课间操是在每天上午第2节课至第3节课之间进行,集体做操约10分钟。做课间操能使学生在紧张的坐姿学习后,身体各部分得到伸展和活动,大脑得到积极的休息。早操和课间操的内容一般应以徒手操或武术操为主,还可作慢跑步、素质操,或做较和缓的游戏。总之,运动负荷不宜过大,以免影响学生文化课的学习。每天坚持做体操和跑步,能促进学生身体各部分肌肉、骨骼的匀称发展,使身体的柔韧性增强,动作协调,姿势正确。 ②班级体育活动。是在课外时间以班为单位,根据性别、体质、技术水平和对体育的爱好等不同情况,组成若干锻炼小组进行各种体育活动。每个小组约10~15人(组长1~2人),每周活动2~3课时,活动时间应列入课表,并尽可能地与体育课的时间交替安排,使学生每天都有从事体育锻炼的机会。活动的主要内容是进行《国家体育锻炼标准》项目的锻炼,复习和巩固体育课学过的教材,根据条件和可能参加游泳、滑冰、象征性长跑等活动,以及校内运动竞赛等多种多样的体育活动。 ③学校运动队的训练。是在学生普遍参加班级体育活动的基础上,把部分运动成绩好的学生,按特长组织成若干运动队,进行课外训练,不断提高运动技术水平,为国家发现和培养优秀的体育人材。很多国家都重视这项工作,有些国家在学校设立运动部、运动俱乐部或专项运动俱乐部,聘请教练员专门进行业余训练。有的甚至和奥林匹克运动会联系起来,把中、小学的运动队训练,视为国家培养优秀运动员的第 1阶段。中、小学运动队主要是进行身体全面训练和基本技术训练,在保证增进学生健康的前提下,全面发展各种身体素质,以获得多种多样的运动技能,为他们将来身体发展和取得良好的运动成绩打下稳固基础。因此,训练的内容不宜局限于某一项运动的范围之内。要随着学生一般身体训练水平的提高,逐渐增加专项运动训练的内容和比重。中、小学生正在生长发育中,身体各部分的组织和机能还远未成熟,训练负荷要适合不同年龄学生生理机能发展的状况,严格遵循适量与逐渐增加负荷的原则。运动队的训练必须有合理的计划,既要有长远的计划,又要有阶段的安排。不要为了参加眼前的比赛而进行突击训练,急于追求成绩,这对学生的健康和以后运动成绩的提高都是不利的。 ④运动竞赛。是推动学校群众性体育活动广泛开展,增强体质和提高运动技术水平的重要措施。中小学运动竞赛的目的是吸引学生爱好和参加体育运动,检阅学校体育运动的成果,丰富学生的文化生活,振奋师生的精神,互相观摩学习,加强团结。通过运动竞赛活动,还可以培养严格的组织纪律性和集体主义精神,以及不骄不馁、勇敢顽强等优良品质。中国学校的运动竞赛,有运动会、单项运动比赛、 班级和校际对抗赛、 测验赛、选拔赛、表演赛、邀请赛等形式。现代运动竞赛的发展,逐渐有了中学生的国际比赛。中国和其他许多国家参加了国际中学生的田径、体操等比赛。 高等学校的课外体育活动,参见高等学校体育。(见彩图)
数感,Number Sense
1)Number Sense数感
1.Education Function of the Number Sense in the Mathematics Course;数学课程中数感的教育功能
2.Research on the Development and Character in Number Sense of the Pupils小学生数感的发展与特征研究
3.The cultivation of students number sense is basically the foundation of improving their capability of mathematics and the spirits of rationalism.培养数感是提高学生数学能力和理性精神的基础。
1.Discussing Cultivating the Number Sense by Means of Hands-on;试论Hands-on发展学生数感
2.Number Sense, Symbol Sense and the Others --Some Comments on the New "Curriculum Standards;“数感”“符号感”与其它——《课程标准》大家谈
3.Number Sense and Its Acquisition;“数感”与“数感”的习得——学习《课程标准》的一点体会
4.digital multispectral remote-sensing data数字多光谱遥感数据
5.machine processing of remotely sensed data遥感数据的计算机处理
6.She is not mathematically inclined.她对数学不感兴趣。
7.sensor-data fusion; sensor fusion传感器数据混合处理
8.digital temperature-humidity sensor数字式温湿度传感器
9.50 tissue culture infective dose半数组织培养感染量
10.She is keen on algebra.她对代数极感兴趣。
11.Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Project;多传感器数据融合方案
12.She' s not mathematically inclined, ie not interested in mathematics.她对数学不感兴趣.
13.Study on Thermal Infrared Remote Sensors' Absolutely Radiometric Calibrations;遥感传感器热红外数据辐射定标研究
14.The Debate about the Two Definitions of Inter-induction Coefficient and Self-induction Coefficient;关于互感和自感系数两种定义的讨论
15.Digital Movie:Film or High Definition?数字电影:“胶片感”抑或“高清感”?
16.Digital Movie:Film Grain Technology or HD?数字电影:“胶片感”抑或“高清感”
17.Adaptive method for cleaning sensory data in wireless sensor networks传感器网络感知数据自适应去噪方法
18.Alteration Remote Sensing Anomaly Extraction Based on Aster Remote Sensing DataASTER遥感数据蚀变遥感异常提取研究
1.An ERP Study of Subitizing-counting Dichotomy under Different Attentional Conditions;不同注意条件下感数和计数的ERP研究
2.During the process of enumeration, researchers found that enumeration of three or fewer objects is very fast and accurate (often called “subitizing”), but gets slower and more error prone for more than three items (“counting”).研究者在列举任务中发现,被试对3个以内项目的报告既快又准确(一般称之为“感数”),而对3个以上项目的报告既慢又容易出错误(“计数”),由此他们提出感数和计数属于两种不同性质的加工过程,一系列行为数据的反应时和正确率指标支持了这一假设。
3.The event related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in normal young subjects to investigate the calculational abilities with/without distractors, and shed light on the relationship of subitizing and counting.对于较小数目的快速准确认知的“感数”现象一直是一个引人兴趣的问题 ,这一感数过程到底本质是什么 ,它与计数过程究竟是同一种加工还是分属两种不同类别 ,对于这个问题多年来一直存在着争论。
3)Subitizing and Counting感数与计数
4)remote sensing data遥感数据
1.Method and Model of Water Body Extraction Based On Remote Sensing Data of MODIS;基于MODIS遥感数据的水体提取方法及模型研究
2.Integration and sharing of remote sensing data in China;我国遥感数据的集成与共享研究
3.The discussion about origin of fuzzy uncertainty of remote sensing data and processing methods;遥感数据模糊不确定性来源及其处理方法的探讨
5)sensitivity parameter敏感参数
6)sensitivity coefficients敏感系数
1. The sensitivity coefficients to the porosity are derived from the initial boundary value problems for the fluid equations in porous media by the Green's Reciprocity Principle. 由渗流微分方程定解问题,利用格林互易定理导出了网格压力对孔隙度的敏感系数,再由Peaceman方程给出了井底压力对孔隙度的敏感系数。
农村小学,Rural Primary School
1)Rural Primary School农村小学
1.Increasing the Educational Investment Better Education Conditions for Rural Primary School Teachers;加大教育投入 改善农村小学教师教育条件
2.ELT in rural primary schools in Qingyang city:problems and measures;庆阳市农村小学英语教学普及面临的困难及对策
3.Studies of the Cost Form of Rural Primary School Education;农村小学教育成本构成研究
1.consolidated school[美]合并的公立小学(常指农村小学)
2.Study on the Influence of Rural Settlement Readjustment by Rural Primary School Merging农村小学撤并对农村居民点整理影响研究
3.Investigation and Analysis on the Status of Physical Education in Rural Primary Schools in Wuhu County农村小学体育教育现状调查与分析——以芜湖县农村小学为例
4.Causes and Transformation of Students with Study Difficulty in Rural Elementary School;浅谈农村小学“学困生”的成因及转化
5.On Interested Learning Strategy of English Class in Rural Primary School;试论农村小学英语课堂情趣学习策略
6.Actuality and Amelioration of English Teaching for Elementary Schools in Country;农村小学英语教学的现状及改进对策
7.Learning from Tao Xingzhi,Exploring New Road for Elementary Education in Rural Areas;学习陶行知,探索农村小学教育新路
8.From Phonological Transfer to Primary School English Learning and Teaching;从语音迁移到中国农村小学英语教学
9.A Case Study on the Implementation of New Primary Mathematics Curriculum in Rural Areas农村小学数学新课程实施的个案研究
10.Study on Occupational Burnout of Elementary Teacher in Rural Area农村小学教师职业倦怠的社会学分析
11.Research on the Teaching Skills of Part-time English Teachers in Rural Primary School农村小学兼职英语教师教学技能研究
12.Dualistic Structure: the Running Patterns of a Rural Primary School二元结构:农村小学的办学模式考察
13.The Research on Children Educational Environment in Rural Areas;农村小学留守儿童教育环境问题研究
14.A Case Study on the New Curriculum Implementation in Rural Primary Schools of Southwestern Guangxi;桂西南农村小学新课程实施个案研究
15.The Investigation and Research about the Quality and State of the Countryside Primary School Music Teachers;农村小学音乐教师质量状态调查研究
16.Studies on Strategies of Improving Students' Stholastis Achievements in Rural Pural Preliminary Schools提高农村村级小学学业成绩对策研究
17.The Positioning Adjustment of Rural Primary and Middle Schools in the Context of Building the New Village Construction新农村建设背景下的农村中小学布局调整
18.A Research on Dropping out in Countryside in the View of Interaction Theory;互动视角下的农村中小学生辍学研究
Rural Primary Schools农村小学
1.The Predicament Being Experienced by Rural Primary Schools of the Backward Western Area in the New Round of Curriculum Reform——Problems met with by the Prefecture of Southeast Guizhou in the new round of curriculum reform are taken as instances;西部落后地区农村小学课程改革遇到的问题——以贵州省黔东南州课程改革遇到的问题为例
2.By questionnaire,on-the-spot observation and interviewing,an investigation was made on the ideas,teaching research,curriculum management modes,classroom teaching behavior and guarantee system in the carrying out of the new curriculum in Wenzhou rural primary schools,existing questions were analyzed and corresponding suggestions were put forward.通过“小学新课程实施问卷调查”、实地观察、访谈等方法,对温州市农村小学新课程实施的观念、教研和课程管理方式、课堂教学行为、保障系统等方面的转变进行调查,分析存在的问题,并提出相应的改进建议。
3.On the base of cases of some rural primary schools in Iinxia Hui Autonomous Region, this thesis have used several concrete research approaches, such as investigation, observation and material collection to give a further study on one of core contents of china/u.本研究运用了调查、观察、实物收集等研究方法,以临夏回族自治州积石山县部分农村小学为个案,对中/英甘肃基础教育项目的核心内容之一——学校发展计划的实施及其效果进行了深入研究。
3)rural primary and middle school农村中小学
1.Unfair attribution and countermeasure of PE teaching at rural primary and middle schools of Shandong;山东农村中小学体育教学不公平归因及对策
2.Discussion on the rural primary and middle school teachers quality cultivation at western areas;论西部地区农村中小学教师素质的培养
3.This paper summarizes the present situation of physical teaching in rural primary and secondary schools,discusses the characteristic of sports game and its functions in PE teaching in the countryside,aiming to promote PE teaching in rural primary and middle schools.文章对农村中小学体育教学现状、体育游戏的特点及其在农村中小学体育教学中的作用进行了阐述,在农村中小学体育教学中合理运用好体育游戏,有利于体育教学工作更好的开展。
4)rural primary and secondary schools农村中小学
1.Theoretical System of Modern Distance Education in Rural Primary and Secondary Schools;农村中小学现代远程教育理论体系探析
2.Research on Problems and Their Countermeasures of Applications of Modern Educational Technology in Rural Primary and Secondary Schools;农村中小学现代教育技术应用中存在的问题及其对策研究
3.An exploration of the mapping modes of Chinese rural primary and secondary schools;农村中小学布局调整模式的分析和探讨
5)rural primary and secondary school农村中小学
1.The overall evaluation of the rural primary and secondary school distributions;我国农村中小学布局调整的总体评价
2.At present,the information-based education in rural primary and secondary school is confronting deeper contradictions and problems,which influences on the effect of the rural educational information and restricts its further development.当前农村中小学教育信息化面临一些深层次的矛盾和问题,影响到农村中小学教育信息化的有效性,制约了农村中小学教育信息化的进一步发展。
3.The paper makes an analysis of these factors in order to promote the development along with standard,health and science direction,to push forward the deep reform of physical education in rural primary and secondary schools.通过问卷调查、访问等方法对湖南省农村中小学体育教学现状进行抽样调查,发现由于受地理环境、师资力量、场地、器材等因素影响,使农村中小学体育教学不能正常进行。
6)rural school农村中小学
1.The present situation of physical education in rural schools does not allow optimism.农村中小学体育现状不容乐观:师资学历、职称偏低;教学内容单调;教学设施差;未按教育部要求开足体育课;课外体育活动不能保证。
2.Through the investigation on physical education in rural schools of Jilin province,the author analyzes the present conditions of physical education facilities,teachers,teaching activities,the capital investment,and the concept of the school headmasters.通过对吉林省农村中小学体育教育现状的调查,针对目前农村中小学的体育设施现状、师资现状、教学活动现状、体育经费投入及学校领导对体育的认识等方面做了全面的分析与研究,并提出改进的措施和建议,旨在为我省农村中小学体育教育的改革和发展提供参考。
3.The dissertation mainly adopted the Qualitative Research in Social Sciences and chose four geography teachers from different Beijing rural schools.另外,作者还对国内外信息技术在农村中小学教学中的应用及研究现状作了分析,目的是由对比了解我国信息技术与教学整合在世界中所处的地位及当前我国在这方面的研究重点;国内信息技。
长征,the long march
1)the long march长征
1.The Initial Practice of CPC’s Policy for Nationalities in the Long March;党的民族政策在长征中的初步实践
2.The Folk History of the Long March in Guizhou——Inspect to the Red Army Folk-song in ZunYi;长征在贵州的民间历史——对遵义地区红军歌谣的考察
1.Changzheng launch vehicle“长征”号运载火箭
2.Why did we begin the Long March? We were forced to do so.我们为什么要长征?长征是被迫进行的。
3.It happened during the Long March.它发生在长征的时候。
4.The fourth stage was the Long March.长征是第四个阶段。
5.Why did we begin the Long March?我们为什么要长征?
6."There once was a man, sent on military missions, A wanderer, from youth, on the You and Yan frontiers."男儿事长征, 少小幽燕客,
7.Later we both took part in the Long March.后来都参加了长征。
8.Long March II F carrier rocket长征二号F运载火箭
9.We were forced to do so.长征是被迫进行的。
10.We answer that the Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history, that it is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding-machine.我们说,长征是历史纪录上的第一次,长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。
11.Who brought the Long March to victory?谁使长征胜利的呢?
12.We answer that the Long March is the first of itskind in the annals of history , that it is a manifesto , apropaganda force , a seeding - machine.我们说,长征是历史上的第一次,长征是宣传书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。
13.Two foreigns started their new long marchings:the 6th letter that they gave us俩老外重走长征路:俩老外重走长征路的第六封电邮———
14.Lofty Faith of Theory & Great Victory of Long March;崇高的理论信念,伟大的长征胜利——纪念长征胜利70周年
15.The Long March Spirit and Education on Marxist Theory:In Memory of the 70th Anniversary of Red Army s Long March;长征精神与马克思主义理论教育——纪念红军长征胜利70周年
16.They symbolize immortality and longevity.它们象征着不朽和长寿。
17.ectopic growth hormone syndrome异位生长激素综合征
18.Wen Zhengming was also a native of Changsha.文征明(1470-1559)长沙人。
Long March长征
1.Long March and the Turn of CPC s Strategies;红军长征与党的策略方针的转变
2.The Long March Spirit and the Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristic;长征精神与建设中国特色社会主义
3.An Analyse to The Relations between Important Meetings and Choise of Basis During Long March;试析长征中的重要会议与根据地的选择
3)long wavelength feature长波长特征
4)growth characteristics生长特征
1.Age and growth characteristics of Cromileptes altivelis;驼背鲈的年龄与生长特征
2.Response of super absorbent polymers under different water gradient on growth characteristics of Parthenocissus quinquefolia seedlings;五叶爬山虎实生苗的生长特征对水分梯度下保水剂的反应
3.Effect of growth characteristics on fracture strength of free-standing diamond films;自支撑金刚石膜的生长特征对断裂强度的影响
5)characteristic wavelength特征波长
1.In this paper,we adopt stepwise multiple linear regression(SMLR) to select characteristic wavelength of textile fiber,and to research the concentration of the mixture of cotton and terylene.文章采用逐步多元线性回归来选择面料吸收光谱1300nm~1800nm的特征波长,就棉和涤纶的混合面料进行含量检测研究。
6)growth characteristic生长特征
1.Influence of simulated warming effect on growth characteristic of Carex alrofusca;模拟增温效应对黑褐苔草(Carex alrofusca)生长特征的影响
2.Age structure and growth characteristic of Castanopsis fargesii population;栲树种群的年龄结构及其生长特征
3.The results show that the growth characteristics,population biomass and the pattern of biom.研究表明,同一坡向中国沙棘种群的生长特征、生物量及其分配格局等均无显著差异,其生态适应性具有趋同性;在北坡和南坡之间,种群的生长特征、生物量及其分配格局等均有显著差异,其生态适应性具有趋异性。
高校档案,university archives
1)university archives高校档案
1.On university archives service and innovation based on computer networks计算机网络时代高校档案服务与创新
2.The digital construction of university archives is the important part of archives development nowadays.高校档案数字化是当前档案工作发展的一个重要组成部分。
3.In this paper,the importance of university archives in education is expounded.高校档案是高校在教学、科研、党政管理以及其他各项活动中形成的,归档保存的文字、图表、声像等各种形式和载体的、历史的原始记录。
1.Enhance the Sense of Archives and Improve the Archives work in Higher Institutions;提高档案意识 促进高校档案工作
2.Enhancing Archives Awareness and Improving University Archives Management增强档案意识 提高高校档案管理水平
3.Simple Talk on Managing Files According to Laws and the Modernization of File Managing of Colleges and Universities;浅谈依法治档与高校档案管理现代化
4.Enhance the Management Level of College Archives and Serve College Appraisal;提高高校档案管理水平 服务高校评估
5.On Archives Collection and Management Model of Institution after Colleges-united;档案收集与合并高校档案管理模式研究
7.A View on the Development of the Filing Cause in Universities in Terms of Importance and Functions;从档案的地位和作用看高校档案事业的发展
8.On College Record Management;贯彻落实档案法促进高校档案管理工作
9.Strengthening File-managing Awareness and Promoting the Harmonious Development of File Management at College强化档案意识 推进高校档案工作和谐发展
10.On Relationship of College Education with College Archives Construction;试论高校评估与高校档案建设的关系
11.To exploit archival resources in colleges and universities to promote harmonious campus construction开发高校档案资源 促进和谐校园建设
12.Educational Function of College Archives Using Real Object Archives to Arouse School Loving and Honoring高校档案馆如何利用实物档案发挥爱校荣校的教育功能
13.Discussion on Collaboration and Co-Construction of Archives and Library in Universities and Colleges让高校档案馆“热”起来——对高校档案馆与图书馆协作共建的探讨
14.On the Implementation of "the Regulations of Filing Documents" in College and University Archives;关于高校档案实施《归档文件整理规则》的探讨
15.Understanding of The Rules of Archives Arrangement Applied in College and University Archives;高校档案应用《归档文件整理规则》的几点认识
16.Several principles of Building Files Ranks of Universities and colleges in the New Period;以科教兴档战略加强高校档案队伍建设
17.Talking about Several Work of Reinforcing Records Supervision in Colleges and Universities;浅谈高校档案管理应加强的几项工作
18.A Study on the Quality of Archive Management Affairs in College;浅议高校档案管理人员应具备的素质
college archives高校档案
1.Considering the actual management condition of college archives, this article discusses how to enhance the archives works under the modern informatization environment.分析了高校档案管理的现状与存在的问题,从三个方面探讨了高校档案信息化建设的途径及提高档案信息开发利用的基本对策。
2.Taking the school-running evaluation as an example, the author analyses the college archives function in evaluation of school running, expounds the college archive s significance and puts forward the method to improve its work.以高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估为例 ,分析高校档案在办学水平评估工作中的作用 ,阐明高校档案工作的重要性 ,提出高职院校加强档案工作的办法。
3.With the continuous development of college archives,the development and utilization of college archival information resources has already been increasingly attracted people's attention in the new era,which has become an important part of archival modernization and informationization construction.随着高校档案工作的不断发展,新时期高校档案信息资源的开发与利用工作已经越来越引起人们的重视,成为新时期档案工作现代化与信息化建设的一项重要内容。
3)college files高校档案
1.Thought of electronic files problem of college files;对高校档案电子化问题的思考
2.This paper briefly introduces the value of college files and discusses the management and the use of documents and students files.高校档案在高校种类管理及各项活动中起着举足轻重的作用。
4)university file高校档案
1.Combine the actual work to state the importance of university file management in teaching,scientific research,students management, enconomic and social benifits.结合工作实际 ,阐述了高校档案在教学、科研、学生管理等方面的重要作用 ,以及所产生的经济效益和社会效
2.The university file information resource is the country information resource important component,is seeks the university file information resource to its development use s ultimate objective full sharing.高校档案信息资源是国家信息资源的重要组成部分,对其开发利用的最终目标是寻求高校档案信息资源的充分共享。
1.Knowledge-based Economy and Archives in Higher Institutions;试论知识经济与高校档案
6)university archive高校档案室
《中国第一历史档案馆馆藏档案概述》 档案 专业工具资料书。中国第一历史档案馆 编著,1985年档案出版社出版。该书分16章71节。第 1章介绍中国第一历史档案馆建馆60年工作概况;第 2章介绍该馆所藏明代档案情况;第 3~14章分别介绍该馆所存清代内阁、军机处、内务府、宗人府、宫中各处、中央各部院衙门和地方机关的档案情况;第15章介绍溥仪、端方、醇亲王府等个人及王府档案情况;第16章介绍该馆所藏清代各种舆图情况。 全书以主要篇幅,逐个介绍该馆所藏70余个机构(全宗)的档案内容和成分。借助该书,档案馆 工作人员可以熟悉和掌握馆藏档案情况,更好地进行档案管理和提供利用;利用者可以作为入门的向导,了解档案情况和线索,便于查阅利用档案。该书是中华人民共和国建国以来公开出版的第一部档案馆指南。
1.The research and design of whiteboard in network education;同步教学中电子白板的研究与设计
2.Multimedia Whiteboard Design and Implementation;多媒体电子白板的设计与实现
3.The Design and Implementation of Whiteboard Module;电子白板模块的设计和实现
1.Research and Implementation of the Key Technique for Portable Electronic Whiteboard;便携式电子白板关键技术研究与实现
2.Research and Implementation of Mobile Phone Whiteboard Based on J2ME;基于J2ME的手机电子白板的研究与实现
3.Calibration Algorithm Study in Electronic Whiteboard Based on Encode Recognition;基于编码识别的电子白板中校准算法
4.The Whitedoard System Based on JAVA and Its Realization;基于JAVA的电子白板系统及其实现
5.Implementation of an Electronic White-board Based on CSCW;基于CSCW的远程教育中电子白板的实现
6.Design and Realization of Digital Wireless Location Electronic Whiteboard数字无线定位电子白板的设计与实现
7.Design and Implement of WhiteBoard System Based on JXTA基于JXTA的电子白板的设计与实现
8.Application and realization of transparent white board in data conference system数据会议系统中的透明电子白板应用
9.Development of Whiteboard System Based on Network Sockets基于网络套接字的电子白板系统设计
10.Hardware Design and Realization of Military Electronic Whiteboard Based on Laser Positioning;基于激光定位军用电子白板的硬件设计与实现
11.Optimizing of Data-acquisition System for Laser Electronic Whiteboard and Realization of USB Interface;激光电子白板数据采集系统优化与USB接口实现
12.Design of Hardware and Realization of Software for Electronic Whiteboard Based on ARM;基于ARM电子白板系统的硬件设计与软件实现
13.Research and Implementation of Electronic Whiteboard in Real-time E-Learning;实时网络教育中电子白板的研究和实现
14.Research of Distributed Cooperative Decision System Based on Whiteboard;基于电子白板的分布式协同决策支持系统研究
15.The Research and Implementation of Instant Messenger Whiteboard-based;基于电子白板的即时通信系统的研究与实现
16.A Research on the Application of the Interactive Whiteboard to the Physics Teaching in the Middle School;交互式电子白板在中学物理教学中的应用研究
17.Influences of interactive electronic whiteboard on classroom teaching;交互式电子白板对课堂教学产生的影响
18.Thought on the Application of Interactive Whiteboard in Classroom Teaching;关于交互电子白板在课堂教学中应用的思考
electronic whiteboard电子白板
1.Interactive electronic whiteboard based on optical information processing;基于光学信息处理的交互式电子白板
2.Design and implementation of electronic whiteboard in remote and interactive education system based on FMS;基于FMS的远程互动教学系统中电子白板的设计与实现
3.Research and implementation of cooperative mechanism in electronic whiteboard with tablet;手写笔电子白板系统中协同工作机制的研究实现
3)electronic white-board电子白板
1.The characteristics of shareable electronic white-board are described.描述了共享电子白板的应用特征 。
2.Based on a deep research on electronic white-board,an electronic whiteboard system based on P2P technique which is suitable for the real-time online communication between teacher and students is discussed.通过对现有电子白板技术的深入研究,在P2P技术的基础上探讨了适用于师生实时在线交互的电子白板系统的实现技术。
4)electronic white board电子白板
1.Using authorare to realize the electronic white board is a great auxiliary help with the demonstrating effect of multi-media conrsewave.Authorware多媒体课件在演示时需要演示者在窗口中绘制标记 ,在Authorware中实现电子白板 ,对多媒体课件的演示效果起到了极大的辅助作
5)electric whiteboard电子白板
1.Design of Java sharing development kit electric whiteboard;基于Java共享数据开发包的电子白板设计
6)network whiteboard网络电子白板
1.The method of realizing network whiteboard using ActiveX technology is presented.NET实现B/S模式网络协同设计系统方法,并研究了用ActiveX技术实现网络电子白板方法,为用户进行快速产品开发提供了一个协同工作环境。
电子-电子双共振 在垂直静磁场H的方向,施加两个微波电磁场:①较弱的微波电磁场,激发电子从能级2向能级3跃迁,不致于饱和;②强的微波电磁场,激发电子从能级1向能级4跃迁,使达到饱和,从而导致能级4的电子转移至能级3,以观察反映2→3跃迁的电子自旋共振信号强度的变化,故称为电子-电子双共振。它与电子-核双共振不同之处是不涉及核的跃迁,并且观察的与电子自旋共振有关的能级和未观察的跃迁能级之间无共享的公共能级。
两课,two courses
1)two courses两课
1.To guarantee the educational quality of the “two courses” through the interactive mechanism and integration of resources;机制互动 资源整合 确保“两课”教育质量
2.The Consideration of Enhancing Practical Base Construction for “Two Courses”Teaching;加强“两课”教学实践基地建设的思考
3.Thinking about "two courses" practical teaching in higher schools;高校"两课"实践教学的思考
1.Brief Analysis of the Two Levels of Classroom Teaching in College;浅谈大学“两课”课堂教学的两个层次
2.Deepening Teaching Reform of Marxism and Ideological Political Education and Strengthening its Effectiveness;深化“两课”教学改革,增强“两课”实效性
3.Exploring " Two Lessons"s Teaching Regulation Strengthening" Two Lessons" Teaching Result;探索“两课”教学规律 增强“两课”教学效果
4.Improve the Actual Effect through Promoting The Tteaching by Emotion;以“情”促教 提高“两课”实效
5.Improving the Actual Effect of Teaching "Double-Lesson"by Deepening Its;深化“两课”教学改革 提高“两课”教学实效性
6.Courses of Marxist Theory and Ideology & Morality: Teachers Quality to be Improved and Teaching to Be Reformed;提高“两课”教师综合素质 深化“两课”教学改革
7.The Application of Multimedia Courseware in University s Ideological and Political Course;浅谈多媒体课件在高校“两课”中的运用
8.The practice teaching quality of universities two classes should be improved;论高校“两课”实践课教学质量的提高
9.Establishing the Management Model of Two-Courses Teaching at Higher Vocational College;高职高专“两课”课堂教学管理模式构建
10.On "student-centered" curriculum setup about "two courses";高职“两课”以学生为本的课程设置刍议
11.Examination Extending From Classroom To Improve Two Courses Teaching Effect;考核随课堂延伸,全面提高“两课”实效
12.How to teach the important thought of "Three Represent s" in the "two courses" lectures;“三个代表”重要思想如何进“两课”课堂
13.The discussion about the system of teaching method of classroom of "The two lessons;关于“两课”课堂教学方法体系的探讨
14.Exploration and Consideration on Extending the Classroom of "Two Courses" Education;拓展“两课”教育课堂的探索与思考
15.The Reform of "Two Courses"Teaching and the Postion of Classroom Instruction;“两课”教学改革与课堂讲授的地位
16.Realize "Two Transformations" and Improve the Teaching Effect of "Two Courses" of Marxist Theory and Morality and Ethic;实现“两个转变” 提高“两课”教学效果
17.Strengthens "Two Classes" the Curriculum to Construct, Enhances "Two Classes" the Teaching Ideological Education Function;加强“两课”课程建设,提高“两课”教学的思想教育功能
18.She sat under him twice a week.她一星期听他两次课。
Two Subjects两课
1.On the Improvement of the Effectiveness of the ″Two Subjects″ Teaching;浅谈增强“两课”教育教学的实效性
2.A survey of "two subjects" education and teaching shows that "two subjects" can help the improvement of students political and ideological ethics and cultural quality, and that "two subjects" teaching is confronted with two problems such as too many courses, obsolete content and so on, and that teachers quality is the most important factor determining the effect of "two subjects".“两课”教育教学情况调研结果显示 ,“两课”有利于学生提高政治思想道德与文化素质 ,“两课”教学存在课程门数太多和内容陈旧等问题 ,教师素质是影响“两课”实效性的重要因素。
3.In line with the characteristics of Two Subjects (Ideological and Ethics Teaching and Marxist Theory) and the teaching rule, this article discusses how to effectively apply the thought of to Three Representing classroom teaching.本文从目前“两课”课程设置的特点和“两课” 教育教学的规律来探讨如何提高”三个代表”思想进课堂的效果。
3)Two Courses"两课
1.Two Courses" of college education and the cultivation of quality of the humanities;高校“两课”与大学生人文素质的培养
2.The "Two Courses" in the university is the thought and political education with Chinese Characteristics.高校“两课”是有中国特色的学生思想政治教育课程,在高校开设已经有相当长的历史,其定位是大学生德育的主渠道。
3.Reform and innovation of "two courses" teaching methods and links are very important,which guarantee the improvement of college students basic quality and realization of real-time and effective teaching.改进与创新"两课"教学方法、教学环节,是提高大学生基本素质和教学实效性的重要保证。
1.For quite a long time people are used to combining the cultivation of humanism with two-course teaching.长期以来,人们往往习惯于把“两课”教学与人文精神的培养紧密联系在一起。
5)"Two Courses""两课"课程
1.Deng Xianping s theories on the youth ideological and policitical education have the very important guiding meaning for deepening the reform of "Two Courses".邓小平青年思想政治教育理论对于深化“两课”课程改革有着十分重大的指导意义,邓小平强调青年思想政治教育 的重要性,既为“两课”课程建设提供了理论根据,又为“两课”课程建设指明了方向,邓小平关于青年思想政治教育的内容决 定了“两课”课程建设的形式和内容,决定了今天高校“两课”课程建设的门类和课程改革的方向。
6)"Two courses" lectures"两课"课堂
小学英语,Primary School English
1)Primary School English小学英语
1.Research on Classroom Instructional Design in Primary School English Teaching;小学英语课堂教学设计研究
2.Most of primary school English teachers are young and over-working since teachers are in need in primary schools, especially in the west of China.本文以问卷的形式调查了37所学校的英语师资,发现小学英语师资是一支正处在发展中的年轻队伍,教师普遍教学任务重,多数学校师资不足。
3.So firstly this article analyzes The New English Curriculum Standard,the characteristics of the new primary school English textbooks and then focuses on the quality primary school English teachers nee.通过解读新课程,分析新课程理念下小学英语教材的特点,探讨新课程、新教材环境下小学英语教师需要具备的素质。
1.English Teaching in Primary School &Requirement for English Teachers;小学英语教学及其对小学英语教师的素质要求
2.Case Studies on English Pronunciation Teaching of Primary English Education Majors小学英语教育专业英语语音教学个案研究
3.Distinguishing And Grasping AmE And BrE In English Teaching In Primary And Middle School中小学英语教学中美式英语和英式英语的区分和掌握
4.Application of Interactive Approach in English Language Teaching in Primary School;交互性英语教学在小学英语教学中的应用研究
5.A Study on the "Extent" and "Approaches" of English Grammar Teaching in Elementary Schools;小学英语语法教学的“度”和“法”
6.From Phonological Transfer to Primary School English Learning and Teaching;从语音迁移到中国农村小学英语教学
7.The Aesthetic Features of Teachers Talk in the English Class of Elementary School;小学英语课堂中教学语言的审美特征
8.Use of Contextualized Input in English Teaching in Primary School语境化输入在小学英语教学中的应用
9.The Requirements of New Program Standard of Primary and Middle School English to Normal English Major Teaching;中小学英语新课标对高师英语专业教学的要求
10.The Experimental Research of "Writing to Learn" of English Teaching at Primary School;小学英语教学中“以写促学”的实验研究
11.The Teaching of Story in the English Teaching for Primary Students;论故事教学在小学英语教学中的应用
12.English Instructional Design for Primary School Guided by the Concept of Cooperative Learning;合作学习理念下的小学英语教学设计
13.The Practical Application of Inquiry Learning in Primary School;小学英语教学践行研究性学习及思考
14.A Self-Regulated Model for English Teaching in Primary School;试论小学英语教学自律课堂教学模式
15.English Short Story Teaching in Extensive Reading Course大学英语泛读中的英语短篇小说教学
16.A Brief Talk about the Improvement of the College Students English Pronunciation and Intonation;小议英语专业学生语音、语调的提高
18.A Study of Theme-Based Group Teaching of College Oral English;主题型小组式大学英语口语教学研究
primary English小学英语
1.Research on New Curriculum Implementation in Primary English;小学英语新课程实施现状调查及对策研究
2.Researches into Theory and Practice of Formative Evaluation on Primary English;小学英语形成性评价的理论与实践研究
3.The Study of the Construction of Objects of Education for International Understanding in Primary English;小学英语课程中国际理解教育目标体系构建的理论研究
3)the primary English course小学英语课
4)english education between elementary schools and secondary schools中小学英语
5)primary school English teaching小学英语教学
1.Based on the characteristics of primary school English teaching,the present study analyses the definition and classification of multimedia-assisting teaching.针对小学英语教学的特点,本文分析了多种媒体教学的含义和分类,通过实际教学案例说明在小学英语教学中选择适当的媒体手段以实现优化教学环节、提高教学效率的目的。
2.The thesis, beginning with affect in primary school pupils English studies, and dealing with task-based teaching, approaches the problem of how to carry out affect teaching in primary school English teaching.本文从小学生学习中的情感入手,结合研究型教育教学模式,对在小学英语教学中实施情感教学进行探讨。
3.However, primary school English teaching methods are still under exploration.然而,小学英语教学还处于酝酿和探索阶段,教学上缺少宏观指导,一个比较普遍的现象是:随着语言学习的升级,学生对学校英语课的兴趣逐步降低,对课堂活动的参与也越来越被动。
6)Primary School English Language Teaching Methodology小学英语教学法
外贸英语--货物保险英语表达F.P.A. stands for "Free from Particular Average".FPA代表平安险。 W.P.A. stands for "With Particular Average".WPA代表水渍险。insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA). 平安险(单独海损不赔)insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks. 综合险,应保一切险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of rust 生锈险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of normal loss (natural loss)? 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险risk of mould 发霉险on deck risk 舱面险
高校德育,college moral education
1)college moral education高校德育
1.Life-Solicitude:the Value Orientation of People in College Moral Education;生命关怀:高校德育人本价值取向的一种选择
2.On Connection between Middle School Moral Education and College Moral Education;论中学德育与高校德育之衔接
3.“Taking human as the basis”is essential in promoting the actual effect of college moral education;以人为本是增强高校德育实效性的关键
1.An Efficient Way of Moral Education in Universities:Improving Moral Education through Aesthetic Education;高校德育的有效途径:以美育促进德育
2.Strengthening the Awareness of Moral Environment and Optimizing the Moral Education Environment in Tertiary Schools;增强高校德育环境意识 优化高校德育环境
3.University Students Self-moral Education and the Innovation of Higher Institution s Moral Education;大学生道德自我教育及高校德育创新
4.The Reform of the Curriculum of Moral Education and the Effect of Moral Education;高校德育课程问题与德育实效性研究
5.Experience Type Moral Education--Exploring Road to University Moral Education;体验式德育——高校德育的探索之路
6.On Humanist Moral Education and Actual Effect of University Moral Education;试论主体性德育与高校德育的实效性
7.Moral Education of Network --the New Task of Moral Education in Colleges;网络道德教育——高校德育工作的新任务
8.Where is Moral Education --Out of the Puzzle About Moral Education in Universities at Present;德育何在——走出当今高校德育的困惑
9.Moral Education in Colleges and Universities and Library s Function of Moral Education;高校德育教育与图书馆的德育教育功能
10.Expanding Excellent Traditional Moral and Strengthening Construction of Moral Education in College;弘扬优秀传统道德 加强高校德育建设
11.Carrying out "Running the State with Morals" andStrengthening the Construction of Moral Education;贯彻落实“以德治国” 加强高校德育工作
12.To Fulfil the General Plan of "Governing the Country with Ethics" Reinforce the Moral Education in Universities;落实“以德治国”方略 加强高校德育工作
13.On the Approach to"Running the Country by Virtue in Moral Education in Colleges and Universities;高校德育实践“以德治国”方略初探
14.The Misunderstanding of Institutions of Higher Learning s Moral Education and Its Analysing;“德治”背景下高校德育误区的分析
15.Talk about Moral Education Work in Colleges and Universities under the General Plan to Govern the Country by the Rule of Virtue;浅谈以德治国方略下的高校德育工作
16.Supporting and Coorperative Tactics of Moral Education in Universitjes Under the Policy of Administering a Country by Morality;“以德治国”方略下的高校德育策应
17.Implement the General Plan of "Running the Country by Virtue" Better the Morality Work in the Tertiary Institutions;贯彻“以德治国”方略 做好高校德育工作
18.Strengthening College Moral Education by Studying the Ideology of "Running a Country by Moral Education;学习“以德治国”思想 加强高校德育工作
moral education高校德育
1.Network s influence on higher education s moral education and its strategy;网络对高校德育的影响及对策
2.Openness and practice are key to innovating the moral education at college.开放性和实践性是高校德育创新的重要课题。
3)moral education in colleges and universities高校德育
1.Network information: challenge and respondence faced with moral education in colleges and universities;网络信息:高校德育面临的挑战与回应
2.Adherence to Innovation: the Core Idea of Reform and Development of Moral Education in Colleges and Universities;坚持创新:高校德育改革和发展的核心理念
4)moral education in universities高校德育
1.Science moral,academic standardization and moral education in universities——Take the example for Suzhou University survey;科学道德、学术规范与高校德育教育——以苏州大学调查为例
2.The concept of open education and the reform of the moral education in universities;开放式教育理念与高校德育教学改革
3.The objective construction of the moral education in universities is not chosen by the educators or the managers of education.高校德育目标的建构,不是由教育者或教育管理者主观任意选择的,而是有其自身的科学依据。
5)Moral education in university高校德育
1.Researches on the effectiveness of moral education in university;增强高校德育实效性方法新探
2.Based Upon the Construction of School Culture, to Facilitate Moral Education in University;依托大学校园文化建设,促进高校德育工作的开展
3.The application of psychological consultation to moral education in university may power new vigour into moral education, provide new method and means for moral education and make moral education more scientific, more modernized, more purposeful and more effective.高校德育引入心理咨询 ,可以为高校德育注入新的活力 ,提供新的方法和手段 ,使高校德育更加科学化、现代化 ,更加具有针对性和有效性。
6)university's moral education高校德育教育
德育心理学 研究学生品德的心理成分,揭示其形成过程和规律及其在学校道德教育中的应用的教育心理学分支。 中国先秦时期以来的许多思想家都曾对德育心理问题有所阐述。但直到19世纪末叶,西方一些教育学家和心理学家才开始对儿童的道德发展进行科学实验,从而揭开了德育心理研究的帷幕。20世纪20年代末和30年代初,瑞士心理学家J.皮亚杰和美国心理学家H.哈茨霍恩和M.A.梅伊分别对儿童的道德判断和道德行为进行了大量而深入的研究,在理论上和方法上为现今德育心理研究奠定了初步的基础。经过第二次世界大战,从50年代末以后,西方德育心理研究又重新活跃起来,并且逐渐形成了三派理论,即以皮亚杰和L.科尔伯格为代表的道德发展阶段论,以A.班杜拉为代表的社会学习理论和以E.埃里克森为代表的人格发展阶段论。 苏联心理学界一直把道德品质作为个性结构的一个部分。德育心理学研究在苏联直到40年代以后才有了真正的发展。近些年来,苏联教育心理学家对德育心理研究的兴趣更为强烈,他们的注意中心已转到与个性的道德品质直接有关的心理学问题上来。在苏联,指导德育心理研究的理论也已形成,以Α.Н.列昂节夫为代表的活动-个性理论和以Л.И.包若维奇为代表的活动-动机理论具代表性。 德育心理学的具体任务是:研究并揭示社会规范和教育要求如何成为学生的道德认识和行为意向的过程;影响这种转化过程的内外因素;促进这一转化的方式和条件。德育心理学还要研究揭示品德发展各个阶段中的新质,并据以划分品德发展的年龄阶段。并依据品德发展的年龄特征,确定每一年龄阶段中品德培养的目标。揭示符合心理学规律、有效的道德教育方法和措施。对少数品德不良学生的行为进行心理分析,提供矫正和预防的措施,也是德育心理学的一项重要任务。 德育心理学的研究方法基本上可以分为两类:一类是把所要研究的道德品质的各种成分分离出来,放在设定的控制条件下进行实证研究,从中找出内在的必然规律;另一类是通过个案调查、教师的经验总结、班务会和团队活动、学生档案等等多种途径去取得资料,进行综合分析,从中概括出学生品德形成和发展的规律。两类方法可以相互补充,相辅相成;同时还应根据研究的主题,灵活运用。
战术意识,tactical consciousness
1)tactical consciousness战术意识
1.On tactical consciousness of a goalkeeper;论足球守门员的战术意识
2.As two soldiers with traditional efforts in the hands of skill,a good physique and indomitable spirit,better psychological qualities and excellent tactical awareness,are to capture the instant of warplanes,in which tactical consciousness training is essential.随着排球比赛竞争的日益激烈,排球比赛场上千变万化,作为排球的二传队员要具有娴熟的手上功夫、良好的身体素质、顽强的精神、较好的心理素质及优良的战术意识来捕捉瞬时的战机。
3.We mainly train tactical consciousness,increase sport harmony ability,develop basic strength and reaction velocity,improve the abilities of time and space sense and control balance.通过对山东师大附中足球队训练方式与方法的实践研究表明:中学生足球训练应重点抓住战术意识的培养、扩展运动协调能力、发展基本力量与反应速度、改善时空感觉和控制平衡能力。
1.The characteristics of the tactics of modern basketball and the training of the awareness of the tactics;现代篮球的战术特征与战术意识培养
2.Development of tactics and tactic awareness of wrestling players;试论摔跤运动员的比赛战术及战术意识的培养
3.Design and Application of Evaluation Method for Basketball Center s Tactic Consciousness;中锋战术意识评定方法的设计与应用
4.A Brief Analysis of Skill and Tactics Consciousness for Adolescents Basketball Players;青少年篮球运动员的技战术意识浅析
5.On the Development of the Millitary Tactic Consciousness in Teenager Athletes;论青少年篮球运动员战术意识的培养
6.On How to Cultivate Basketball Player s Tactical Consciousness;试论如何培养篮球运动员的战术意识
7.Discussion on footballers tactical sense and its training;试论足球运动员的战术意识及其培养
8.On the Development of Tactical Consciousness in College Basketball Players;试论高校篮球运动员战术意识的培养
9.Analysis of connotation and characteristics of football tactics consciousness;足球战术意识的涵义、特点与构成浅析
10.On Fostering the Awareness of the Techniques and Tactics in Football in Sports Coaching;论运动训练中足球技战术意识的培养
11.On Developing the Tactical Awareness of Young Volleyball Athletes;论青少年排球运动员战术意识的培养
12.On how to improve the teaching quality of volleyball course;普通高校排球专项课战术意识的培养
13.Thinking About the Theoretical Problems of Basketball Tactical Sciousness;篮球战术意识若干理论问题的再思考
14.On the Approaches to Foster Tennis Players' Strategy Awareness对网球运动战术意识培养策略的探讨
15.On the Structure and Forming Mechanism of Soccer Tactic Awareness试论足球战术意识结构及其形成机制
16.On Developing the Tactical Awareness of University Volleyball Athletes论高校排球运动员战术意识及其培养
17.Discussion about Basketball Technique and Tactics Consciousness in Teaching试论篮球技战术意识在教学中的培养
18.On the Actual Combat Summary in the Cultivation of Tactics Awareness;实战总结法与散打初学者战术意识的培养
tactical awareness战术意识
1.On the fostering of volleyball setters tactical awareness;排球二传手战术意识的培养
2.Cultivation of volleyball players tactical awareness;排球运动员战术意识的培养
3.Modern volleyball match needs to challenge the rival s weakness with our own strong points,while the performance of specific of certain teams lies mainly in the players tactical awareness,thus each player is required to own and develop tactic awareness.现代的排球比赛是在激烈竞争和复杂的局面中以已之长克“敌”之短,而各队的特定战术发挥则主要依赖于场上队员良好的战术意识,因而战术意识是排球运动员必须具备且要不断提高的一个重要因素,它既是运动员在比赛中技、战术水平有效发挥的前提条件,也是其自身运动技术水平提高的根本保证。
3)tactics consciousness战术意识
1.Analysis of connotation and characteristics of football tactics consciousness;足球战术意识的涵义、特点与构成浅析
2.The paper elaborated the idea s cultivation, tactics consciousness, and psychological training of the setter and the setter s system training to raise their whole level.在排球训练中 ,应加强对二传队员的培养和训练 ,其包括对二传队员的思想作风培养、战术意识和心理素质培养以及二传的系统训练 ,提高二传队员整体水
4)Sense of tactics战术意识
1.The formation,reformation and application of sense of tactics in SanDa athletes cover athletic qualities in every aspect,and they embody intelligence,physical ability,skill knowledge and psychological factors of athletes.散打运动员战术意识的形成、创新、应用涉及到运动员自身专项素质的各个方面,是在智能、体能、技术知识、心理因素上的综合体现;加强战术意识的培养对运动员的身体、技术、心理和智能的训练水平有极大的促进作用。
2.Basic tactics, physical attribute, sense of tactics and style are the main factors possessed by football players, which directly influences the standard and practical effect of football tactics.基本技术、身体素质、战术意识和作风等是足球战术应具备的主要因素,直接影响着足球战术的水平和实效,应通过学习、训练、比赛和总结进行培养和完善。
3.Coaches should cultivate players sense of tactics by means of training and matches.战术意识及其培养是现代球类运动发展中不可忽视的重要理论和实践问题,其内容包括目的性、预见 性、判断性、灵活性等。
5)tactical sense战术意识
1.Discussion on footballers tactical sense and its training;试论足球运动员的战术意识及其培养
2.In the course of basic training, teenager basketball players should pay equal attention to cultivating the tactical sense as well as improves their atheletic abilities, this promotes their basketball skills and tactics to meet the requirements of basketball development.青少年篮球运动员处于基础训练时期,应把战术意识的培养同其他运动能力的培养放在同等的位置上,使青少年篮球技术、战术水平同步提高,以适应篮球运动发展的需要。
3.The author studies the tactical sense of bashetball and its reflections and puts forward some ways for the training of it.通过对篮球战术意识的概念、表现特点等进行研究 ,提出如何培养和提高篮球运动员战术意识的方法和建议。
6)consciousness of technique and strategy技战术意识
兵种战术学(见战术学)兵种战术学(见战术学)science of arms tactics bingzhong zhanshuxue兵种战术学(seiene。。faxTn。taeties)见战术学。
认同危机,identity crisis
1)identity crisis认同危机
1.The Identity Crisis and Reconstruction of the Core Values of College Students in the View of Multiple Values;价值多元化视阈下大学生核心价值认同危机与重构
2.The article tries to analyze the professional identity crisis, imperial examination complex and cultural identity crisis of journalists in the early time so as to sum up their professional consciousness and spiritual status.本文试图通过揭示早期记者的职业认同危机、科举情结、文化认同危机 ,考察分析早期记者的职业意识和精神状况 ,以及其对新闻工作的影
3.This article starts with the cultural identity,examines the identity anxiety and identity crisis of migrant workers who are in the cultural margins in literary texts,and tries to find a solution to the crisis.笔者从文化身份入手,审视文学文本中滞留在文化边缘地带的农民工的认同危机,并找寻解决危机的途径。
1."Red Classics"Phenomenon and Crisis of the Public s Acceptance of National Culture;“红色经典”现象与大众文化认同危机
2.The New-era Students' Culture-Identification Crisis and Its Reply新生代大学生文化认同危机及其应对
3.The School Identification Crisis of Agricultural University Students and its Countermeasures农业院校学生的学校认同危机及化解
4.Research on the Problem of Self Identity Crisis in the Social Psychological Field;社会心理学视域中的自我认同危机问题研究
5.The Identity Crisis to the Vanguard Poetry of Chinese Mainland in the 1990s;20世纪90年代中国大陆先锋诗歌的认同危机
6.The Identity Crisis in Professional Role and Subject of Chinese Architects;当代中国建筑师的职业角色与自我认同危机
7.The Production of the Crisis of University Teachers Self Identity and its Relief;高校部分教师自我认同危机的产生及消解
8.A Crisis in Defining Literature and Art vs. Language Construction;当前文艺学的身份认同危机与话语体系建构
9.The Self-identity Crisis of Contemporary Academician and The Core Value System;当代大学生的自我认同危机与核心价值体系
10.Regionalism and National Identity Crisis in the Modernization Process;现代化进程中地域主义与国家认同危机
11.Thinking about the Crisis of Identity and the Countermeasure of University Ideological and Political Theoretical Course in the New Period;高校思想政治理论课的认同危机及对策思考
12.Study on the Dominant Ideology Identity Crisis and Countermeasures in the Process of the Social Transition;社会转型期主流意识形态认同危机与对策
13."The Identity Crisis" and National Security--A Comment on Samuel P. Huntington s Book, Who Are We?;“认同危机”与国家安全——评亨廷顿《我们是谁?》
14.A Probe into the Self-identity Crisis of Young Teachers in American Cities and Its Causes;美国城市青年教师自我认同危机及其原因初探
15.Identity Crisis of Virtual Self Caused by Network Technology and Construction of Ethics网络技术引发的虚拟自我认同危机与伦理建构
16.The Cultural Identity Crisis Manifested by Nanning International Folk Songs Arts Festival南宁国际民歌艺术节呈现的文化认同危机
17.The discipline and the researchers of comparative education are frequently encountered with crisis of the identity.比较教育学科和研究者时常面临着身份认同危机。
18.Identification crisis brought by cultural diversity-on American multiculturalism debate;文化多样性带来的认同危机——论美国多元文化主义之争
crisis of identity认同危机
1.In essence, this crisis can be described as a crisis of identity for which some enlightened intellectuals began to look for solutions from 1910s.在辛亥革命前后的二三十年间,民族危机与人格危机普遍弥漫于国民心中,这场危机的实质可表达为近代中国人产生了民族和人格的"认同危机"。
3)Identification crisis认同危机
1.It plays an important role in the formation and evolution of identification crisis.全球化对当代认同危机的产生和演变起到了巨大的推动作用。
4)crisis of cultural identity文化认同危机
1.In facing with a crisis of cultural identity caused by the great change in modern politics and society, the Chinese people have made a different reflection and arduous probing.中国人面对近代以来政治社会巨大变革导致的文化认同危机作出的不同反应与艰辛探索,既揭示了一个民族的文化认同方式必然受制于自身的历史传统,又证明了不能简单地回归本土思想资源,必须立足于全球问题背景,以构造性的态度综合创新,才能成功地回应现代性引发的文化认同危机的挑战。
5)crisis of self-identity自我认同危机
1.The crisis of self-identity among young teachers is a serious problem in American city schools.文章通过对自我认同及其相关概念进行阐释和例举美国城市青年教师自我认同危机的一些具体体现,初步分析了美国城市学校中形成青年教师自我认同危机的两个主要原因:社会心理因素和经济因素。
6)political Identity Crisis政治认同危机
角色认同说角色认同说role identificational theory 角色认同说(role identificational theory)解释性别角色的获得和两性心理行为特征的形成的一种性别差异心理学理论,渊源于精神分析学派,以后也为其他学派所借用。精神分析学家十分强调认同在男女心理发展中的作用,认为认同是保持心理平衡的防御机制。男女儿童为消除恋母、恋父情结,把自己放置于同性父母以及其他同性成人的地位,从而获得相应的性别角色和特定的心理行为特征。当儿童的性心理发展到阳具欲期,才开始形成性别差异。男孩产生的是恋母情结,但由于阉割恐惧,他抑制自己对母亲的性欲冲动,转向与父亲相认同,以达到替代性满足,结果内化了由父亲所代表的社会规范和继承了由父亲所代表的男性权力与品质。女孩由于阳物妒羡产生的是恋父情结,但这种愿望既得不到真正的满足,又得不到彻底的解脱,其性别角色认同获得的是依附、被动、自卑、嫉妒、受虐等女性特征。弗洛伊德解释两性差异形成的阳物中心论观点受到了后人的批评,但其关于性别角色认同的思想则为后来的学者所探讨。社会学习理论在解释性别角色社会化的进程时,也强调了模仿、认同的作用。 (茜冬杏撰高玉样审)
初中英语,Junior English
1)Junior English初中英语
1.Presentations in Junior English;谈谈导入法在初中英语课堂教学中的作用
2.Task-based Teaching Design in Junior English;初中英语教学中的任务型教学设计
3.The Application and Research of the Situational Language Teaching in Junior English Class;初中英语课堂情境教学的实施与研究
1.Cooperative Learning and English Classroom Instruction in Middle School;初中英语教学中的合作学习(英文)
2.Application of CLT in Teaching Speaking in Junior High School交际法在初中英语口语教学中的应用
3.The Significance of the Involvement of Mother Tongue in Junior High School English Teaching and Learning;论母语介入在初中英语教学中的意义
4.Games Used in Learner-Based Teaching in Oral English游戏法在初中英语口语教学中的运用
5.An Initial Study of the Effectiveness of English Class-Teaching-Interaction in Junior High School;初中英语课堂师生互动的有效性初探
6.A Brief Exploration of the Development of Underachievers Non-intellectual Factors in Junior School English Teaching;开发初中英语后进生非智力因素初探
7.Action research" in junior middle school English teaching;初中英语教与学的“行动研究”初探
8.A Basic Probe into TBLT Model for JEFC Teaching;初中英语教学中任务型语言教学模式应用初探
9.A Study on the Washback Effect of the Senior High School Entrance Exam on Junior English Teaching and Learning;中考英语测试对初中英语教学的反拨效应研究
10.The Application of the Communicative Approach in English Teaching in Junior High School;英语交际教学法在初中英语教学中的应用
11.Integration of Explicit and Implicit Grammar Instruction in EFL in Junior High Schools初中英语显性与隐性语法教学的整合
12.A Study on English Learning Strategies of English Learners with Learning Difficulties in Junior Middle School;初中英语学困生英语学习策略的调查研究
13.To Tell Stories To Learn English--Exploring the School-based English Curriculum for Junior Middle School;讲故事 学英语——初中英语校本课程开发的探索
14.Study on Communication between High School and College in English Teaching;大学英语与中学英语教学衔接的初探
15.A Preliminary Study of the Characteristics of Chinese Learners Spoken English,;中国学习者英语口语语料库初始研究
16.An Analysis of Transfer Errors in Junior High School Students Writings;对初中生英语写作中的母语干扰分析
17.A Study on the Joining of Junior English Teaching and Senior English Teaching;高中英语教师如何搞好初高中英语教学衔接
18.A Discussion on the Input of Chinese Culture in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中汉语言文化输入初探
junior middle school English初中英语
1.Experiment Research of the Grouping and Interactive Delamination Teaching in Junior Middle School English Class;分组互动式分层教学在初中英语教学中的实验研究
2.Promoting information technology and junior middle school English courses integration and realizing the innovation of teaching content presentation, students learning methods, teachers teaching methods and teacher-student interaction mode is the direction of the junior middle school English teaching innovation.推进信息技术与初中英语学科课程的整合,实现教学内容的呈现方式、学生的学习方式、教师的教学方式和师生互动方式的变革,是初中英语教学革新的方向。
3)junior high school English初中英语
1.Research on Life Teaching of Junior High School English under the Circumstances of New Curriculum Requirements;新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学研究
2.In the past 20 years,People s Education Press has published four series of junior high school English textbooks,which correspond to the development in English language theories and the understanding of the nature of English language and English language teaching.近二十年来,人民教育出版社相继编写、出版了四套初中英语教材,每套教材的课程设计都反映出了相应时期英语语言理论发展的基本特征,反映了不同时期语言学理论的发展以及不同阶段人们对于语言本质的认识和语言学习的本质的认识。
4)junior English speaking初中英语口语
5)junior English teaching初中英语教学
1.This paper mainly approaches on the basic principles of the task-based instruction theory ,combine with teaching examples ,and discuss how to carry out on the task-based instruction in junior English teaching .本文探讨了任务型教学理论的基本观点,并结合教学实例论述了如何在初中英语教学中实施任务型教学。
2.At present, Junior English teaching consists of learning and practicing English, as well as understanding English culture.当前的初中英语教学包括对英语语言本身的学习、运用及对英语语言文化的理解。
3.It focuses on how to foster students aesthetic intelligence in junior English teaching.初中英语教学实践中,有相当一部分英语教师把英语教学锁定在语法规则的不断重复中,对学生的培养主要表现在英语练习的反复操练与单词的机械记忆中,把英语教学的失败简单归咎于学生的懒惰上;忽视了英语作为一门外语给学生来的不同于汉语的情绪感受,忽视了英语本身。
6)junior English reading初中英语阅读
外贸英语--货物保险英语表达F.P.A. stands for "Free from Particular Average".FPA代表平安险。 W.P.A. stands for "With Particular Average".WPA代表水渍险。insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA). 平安险(单独海损不赔)insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks. 综合险,应保一切险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of rust 生锈险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of normal loss (natural loss)? 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险risk of mould 发霉险on deck risk 舱面险
科举考试,imperial examination
1)imperial examination科举考试
1.The Additional Palace Examination,the non-palace examination and the recording of literatures in Qing s Imperial Examination;清科举考试中的“补殿试”、“未殿试”问题
2.Taking forbidden material into the examination room was one of the fraudulent practices in imperial examinations, which came into being long before the Qing Dynasty, when imperial examinations were regularly held.挟带是自科举考试出现后就伴生的一种舞弊形式,清以前就多有表现。
3.Imperial examination superstition is that people describe the objective result of imperial examinations to the superstition factor,or hope to influence the result of the examination through the superstition means.科举迷信是人们将科举考试的客观结果归结于迷信因素,或希望通过迷信手段左右应试结果的迷信情结或活动。
1.The Additional Palace Examination,the non-palace examination and the recording of literatures in Qing s Imperial Examination;清科举考试中的“补殿试”、“未殿试”问题
2.Malpractice, Anti-malpractice and Enlightenment of Imperial Examination on Modern Examination;科举考试舞弊、防弊及对现代考试的启示
3.How Imperial Examination Affects Present Chinese Evaluation System;科举考试对当今语文评价体系的影响
4.Law and Society: Comment on Ancient Imperial Examination Law of the Late Qing Dynasty;法律与社会:晚清科举考试法规评析
5.The Role of Kaifeng in the Imperial Examination in the Northern Sung Dynasty;北宋科举考试与京城地区的寄应问题
6.A Study on Historic Evolvement of Regional Equity in the Imperial Examination(Keju)科举考试中区域公平的历史演变研究
7.Sure enough, when they took the imperial examinations that year, both Tao and Zhang passed.果然,他们这年参加科举考试,两人都考取了。
8.Improvise with replace the civil service exam in the Manchu dynasty examine in Guizhou province试论清代科举考试在贵州的变通与变革
9.On the Characteristics and Significance of the Imperial Examination System of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom论太平天国科举考试的特点及意义——对传统科举的挑战与冲击
10.Enlightenment for the Current Reform of the Examination Evaluation by the Analysis of the Style of in the Imperial Examination in Ming Dynasty;明代科举考试策试题型分析及对当前学校考试评价改革的启示
11.Confucianism promoted imperial examination's midwifery,and imperial examination ulteriorly reinforced the dominant status of confucianism.儒家思想催生了科举考试,科举考试的发展进一步加强了儒家思想的主导地位。
12.Imperial Examination and Transformation of Social Tradition in the Qing Dyasty--Taking "Historical Literature on Imperial Examination in the Mid-late of Qian-long Period" as Center;士习文风:清代的科举考试与移风易俗——以《乾隆中晚期科举考试史料》为中心
13.The entry examination for the painting academy was included in the imperial civil service examination system.画院日趋完备,画院考试正式纳入科举考试之列,以揽天下画家。
14.A Comparative Study on the Causes and Epochal Values of Imperial Examinations and Modern Examinations for Leaders;科举考试与现行领导干部考试成因及时代价值之比较
15.About 300 scholars took part in this imperial examination.有大约三百名生员参加了这次科举考试。
16.The Influences of the Imperial Examination Content on Academy Teaching in the Qing Dynasty;论清代科举考试内容对书院教学的影响
17.On the Imperial Examination s Fetter to the Development of Ancient China s Vocational Education;论科举考试对中国古代职业教育发展的束缚
18.The Extensiveness of Keju Study in View of Examination Subject and Contents从考试科目与内容看“科举学”的广博性
imperial examination system科举考试
1.The examination system of the government functionary, carried out in the latest years, inherits Chinese ancient imperial examination system as well as develops the western government functionary examination system, which provide a great deal of enlightenment for the government functionary system at the present stage.近年来我国推行的公务员考试任职制度是对中国古代科举考试与近现代西方公务员制度的传承与发展,中国古代的科举制度和近现代西方的公务员制度为我国现阶段公务员制度提供了有益的启示;我国推行公务员考试任职制度取得了良好的社会效益和人才效益,但仍存在着试卷设计不合理、考录环节不周全、面试程序不科学及录用后的任职考核制度不健全等问题,急需进一步加以完善。
2.However, it has been used for as long as five hundred years, for which there are three main reasons: firstly, it is employed in imperial examination system so as to satisfy the demand of ruling class for consolidating system and maintaining doctrines; secondly, used to test scholars, it makes contributions to the selection of talented people; lastly, the long- existing stereotyped cultu.八股文是一种相当僵化的文体,自明代开始,对八股文的批评几乎无时或息,但它为什么能够长期沿用达五百多年之久呢?主要有三个方面的原因:一是这种文体用于科举考试体现了统治者巩固体制、维护道统的需要;二是用这种特殊文体试士,对选拔人才有一定作用;三是长期形成的八股文化学术体系,对这种取士制度起到了极大的支撑作用,并形成了一种稳定的文化环境。
3.The imperial examination system of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is not only similar to the traditional exam,but also has its own features.太平天国的科举考试制度,既与传统的科举制度有所相似,又有其自己的特点。
3)imperial examinations科举考试
1.In the imperial examinations, the Tang government made and carried out a series of fair management measures, such as dodging relatives, filling forms and looking for guarantors in the examinations.在科举考试中,唐政府制定并施行了诸如“考功别头”、“结款通保”等一系列廉明的管理措施,相对保持了科举举士制度的纯洁性,为有效地选拔人才提供了保证。
2.The rising of the Song School of Classical Studies has a considerable relation with the social economy, politics, culture and thoughts of that period, such as, firstly, the shaking of exchange of production relations; secondly, the ever prosperous economy and culture; thirdly, the reform of emphasizing imperial examinations; fourthly, the relaxing of .宋学的兴起 ,与当时社会的经济、政治、思想文化等因素密切相关 :第一 ,生产关系变迁的震荡 ;第二 ,空前繁盛的经济文化 ;第三 ,重经旨的科举考试改革 ;第四 ,宽松的文化氛围 ;第五 ,高度发达的学校教育 ;第六 ,传统经学的僵化和没落以及儒佛道三家学说的渗透和融合。
3.Ce-lun is the most important style of Imperial Examinations.策论是科举考试中最重要的文体。
4)the history of Imperial Examinations科举考试史
5)civil-service examination system科举考试制度
6)the imperial examination in Ming Dynasty明代科举考试
1.Application of key assignment setting of registry;注册表键值设置的实际应用
2.The Ways to Improve the Stability of Operator System by Modifying Registry;修改注册表提高系统稳定性的几种方法
3.Study on biological statistic analysis platform accessing registry.;生物统计分析平台存取注册表的研究
1."The registry value has the wrong registry data type"注册表值的注册表数据类型不正确
2.Unable to build registry value(s) of registry key '%1'无法生成注册表项“%1”的注册表值
3.The configuration registry key could not be opened.无法打开配置注册表项。
4.The configuration registry key is invalid.配置注册表项无效。
5.The configuration registry key could not be written.无法写入配置注册表项。
6.The configuration registry key could not be read.无法读取配置注册表项。
7.Updating Netscape Client Registry正在更新Netscape客户注册表
8.The configuration registry database is corrupt.配置注册表数据库损坏。
9.Operaing Widows Registry in VB Program;用VB程序操作Windows注册表
10.On Maintenance of Windows System Registration Form;Windows系统注册表维护方案
11.Brief Discussion on the Windows Registry and Optimize;浅议windows注册表及其优化
12.Windows registry s damage and restoration;Windows注册表的损坏及恢复
13.Modified skill concerning the register of Windows NT;Windows NT注册表修改技巧
14.Discusssoin on the Register of Windows 95/98 Operation System;关于Windows95/98注册表的讨论
15.Cannot open registry key. Must create it first.0无法打开注册表项。必须首先创建注册表项。 0
16.Invalid registry group. No registry keys specified for monitoring.无效注册表组。没有指定被监控的注册表键值。
17.Registry read failure, this registry key might not exist.注册表读取失败,此注册表键可能不存在。
18.Error encountered while processing registry key %1 (%2) - Registry can not be backed up.处理注册表项%1(%2)时出错-无法备份系统注册表。
1.Enhancement of the security of hospital information network by using the technology of register;利用注册表技术增强医院信息网络的安全性
2.Modify register, reinforce the safety of system;修改注册表,加固系统安全
3.Modifying the value of contents of a register for setting ODBC with VB;用Visual Basic修改注册表登录ODBC
3)register table注册表
1.Study on application of Visual C++ in register table;Visual C++在注册表中的应用
2.The Methods to Analyze and Clear Viruses by Register Table;使用注册表分析与清除病毒的几种方法
3.Hobbyhorse program is a major problem threaten internet,the ways of loading the program are also diversify,but the normal way is making use of the system files;According to the development of operation System techniques,more and more hobbyhorse program add themselves into register table directly,improving their conceality and destructiveness.木马是互联网所面临的一种主要的安全威胁 ,其加载的方法也是多种多样 ,通常使用的方式是利用系统的配置文件 ;但随着操作系统技术的发展 ,越来越多的木马程序将加载信息直接隐藏在注册表中 ,大大的提高了木马程序的隐蔽性及可能带来的破坏性。
4)registration form注册表
1.The authority of readers operating index machine is limited,which ensure that the index machine is able to run in the right way,by setting and modifying the registration form and IE sacurity.通过对网络设置、修改注册表I、E安全安全设置等方法,限制了读者对检索机操作的权限,保证了检索机的正常运行。
2.It also introduces the more effective prevention way --- the maintenance of system registration form, which provides the support on operating safely in the INTRENET/INTRANET.本文主要介绍目前广为流行的恶意网页修改的表现方式、传播途径、破坏形式、以及现有比较有效的防治方法———系统注册表维护,为在INTERNET/INTRANET网上安全运行提供支
3.He describes in detail the function, constituent, general set up of window system registration form.本文介绍了湖北省网上计算机等级考试系统基本情况 ,说明了Windows系统注册表的作用、组成和一般设置方法。
5)registry table注册表
1.Analysis of Using Registry Table to Improve Computer System Security;试析利用注册表提高计算机系统安全
2.In order to enable Windows to facilitate the management of files,in Windows 95 and its subsequence versions,there is a database called "registry table" used for unified management.为了使在Windows中文件管理方便,在Windows95及其后继版本的操作系统中,采用了一种叫做注册表的数据库来统一进行系统管理,将各种信息资源集中起来并存储各种配置信息;就注册表的特点、结构、数据类型、操作等方面进行了介绍,并从加快启动速度、内存优化、加快程序运行速度和加快上网速度等方面着手,提出了一些注册表优化的策略,以提高系统的性能。
3.The environment variables are stored in registry table or file.环境变量分为系统环境变量、用户环境变量和某些程序所属的环境变量三个层次,这些环境变量分别存储在注册表或文件中,可通过系统属性界面、注册表编辑器、set命令和一组API函数对环境变量进行操作,说明了进程间环境变量的继承机制和环境变量的图形界面显示方法。
6)Windows registrationWindows注册表
1.Taking a database of Access for example, the values of the Windows registration list are analyzed and the method to realize the auto-login of the ODBC data source in a VC++-based application program is investigated in this paper.以一个Access数据库为例,分析了Windows注册表中的键值,介绍了如何在VC++编制的应用程序中实现ODBC数据源的自动登录。
2.Just by the three types ODBC data source of MS Access, MS SQL Server and MS Visual FoxPro for example, the restore station, restore for mat, parameter name and meaning of ODBC data source in Windows registration was analyzed, and a method how to define ODBC data source in application program was discussed.以MSAccess、MSSQLServer和VisualFoxPro 3种类型的ODBC数据源为例 ,通过对ODBC数据源参数在Windows注册表中的存放位置、存放格式、参数名称、参数含义及其数据类型的分析 ,给出了在应用程序中定义ODBC数据源参数的一般方法 。
阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表)阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表) AS iman tongfeng ganshibiao阿斯曼通风干湿表见通风干湿表。
理想信念,ideal and belief
1)ideal and belief理想信念
1.To strengthen the communist ideal and belief on cadres;要加强对干部的共产主义理想信念教育
2.Enchantment of the Communist Manifesto to the ideal and belief education of undergraduate《共产党宣言》对大学生理想信念教育的魅力
1.Strengthening Education of Ideal and Faith by Implementing Thought of Three Represents;贯彻“三个代表”思想 加强理想信念教育
2.On the Army and the People's Ideals and Beliefs during Bose Uprising--Studies on Ideals and Beliefs of Bose Uprising(Ⅰ)论百色起义期间军民的理想信念——百色起义之理想信念研究之一
3.The Research on the Faith and Political Orientation of Contemporary University Students;当代大学生理想信念与政治倾向研究
4.On the Education of Youth Ideal and Belief during the Period of Important Strategy and Opprtunity;论重要战略机遇期青年理想信念教育
5.A Research on the Method of College Students Education about Ideal and Conviction in New Times;新时期大学生理想信念教育方法研究
6.On the education of ideal and belief in current situation;关于现阶段理想信念教育问题的探讨
7.To Reinforce the Education of Ideals and Beliefs of Vocational College Students;高职院校应加强大学生理想信念教育
8.On the Establishment of the Ideal Belief System for University Students in the 21st Century;论21世纪大学生理想信念体系的建构
9.On the Formation and Basic Characteristics of Modern Social Ideals and Beliefs;现代社会理想信念的形成和基本特征
10.On Strengthening College Student s Education about Ideal and Faith;加强大学生理想信念教育的重点内容
11.Strengthening the Ideal and Faith Education of College Students;必须大力加强大学生的理想信念教育
12.Some Considerations about the Education of Ideal and Belief during the Period of Social Transformation;社会转型期理想信念教育的几点思考
13.Discussion about the Importance and Aim of Education in Ideal and Conviction;论理想信念教育的重要性及其落脚点
14.How to Develop Positive Ideology of College Stdents;当代大学生理想信念教育的对策思考
16.Understand"the three rule s" fortify our conviction;把握“三个规律” 坚定理想信念
17.Towards the Educational Work of Ideal and Belief on College Students;对当代大学生的理想信念教育的思考
18.A Survey Report of the Faculty’s Ideals and Believe;关于教职工理想信念状况的调查报告
ideal and faith理想信念
1.An investigation of the ideal and faith of university students of science and technology;工科大学生理想信念现状调查与分析
2.Improving the results of education of ideal and faith in universities in cybertimes;增强网络时代高校理想信念教育的实效性
3.Deng Xiaoping s ideas and measures on the education of teen-age ideal and faith on the new days;新时期邓小平关于青少年理想信念教育的思想与方法
3)Ideals and beliefs理想信念
1.Working mechanisms in university students ideals and beliefs education——Philosophy reading based on "life world";大学生理想信念教育中道德信仰的作用机制——以“生活世界”为根基的哲学解读
2.To educate college students by using the important thought of Three Represents as the leading subject is a sure way to train the college students as the builders of the socialism and the qualified successors in the education of their ideals and beliefs.用"三个代表"重要思想统领大学生的理想信念教育,是培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义事业建设者和接班人的根本保证。
3.In the context of new history, it is of great practical significance to be careful to analyze the ideal education for college students with the new issues, adopt effective measures to strengthen education in ideals and beliefs of university students and make young students to establish communist beliefs, train and bring up a large number of Marxists.理想信念教育是大学生思想政治教育的核心,在新的历史背景下,认真分析大学生理想信念教育所面临的新课题,并采取切实有效的措施加强大学生理想信念教育,使青年学生树立共产主义信仰,培养和造就一大批青年马克思主义者,具有重大的现实意义。
4)ideal faith理想信念
1.The chief problem of the education of the youth party member and the science and technology persons is the firm ideal faith坚定理想信念:青年党员科技人员教育的首要问题
2.This paper explores the correlations between university students’ ideal faith and scientific quality by analyzing the data from 423 university students.通过对西部423名大学生的调查,考察理想信念与科学素质的关系,结论是:大学生的理想和信念总体状况不容乐观,而科学素质特别是知识素质总体水平较高;大学生理想信念和科学素质有一定的不均衡性;整体上大学生的科学行为和科学精神存在不一致性,虽然大学生都善于发现问题,但在解决问题方面存在较大问题。
3.The ideal faith education is an important c on tent of outlook on life education,and strengthening the ideal faith education of open students is the important measure to cultivate the 21 centuries qualified person of ability.理想信念教育是人生观教育的重要内容 ,加强开放教育学员的理想信念教育 ,是培养 2 1世纪合格人才的重要措施。
5)ideal and conviction理想信念
1.It is an important subject of keeping the advanced quality of the Party members to adopt a firm and right ideal and conviction.牢固树立坚定正确的理想信念,是保持共产党员先进性的重要课题。
2.Education in ideal and conviction is the inner stipulation and fundamental requirements of the cause of socialism. 理想信念教育是社会主义事业的内在规定和根本要求,目前社会主义理想信念教育的落脚点应是共产主义的共同理想,即坚持共产主义的崇高理想和信念。
6)ideal and belief理想和信念
1.: Strengthening the ideal and belief education of socialism and communism is not only an important subject of construction of Marxism Party but also anurgent need to intensify the construction of the Party and consolidate the education of the Party members and administration.加强社会主义、共产主义理想和信念的教育工作既是马克思主义党建学说的一个重大课题,更是新时期加强党的建设,强化党员教育和管理工作的迫切需要。
2.In this paper,the author expounds that the Communist Party members should study harder and establish a firm communist ideal and belief.本文从共产主义是社会发展的客观规律,它代表了大多数人的利益,是人类历史上最先进的社会;共产党的宗旨是全心全意为人民服务,根本政治信仰是社会主义和共产主义等方面,论述了共产党员要加强学习,树立坚定的共产主义理想和信念。
理想流动与理想反应器理想流动与理想反应器ideal flow and ideal reactor I以一ong}一udong yu}ixiong fany!ngql理想流动与理想反应器(ideal flow and idealreactor)轴向完全无混合和完全混合的流动统称理想流动,能使流体呈理想流动的设备或容器称为理想反应器。在有色金属冶金反应器中,流动情况往往很复杂,这给反应器的设计与计算带来很大的不便。冶金反应工程学采用了简化的方法,从错综复杂的实际流动中,假定两种理想流动模型,其物理意义明确,数学表达简便,能反映流动过程的本质和规律,这种流动的数学描述就是理想反应器的流动模型。 物料流动状况流体的流动是影响反应器宏观动力学的最重要因素,因为在反应器内进行的任何反应都与热量的供给(或排出)、物质的输入和输出密切相关,而这种热和物质的传递都是与流动相伴随而进行的。物料在反应器中的停留时间长短完全受流动的影响;反应进行的主要影响因素如物质的浓度、温度、反应时间、反应物相互接触等都与流动情况有关,因此反应的速率也必然受到流动状况的影响。这种影响在反应器设计和把小试验结果放大时,就会更为突出地表现出来,致使放大后的效果远离根据小试验结果所作出的预测。为此,有必要研究反应器中的物料流动状况,找出描述它的方法和判断它优劣的标准,这是研究理想流动及理想反应器的主要目的。 一些皿要概念主要有停留时间、空时、空速和返混。流体以v(m”/h)的流率流经体积为VR(m“)的 Vo.、,、,~,__,决一一、.、~、,_,一,,反应器时,r一丫(“)称为停留时间。若以进料时的‘,____‘.,_._.V。_,、.、_一、._.体积流率v0代替”,则一了称为空时,在恒容过程中?一。,二者完全一致。S一告称为空间速度(空速)。流经反应器的流体,可看成是由无数微小单元所组成,若各个具有不同停留时间的微小单元有互相混合则称为返混。 理想反应器理想反应器有间歇式搅拌反应器、完全混合反应器及活塞流反应器三种,如图1所示。。夕,料.均匀混合 }与1进料产品}气as牙仁一 、、均匀混合、,_ 一‘一产品 ab‘ 图l三种理想反应器 a一问歇式;b一活塞流式;‘一完全混合式 间歇式反应器或称分批式反应器。间歇式反应器中设有搅拌装置,物料一次加入反应器内,搅拌使其立即混合均匀,反应完成后,将全部物料卸出,再进行下一批的装料与反应。在任一瞬间整个反应器内的物料组成到处均匀,不随其空间位置而随时间不断地变化;所有物料的反应时间与停留时间一致,且完成液中反应转化率均匀。
宿舍管理,dormitory management
1)dormitory management宿舍管理
1.the way of dormitory management for colleges;论高校学生宿舍管理应当具备的方法
2.The design and implementation of student s dormitory management system in the construction of digital campus;数字化校园建设中宿舍管理系统的设计与实现
3.The role of dormitory management in cultivating students integral competence;宿舍管理的优化与大学生综合素质提高
1.A Management Pattern by Emotion and Family;“两情”管理与“四家”服务的宿舍管理模式
2.Incorporating servicr, managment and education together to promote management of students dormitory;集服务、管理、育人于一体,搞好宿舍管理
3.On CoHegDormitory Management;浅谈新形式下高校学生宿舍管理——宿舍管理应充分发挥其育人功能
4.Optimize Dormitory Management and Promote the University Students′Mental Health;优化宿舍管理 促进大学生心理健康
5.Management of College Dormitories and Psychological Health of College Students;大学宿舍管理与大学生心理健康发展
6.Action Research on Dormitory Management of Boarding Primary Schools in Nomadic Tibetan Areas;藏族牧区寄宿制小学宿舍管理之行动研究
7.A Survey on Dormitory Management Moral Education in Vocational School;职业学校学生宿舍管理中的德育研究
8.The Exploration and Practice of University Students Dormitory Management;大学生宿舍管理新模式的探索与实践
9.the way of dormitory management for colleges;论高校学生宿舍管理应当具备的方法
10.Human-centeredness,Improving College Dormitory Management;以人为本,积极推进高校宿舍管理工作
11.Marital Certificate for College Students and Administration of Their Dormitory;从允许本科生结婚看大学生宿舍管理
12.Optimizing the Dormitory Managing Work;加强和改进高校学生宿舍管理之我见
13.On Managing College Students Dormitories;把握新特点 做好大学生宿舍管理工作
14.An inquiry into personality education in the management of students dormitory in normal university;试论高师学生宿舍管理中的人格教育
16.Effects of Dormitory Management on Psychological Health of College Students;大学宿舍管理对大学生心理健康的影响
17.Rational Thoughts on Reform of Dormitory Management System in IHLs;关于高校学生宿舍管理体制改革的理性思考
18.The Design and Realization of the System of the Student Dormitory Management Based on JSP Technology;基于JSP技术的学生宿舍管理系统的设计与实现
caretaker's accommodation管理员宿舍
3)the right to manage the dormitory宿舍管理权
4)Dormitory management宿舍管理工作
5)Dormitory Construction and Management宿舍建设和管理
6)Accommodation Officer学校宿舍管理员
1.School Accommodation Officer:A New Role of School Social Workers Involvement in Universities;学校宿舍管理员:学校社会工作者介入高校的新角色
鬼宿舍鬼宿舍dek hor(2006)导演:松耀司·舒克马卡纳尼 songyos sugmakanan主演:charlie trairattana松耀司·舒克马卡纳尼chintara sukapatanajintara sukphat ...国家/地区: 泰国对白语言:泰语发行公司: golden village entertainment ...上映日期: 2006年2月2日 泰国 ...官方网站: official site [tw]更多中文片名:我的幽灵朋友鬼书友......香港译名更多外文片名:dorm类型:惊悚/剧情片长:hong kong:110 min剧情刚读7年级的12岁男孩chatree第一次离家。期中时,chatree的爸爸突然将chatree转学到一个离家很远的寄宿学校。看起来很奇怪,但chatree却很清楚为什么,因为chatree是唯一知道父亲秘密的人。在期中转学是非常残酷的,chatree必须重新适应新的班级、新的同学和这个一点也不像家的宿舍。最惨的是,chatree睡的床,听说在他之前有很多“人”都睡过……chatree很孤单,直到到交到了一个朋友vichien。他们常常一起溜到学校后方荒废的操场上玩。一直以来,有个传说是关于那里一个被封闭的游泳池,据说曾有个小孩在那淹死了,原来vichien是个鬼魂……幕后制作:令人毛骨悚然的《鬼宿舍》(dorm)是《鬼影》(shutter)制作公司2006年的全新力作。挟着《鬼影》的骇人气势和旺盛口碑,《鬼宿舍》2006年2月在泰国一上片,票房即打破了当年《幽魂娜娜》(nang-nak)所创下的鬼片纪录,成为泰国今年最卖座的鬼片。《鬼宿舍》的震撼惊人力道可比好莱坞鬼片《灵异第六感》(the sixth sense),而片中两个“小鬼”——纳克(nak)和麦可(micheal)的精彩演出,更不逊于当年的海利·乔奥斯蒙(haley joel osment)。每个学校都有它的鬼故事,《鬼宿舍》大胆在曼谷一家曾闹过鬼的老学校拍摄,不仅要让观众感受那种真实的气氛,更分享一桩发生在学校里惊人又感人的传说。《鬼宿舍》剧情叙述一名初到寄宿学校就读的国一学生,却发现该学校师生看来都非常诡异,原来他所住的宿舍正巧闹鬼,而他被安排睡在一个刚死去同学的床上……让人胆颤心惊的《鬼宿舍》,不论是宛若停尸间的宿舍、闹鬼的厕所、同学自杀的游泳池;或是总在半夜巡房的舍监游魂、不断被迫重覆死亡的鬼魂、常会歇斯底里的驻校老师,都让人打自心底发毛。导演简介导演松耀司·舒克马卡纳尼(songyos sukmakanannj)本来任职于广告公司,写剧本是他的长项,作品快、好、有趣又感人。他首次执导的电影是一部短片《我的大象》(my elephant),就广受全世界各大影展欢迎。在深获各界肯定之后,他拍摄的第一部剧情长片《我的女孩》(my girl)更是引起国际惊讶,这是他和另5位同学一起执导的作品,也让他们6人一起荣获了“泰国奥斯卡”的最佳导演奖。《我的女孩》不仅让他频频获奖,市场评价也相当地高。松耀司在各方支持下,再度开拍了他第二部作品《鬼宿舍》,这也是他独立完成的第一部长片。《鬼宿舍》虽然是出自松耀司的剧本,但他的创作方式却非常特别,他不但写出了自己和鬼打交道的经验,竟将伙伴们遇到过的灵异事件也编入其中。松耀司表示,他以前有个同学家中就是开棺材店的,这让他知道:大部分的鬼是不会害人的,除了一些特例。而且很多鬼都有他们的故事,有的故事真的很可爱,有的故事则会令人动容,跟人没有两样。松耀司还说,《鬼宿舍》是一部很特别的鬼片,不仅是会骇人,还会让人深刻感受到:生死一线间…友谊的可贵以及人性的光明面。
就业信息,Employment information
1)Employment information就业信息
1.On Public Library s Employment Information Service;试论公共图书馆的就业信息服务
2.How to formed and improve the employment information system of college graduate;高校毕业生就业信息系统的形成与完善
3.This paper expounds the necessity of developing the employment information service by the library of finance and economics college and the superiorities of the library of finance and economics college in developing the employment information service, and advances some modes for developing the employment information service by the library of finance and economics college.简述了财经院校图书馆开展就业信息服务的必要性以及财经院校图书馆在开展就业信息服务中的优势,提出了财经院校图书馆进行就业信息服务的方式。
2.The Construction of Employment Information Network:the New Field of the Construction of College Graduates Employment Market;就业信息网:高校毕业生就业市场建设新领域
3.Web-based Graduate students Job-hunting Information Management System;基于Web的毕业生就业信息管理系统
4.Design of Graduate Employment Information System Based on GIS基于GIS的毕业生就业信息系统设计
6.Construction of employment information platform for farmer laborer to clear channels for employment;构建就业信息平台 疏通农民工就业渠道
7.The Perfection of Employment Information Mechanism of China s Labor Market;中国劳动力市场就业信息机制的完善
8.The Application of Decision Tree to Students Employment Information;决策树在高校学生就业信息中的应用
9.Employment Information Site Based on ASP.NET基于ASP.NET的高校就业信息网
10.Expansion of Employment Information Service Functions in College and University Libraries高校图书馆就业信息服务功能的拓展
11.Talk about the Importance of Graduate Employment Information Net to the Graduate Emplyment in High School;浅谈毕业生就业信息网对高校毕业生就业的重要性
12.Probe into the Cultivation of the Employment Information Literacy for the Local University Graduates;地方高校毕业生就业信息素养的培育探析
13.MIS of University Graduates Obtain Employment Coach高校毕业生就业指导管理信息系统
14.Graduated Students’ Employment Choice Under Information Transmitting;论信息传递下的大学毕业生就业选择
15.Effects of Informatization on Chinese Employment and Countermeasures;信息化对我国就业的影响与对策研究
16.Theoretical Exploration of the Influence of Informatization on Employment;信息化对劳动力就业影响的理论探析
17.Employment Service--New Focus of Information Service in University and College Libraries;就业服务——高校图书馆信息服务新热点
18.Increase the Information Capacity of Medical Students in Order to Enhance the Competitive Employment提高医学生信息能力,增强就业竞争力
employment information net就业信息网
1.According to present status of graduate employment market,this paper puts forward system structure and design idea of employment information net by using JSP technology which has many technical advantages.根据目前大学生就业市场现状,结合JSP技术的优势,给出了就业信息网的系统结构与设计思想,并对在开发过程中有关数据库的连接、访问效率的优化、数据的安全等重要问题给出了解决方案。
3)employment information system就业信息系统
1.Study of Designing Employment Information System of University Graduate Based on J2EE;基于J2EE体系结构的高校毕业生就业信息系统的设计研究
4)employment information service就业信息服务
1.Providing the employment information service for the graduates is the enlargement and extension of the service function of university library.为毕业生提供就业信息服务是高校图书馆服务功能的扩展和延伸。
2.This paper analyzes on the necessity of university library s employment information service,probes into the superiorities of university library to develop the employment information service,and puts forward some measures for developing the employment information service by university library.分析了高校图书馆开展就业信息服务的必要性,探讨了高校图书馆开展就业信息服务的优势,提出了高校图书馆开展就业信息服务的措施。
3.Providing the employment information service for the graduates is the enlargement and extension of the service function of university library.为毕业生提供就业信息服务是高校图书馆服务功能的扩展和延伸。
5)Employment Information Platform就业信息平台
6)obtain employment information resources就业信息资源
信息产业的就业结构信息产业内部的就业结构,是指各种信息职业的就业人数占全国总劳动人口比例的分布。一是信息生产者,包括科技人员、信息采集与咨询人员、市场调查与协调人员等。 二是信息处理者,包括管理监督人员、信息处理控制与管理者、文秘与相关的办公人员等。 三是信息分配者,包括各类信息传播工作者。 四是信息基础设施职业者,包括各类信息设备的操作者。
业余训练,amateur training
1)amateur training业余训练
1.Then, the authors has analyzed some various problems in amateur training during that period and put up with the corresponding strategies.通过实地考察,对北海市业余体校有关领导和教练进行走访,并整理相关的文献资料,认真分析北海现阶段业余训练存在的各种问题,并提出相应的整改策略。
2.In retrospect,this paper analyzes the important role of amateur training of adolescents in sports and points out the existent problems.在对我国青少年业余训练进行简要回顾的基础上,分析了青少年业余训练在我国体育事业发展中的重要作用及存在的问题,并对新时期的青少年业余训练工作提出了有针对性的建议和对策,旨在进一步推动我国青少年业余训练更快更好地发展。
3.Using the methods of documentary,investigation,mathematical statistics and logic,the author has investigated the present situation of amateur training in traditional project school of track and field in Henan province.采用文献法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,对河南省中学田径传统项目学校的业余训练现状进行深入调查,在分析业余训练主要问题的基础上,有针对性地提出建议,以期为河南省田径传统项目学校更好地开展课余体育训练工作提供理论参考。
1.Neo-clue to extracurricular training in common higher institutions OSF training;浅析普通高校田径业余训练新思路——OSF训练法
2.Link Between Amateur Training of the Chinese High-level Sports Teams and Amateur Training System of Adolescents;我国高水平运动队业余训练与青少年业余训练体制的衔接
3.Considerations on the Amateur Training of Adolescents in China;对我国青少年业余训练的研究与思考
4.Study on Spare Time Training of Traditional Sports School in Henan Province;河南省体育传统学校业余训练的研究
5.Several Thoughts on Spare Time Training in Long Jump in Colleges and Universities;对高校跳远运动业余训练的若干思考
6.An Investigation and Analysis of Spare-time Swimming Training in Hubei;湖北省游泳业余训练现状调查及分析
7.Study on Amateur Training of 100-meter Dash in University;高校100米运动员业余训练的探讨
8.The Practice and Probe of the Exeraracurricular Training of Track and Fied of Normd College and University;普通高校田径业余训练的实践与探讨
9.On the Speed of Long Jump in School Spare Time Training;学校业余训练中跳远项目的速度问题
10.Spare Time Training of Juvenile Long Jump Athletes;浅谈少年跳远运动员的业余训练问题
11.The Developing of the Periods Training Theory and It s Influencing to the Sports Training in School;现代周期训练理论的发展变化及其对学校业余训练影响的思考
12.On tho Training Charge In Amateur Junior Football Training;对我国青少年足球业余训练市场化进程中训练收费问题的思考
13.Analysis of the Application of "Joyful Training Method" in the School Athletic Team Training;浅析“快乐训练法”在中学校田径队业余训练中的运用
14.The Application of Psychology Training Method to the Amateur Athletes of Women s Pistol;心理训练法在女子手枪业余射击训练中的应用
15.Application of Muscle Strength Training in Extracurricular Swimming Training in Colleges;力量训练在高校业余游泳训练中的运用研究
16.A Survey on the Present Training Condition of Spare-time Sports Schools in Guangxi;对广西业余体校训练的现状调查研究
17.Discuss on the Training Method of the College Amateur Short - distance Athlete;高校业余短跑运动员训练方法的探讨
18.New Thought on the Amateur Middle-Distance Race in Colleges;普通高校业余中长跑运动训练新思路
sparetime training业余训练
1.With continual development of athletic sports reform,reform of teenager s sparetime training and management system of track and field which is basics of athletic sports has became key link.业余训练水平的提高与发展是实现竞技体育战略目标的基础。
2.In sparetime training, the application of psychology can often be affected by the training cycle, coaches feel hard to master the psychological factors of athletes.在业余训练中对心理学的应用往往会受到训练周期的影响,教练员在把握运动员的心理因素方面所遇到的困难很多。
3)spare-time training业余训练
1.This paper attempts to deal with the features of athletes among college and university students and the spare-time training of hurl team of track and field.以我校1987年试招的部分由体育预科班升入本科的学生,具有一定运动基础的运动员来组成的田径代表队投掷组的组建、发展为例,来研究高校如何根据大学生体育运动员的特点,抓好高校田径投掷队的业余训练等问题作一初步的研究。
2.This essay probes into the practice of multiple spare-time training of a spare-time sports school and puts forward suggest ions to improve such training.通过一个基层体校依托社会所进行的多元化业余训练的实践 ,探讨我国业余训练工作如何寻求更广阔的生存和发展空间。
4)extracurricular training业余训练
1.According to the characteristic and condition of the extracurricular training of track and field of normal collage and university and from the angle of the theory of sports training,this article probes into the best way for the improcement of the extracarricular traiing of track and field of collage and university in the light of the practice of track and field training over years.本文依据普通高校田径业余训练的特点和条件 ,从运动训练学理论角度 ,结合多年来田径训练实践 ,探索高校田径业余训练的最佳途径 ,力求今后为高校提高田径训练水平提供帮
5)Amateurish basketball teaching篮球业余训练
6)short term amateur training短期业余训练
部队业余演出队部队业余演出队PLA unit amateur troupes budui yeyu yQnchudui部队业余演出队(PLA unit amateurtroupes).中国人民解放军军以下部队从事业余文艺创作和演出活动的群众性文娱组织。部队开展文化工作的一种组织形式。主要任务是:活跃和丰富基层官兵的文化部队业余演出队冒雪为海军舰艇官兵演出生活,用社会主义思想文化占领军营的思想文化阵地。 部队业余演出队的主要特点是,成员来自部队官兵,平时不脱离工作岗位,需要时集中起来进行创作、排练和演出,完舞黝 自编自演,受到部队官兵欢迎崔麟瀚日当日.姗呱剔瑙翻.馨翔...廿}l翼滋止耳成演出任务后仍回原单位,业余时间辅导雄瀚...嘴阳...圈礴撇貂...粼巍黝开展群众性演唱活动。演出队伍精干,道惑劲..履黔...浅娜时耀黝...麟毓黝具轻便,是直接服务于基层的文艺“轻骑...碱梦呱谕函曰口..嘴犯...粼羹纂:兵”。演出队的创作和演出活动,主要是日..哪继月哑鱿彼县马愿慕黑飘露“兵写兵,兵演兵”,舞台在基层,观众是战哪砚..蚕理黔当攫燕箫翔瑞淡口.士。创作题材、演出内容、表现形式,都来峨翔.日翔日口..胭口峨脚翩.砚自部队生活,根植于基层,紧贴部队官兵一…舀两诬薪出漏示也最材、演练节;的实际。演出节目大部分自编,健康活泼,不拘一格,富有浓郁的部队生活气息。放军各总部的倡导下,各级党委和政治机 开展部队业余文艺创作和演出活动,关认真开展基层文化工作,部队业余文艺是中国人民解放军的优良传统。在1953年创作和演唱活动得到健康发展。部队业余初,中南军区第135师组成的业余演出队奉演出队常年活跃在连队、哨所、港湾、场命到北京为全军文化工作会议演出,获得站、阵地,成为基层文化工作的一支骨干力好评。朱德等领导人观看演出,并接见演出量。总政治部先后于1981年、1984年、1987队的代表。随后,演出队到全军其他部队巡年和1990年举行了不同形式和规模的全军回演出,影响很大,起到了一定的示范作业余文艺会演和调演活动。参加1990年全用。至1959年,全军具有一定表演水平的军业余文艺调演的15支业余文艺演出队,业余演出队有1 000余个。1963年6月一演出节目22台、254个。这些节目取材广泛1965年3月,中国人民解放军总政治部举行新颖,格调清新健康,生动地反映了社会主全军业余文艺调演,各军区、军种、兵种选义建设新时期军队建设与改革的面貌和丰派一个团或师的业余演出队和一个连队演富多彩的部队生活,展现了人民解放军官唱组,分期分批到北京参加调演。先后参加兵忠于党、忠于人民、忠于国家、忠于社会演出的人员有458人,演出各类节目275主义的赤诚胸怀和献身国防事业的精神风个。毛泽东、周恩来、朱德等领导人观看演貌。江泽民等党和国家领导人观看了演出出,并接见演出队代表。“文化大革命”中,并接见演员代表。部队业余演出队演出活动过多,长年集中,部队业余演出队对活跃部队文化生活,失去了业余本色。1975年前后,业余演出鼓舞部队士气,激励官兵斗志,陶冶思想情队大部分被解散。中国共产党十一届三中操,巩固和提高战斗力,具有重要作用。全会后,在中央军事委员会和中国人民解(焦光国)
大学评价,university evaluation
1)university evaluation大学评价
1.This paper probes into restricted factor of university evaluation validity from macroscopical and microcosmic aspects.文章从宏观和微观两个层面对当前我国大学评价有效性的制约因素进行了探讨,认为应该从评价理论、评价制度、评价前提环境、评价过程与技术方法等方面改进大学评价,构建基于教育规律,尊重大学目的和本质,效度较高的大学评价体系。
2.The paper begins on the importance of university evaluation indicator, analyzes differences on university evaluation indicator among seven university evaluation presiding units between China and other countries, from aspects of society cognition, education and administration correlating laws, rules, and policies, and differences on university evaluation researching and proclaiming units.从大学评价指标的重要性入手,对国内、外7所大学评价主体的评价指标从社会大众认知差异方面、国家相关的教育与行政法律、法规与政策方面和大学评价研究及发布主体单位差异三个方面的原因进行了比较分析。
3.To begin with,this paper discusses the relationship between university evaluation and MIS and the significance of building such a system based on the introduction of the background of the university evaluation project.本文首先结合大学评价项目的背景,论述了大学评价与管理信息系统的关系和建立大学评价专用管理信息系统的意义,然后针对大学评价的要点和难点,阐述了系统设计原则、系统分析和系统设计等系统建设的关键性问题,最后指出了目前系统的不足之处和今后的发展方向。
1.University Evaluation Report of China (2006~2007);中国大学评价报告(2006~2007)——中国大学及学科专业评价的理念与实践
3.The Application of Value-added Evaluation in Teacher Evaluation at the College Level增值评价法在大学教师评价中的应用
4.Biological evaluation of atmospheric pollution大气污染生物学评价
5.The Wrong Orientation and Reflection of the University Teaching Evaluation in China;我国大学教学评价的价值错位及反思
6.Appraisal Massification: an Effective Constraint on Academic Appraisal Corruption;大众化评价:学术评价中学术腐败的有效制约
7.Formative Assessment and Reformative Tendency of College English Teaching Assessing System;形成性评价与大学英语教学评价体系改革取向
8.Application of the Intelligence-based Assessment Theories to College English Teaching Assessment;多元智能评价观在大学英语教学评价中的运用
9.On the Elementary Mathematics Curriculum Assessment in the Mainland of China in Multiple Perspective;从多元评价视野看中国大陆小学数学课程评价
10.To assess college students P.E study by the learning process or by results;大学生体育学习的过程性评价与终结性评价
11.Analysis and reform for index system and appraisal method in the evaluation system of student s quality;大学生综合测评指标体系及评价方法
12.The Application and Assessment of College English Writing Measures大学英语写作测评工具的应用与评价
13.Assessment of Universities' Innovative Strengths--Analysis and Predictions大学创新力评价研究——回顾、评析与展望
14.Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Methods for University Mathematic Classroom Teaching;大学数学课堂教学综合评价方法研究
15.The Institutional Interference of Teaching Evaluation vs.Academic Freedom;大学教学评价的制度干预与学术自由
16.The University Class Teaching Evaluation Based on the Students基于学生为主体的大学课堂教学评价
17.An Assessment and Measurement on the Achievement of Electromagnetics in College Physics大学物理电磁学学业成绩的测量评价
18.The Study of Appraisement Index System and Method to Development for University Science and Technology Park;大学科技园发展评价指标及评价方法研究
college evaluation大学评价
1.We discuss the relationships between college website evaluation and college evaluation.本研究以链接分析为基础,对大学网站的利用情况和网络影响力在大学评价中的作用进行了探索,结果发现:①院校排名与链接到网站的页面数不具有线性相关关系,但与Web-IF具有一定的线性相关关系,这表明网站规模对研究结果具有实质性影响;②衡量网站链接特征的各项指标与院校排名没有线性相关关系;③分析结果表明,网络目前在提高院校科研绩效和学术影响力,促进其发展方面所起作用还极为有限,有待大力开发以提高其功能和效益。
2.With the development of higher education,college evaluation has been paid close attention to,which is regarded as the "new model and important measure" during the process of higher education management.随着高等教育的发展 ,作为高等教育管理一种“新模式和重要手段”的大学评价 ,正受到越来越多的关注。
3.Under the influence of college evaluation in developed countries, developing countries began to work on college ranking.随着高等教育在国际竞争和国家中的作用越来越突出,政府和社会对高等教育的要求和期望也越来越大,并通过各种手段来促进高等教育机构进行竞争和发展,提高高等教育的效率和贡献,而大学评价就是其中最重要的手段之一。
3)evaluation of universities大学评价
1.This article examines the history of evaluation of universities, analyses the reasons and values for the existence of such evaluation activities in the perspectives of value relations and explores the value orientation of evaluation of universities.本文考察了大学评价的演变历史,从价值和价值关系的角度分析了大学评价活动存在的原因与价值,论述了大学评价的价值取向问题。
4)the university student appraisal大学生评价
5)teaching evaluation in university大学教学评价
1.The value of teaching evaluation in university should be viewed in dual-degrees,such as its legitimacy and efficacy.大学教学评价的价值,应从其合法性与有效性的双重向度进行分析。
6)students schoolwork evaluation大学生学业评价
地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价) d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
博洛尼亚进程,Bologna Process
1)Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程
1.Europe s Bologna Process and the Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement:Lowering Informational Barriers to Graduate Mobility;欧洲博洛尼亚进程与“澳大利亚高等教育毕业声明”——降低高校毕业生流动信息障碍
2.German Musical Teachers Educational Reform in the Light of "Bologna Process";“博洛尼亚进程”下的德国音乐教师教育改革
3.Reform of Higher Education System in Finland under Bologna Process;博洛尼亚进程中的芬兰高等教育政策调整
1.Trends of the Bologna Process and Its Enlightenment to China博洛尼亚进程在各国的进展及其启示
2.The Progress and Perspective of Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程的最新进展与未来走向
3.The background,process and development trends of Bologna Process“博洛尼亚进程”的背景、历程及发展趋势
4.A Study on Higher Education of Czech Republic in Bologna Process;“博洛尼亚进程”中的捷克高等教育研究
5.“Bologna Process”:Neo-European “Myth”?;“博洛尼亚进程”:新欧洲的“神话”?
6.Bologna Process and Its Impact on China Students Studying Abroad“博洛尼亚进程”及对中国留学生的影响
7.The Higher Education Reform in Germany under the Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程下的德国高等教育改革
8.The Revelation of Higher Education Equity in "Bolonia Process"博洛尼亚进程中高等教育公平的启示
9.Bologna Process in Russia:Dilemma and Tendency俄罗斯的博洛尼亚进程:困境及走势
10.The Reforms on Doctoral Education in France under the Background of the Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程背景下的法国博士生教育改革
11.Bologna Process Promoting the Integration of Higher Education in Europe推进欧洲高等教育一体化的博洛尼亚进程
12.Adjustment of Higher Education Policy in Europe in Bologna Process;博洛尼亚进程中的欧洲高等教育政策调整
13.An Analysis of the Bologna Process:Its Policy Goals and Basic Characteristics;试论博洛尼亚进程的政策目标及基本特征
14.Deutsche Hochschulreform im Bologna-Prozess und ihre Aufschlüsse;博洛尼亚进程中的德国高等教育改革及其启示
15.German Musical Teachers Educational Reform in the Light of "Bologna Process";“博洛尼亚进程”下的德国音乐教师教育改革
16.The Reform of Higher Education System in Italy in the Bologna Processs;博洛尼亚进程中的意大利高等教育体系改革
17.Reform of Higher Education System in Finland under Bologna Process;博洛尼亚进程中的芬兰高等教育政策调整
18.Proposal for Establishing China's Coping Mechanism for the Bologna Process建立中国应对博洛尼亚进程机制的设想
the Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程
1.An Analysis of the Bologna Process:Its Policy Goals and Basic Characteristics;试论博洛尼亚进程的政策目标及基本特征
2.The Italian University Reform under the Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程中的意大利大学改革
3.By 2007,the Bologna process has already undergone five stages of development.至2007年,博洛尼亚进程已经过五个发展阶段。
3)Study on the Bologna Process博洛尼亚进程研究
4)the Bologna mechanism博洛尼亚进程机制
1.To establish China's coping mechanism for the Bologna mechanism,we should found specialized consulting and service organizations,set up disciplinary standard system and quality assurance system for higher education,build college consortiums,share high-quality educational resources,as well as introduce and implement buffering mechanisms for college entry.博洛尼亚进程已经受到中国高等教育界广泛关注,建立中国应对博洛尼亚进程机制主要有:成立专门的咨询与服务机构;建立中国高等教育学科基准体系与质量保障体系;组建中国大学联合体;优质教育资源共享;建立并施行入学缓冲机制。
5)Bologna process波洛尼亚进程
6)Bologna University博洛尼亚大学
1.The Appearance and Development ofThe "Student Type" University of the Middle Ages:On the Organization and Administration of the Bologna University of Italy;中世纪"学生型"大学的产生与发展——意大利博洛尼亚大学组织管理述评
兰博基尼警车兰博基尼Gallardo警车是在意大利警察建立152周年纪念日捐赠给警察部队的。官方称这种兰白相间的超级跑车将在紧急运送人体器官的工作中大显身手,这款车前行李箱是一个冷藏室,可以用来保存器官。实际上,这辆Gallardo警车的大部分时间都是在靠近罗马市区南部的意大利警察局汽车博物馆的门前巡游,向人们展示意大利警察有一辆非常酷的兰博基尼警车。配备5.0升, 500马力 V10 发动机,19-寸铝合金轮毂, 倍耐力PZero Rosso轮胎,奥迪风格的全时四驱系统及经典全铝车身。这辆兰博基尼采用6速手动变速箱而不是E-gear顺序自动变速箱。做工极精良,驾驭她高速行驶在意大利高速公路上的感觉无与伦比。兰博基尼Gallardo警车里面,与兰博基尼Gallardo唯一不同的就是警用交通控制台不断的频闪信息和对话。 在中控台上安装了ProVida 2000数码影像系统,该系统可以对发生的任何交通事故进行拍照、录像,同时可以监测丢失车辆的汽车牌照。ProVida 2000通过GSM中心数据库(全球汽车交换系统)以及GPRS获取信息,因此键盘输入毫无必要。而且该系统反应极迅速。 中央扶手后配备工具箱,里面有数码打印机、无线电控制系统、心脏电除颤机等一应俱全。在门两侧的托架上悬挂着令人发颤的红色警用电棍,随时用来在路边制服臭名昭著的意大利狂徒。
政治人格,political personality
1)political personality政治人格
1.The theory of Deng Xiaoping on the shaping of the cadres s political personality;邓小平关于干部政治人格塑造的思想
2.A Study on the Civil s Political Personality s Construction in the Harmonious Society;论和谐社会中公民政治人格的构建
3.It is playing important push role in shaping modern political personality of youth civil servants.《中华人民共和国公务员法》是建国以来我国干部人事管理方面第一部总章性质的法律,对塑造青年公务员现代政治人格起着重要的推动作用。
1."Ruling the Country with Filial Piety" in Han Dynasty and the Political Personality of Scholar-bureaucrats汉代“以孝治天下”与士人的政治人格
2.An Analysis of Deng Xiaoping s Political Personality and Leading Style;论邓小平政治人格与领导风格的形成
3.A Study on the Political Circumstances and Political Personality of the Group: Scholar-Officials from Shu in the Southern Song Dynasty;论南宋蜀士群体的政治境遇与政治人格
4.Consideration the Modernization of Chinese Political Personality in the Point of Political Culture s View;政治文化视野里的中国政治人格现代化的思考
5.On the Inner Conflicts of Hu Shih;浅析胡适文人气质与政治人格的冲突
6.The theory of Deng Xiaoping on the shaping of the cadres s political personality;邓小平关于干部政治人格塑造的思想
7.In Political Socialization Field of Vision the Thinking of Problem That the Contemporary College Student Political Personality Cultivates;政治社会化视野中当代大学生政治人格培育问题的思考
8.Conflict and Split under the Cross: Analysis of Hong Xiuquan's Political Personality十字架下的冲撞与撕裂——洪秀全政治人格分析
9.Transitions of People s Political Psychology and Personality in the Internet Era;网络时代“政治人”的政治心理及其人格的变化
10.Personality and Politics: Analyzing the Core Relation in Political Psychology;人格与政治:政治心理学领域核心关系分析
11.A Brief Exploration into the Teachers Personality Charms of the Political and Ideological Education in Colleges and Universities;高校思想政治教育教师人格魅力探微
12.An Analysis of the Standards of Education for Ideology and Politics Education Major;思想政治教育专业人才培养规格探析
13.The Significances and Strategies of Personality Education in Ideology and Politics Teaching;思想政治课中人格教育的意义和策略
14.Personality Education: the Base of the Ideological Political Education for University Students;人格教育:大学生思想政治教育的基础
15.Mould the Personality Glamours of Ideology and Politics Educators;塑造思想政治教育工作者的人格魅力
16.Personality Strength of Leading Cadres in Ideological and Political Work;思想政治工作中领导干部的人格力量
17.On the Power of Personality in a Teacher of Political Theory;试论政治理论教育工作者的人格力量
18.Function of Moral Integrity in Ideological and Political Work;谈人格力量在思想政治工作中的作用
personalit politics人格政治
3)politician personality政治家的人格
1.The researches explored how politician personality acted on political leadership primarily from politician s cognitive styles, motives and performance, general personality and behavior styles.20世纪 70年代以来 ,西方政治心理学有关人格与政治行为的研究从公民转移到政治家 ,主要从认知方式、动机与领导绩效、一般人格特征与行为方式等探讨了政治家的人格特征对其领导行为的影响 ,取得了重要进展。
4)despicable political personality卑劣政治人格
5)features of political personality政治人格特征
6)modern political personality现代政治人格
政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
学生评教,students evaluation of teaching
1)students evaluation of teaching学生评教
1.There are many interfering factors in students evaluation of teaching.有诸多干扰因素影响着学生评教结果的客观公正性。
2.This paper argues that the comparatively big difference of students evaluation of teaching results from students psychological difference,improper sample sizes of student evaluators,and poor statistic methods.联系实际, 针对学生评教结果误差大的问题, 分析其原因: 学生心理因素的偏差、样本大小不合适、统计手段落后。
3.At present,the students evaluation of teaching is the important content of university teaching quality guarantee system.当前,学生评教是高校教学质量保障体系的重要内容,但是,由于学生专业性的欠缺和主观人为因素等的影响,导致这种评价方式存在较多不合理性。
1.Thinking about Judging Teachers Work Performance by Students and by the other Teachers;关于“学生评教”与“教师评教”的几点思考
2.An Investigation of Faculty s and Students Persecution of “Student Teaching Evaluation”;教师和学生对“学生评教”的看法调查
3.On discrepancy of Students' evaluation of teaching--Based on data analysis学生评教,偏差几何——对某校学生评教的数据分析
4.Teaching Taijiquan Analysis of the Results of Research Students Evaluating Teaching;太极拳教学学生评教结果的分析研究
5.Correctly Facing to the score from Students Improving the Quality of Teaching;正确对待学生评教 促进教学质量提高
6.The Application of Kappa Statistics for Evaluation of the Identity of Teaching Quality Assessment by Teaching Supervisors and College Students;Kappa统计量评价教学督导组与学生评教的一致性
7.On the Relationship between Student Ratings and Teaching Effect Evaluation学生评教有效性与教学效果评估的关系研究
8.Thoughts on Methods of Students' Evaluation of Teaching in Teaching Assessment at Universities对高等院校教学评估中学生评教方式的思考
9.Efficiency of students evaluation of teaching and the system analysis;高校学生评教的有效性及其评估分析
10.New Design of Teaching Evaluation Questionnaires for Mathematics Institute Students;数学学院学生评教问卷的一种新设计
11.Evaluate by Oneself and Each Other in Physical Education of College Student;论大学生在体育教学中的自评与互评
12.Ideas for Scientific Assessment of Teaching Qualities and Evaluation of College Teachers by Students;高校教师教学质量评估与学生评价科学化构想
13.A Study on College Students Evaluating Effects of Teaching with Multimedia;大学生评价教师多媒体教学效果研究
14.A Study on the Effectiveness of Students Evaluation of Teaching in High Institutes;高校学生评价教师教学的有效性研究
15.An investigation on university student involvement in teaching evaluation;大学生参与教师教学评价的调查研究
16.Impact of background characteristics on students evaluation of teacher s teaching;背景特征对学生评价教师教学的影响
17.On Students Appraisal of Teachers Quality of Teaching in Class;大学生评价教师课堂教学质量的探索
18.Evaluation Method of Teacher Teaching Based on the "student-oriented"“以学生为本”的教师教学评价方法研究
student evaluation of teaching学生评教
1.The purpose of student evaluation of teaching is to provide staff with valid and reliable information with which to make informed decisions about improving student learning outcomes.学生评教是全面、科学评价教师教学、促进教师教学质量提高的重要手段,搞好学生评教工作,必须努力提高学生评教的信度与效度。
2.One of the important items in this system is the student evaluation of teaching.学生评教是其中的重要工作之一。
3.We must follow three basic principles in the formulation of the evaluation table to full display student evaluation of teaching many kinds of functions.学生评教是高校教师教学评价的重要途径,为了充分发挥学生评教的多种功能,需要在评价量表的制定上遵循三个基本原则,注重指标体系的整体性和逻辑性,在评价实施过程中严密组织,在评价结果的使用上讲求科学,防止学生评教功能异化。
3)teaching evaluation by students学生评教
1.In order to get a practical and effective a system of teaching evaluation by students,we must update our concept and rebuild the system.更新观念,重构学生评教制度,具体应做到以下几点:提高认识,转变师生旧有的学生评教观念,共同确立科学的评教观;精心组织学生评教,提高评教信度与效度水平;设计科学的学生评教内容,促使师生更好地交流与合作;科学处理学生评教结果,激发教师的工作热情;重视对评估后效的追踪,促使反思性教师的成长。
2.Effective teaching evaluation by students should have the functions of direction,control,encouragement,diagnosis and service.对高校教师的教学水平和效果进行综合评价是促进教师与学校发展相统一和融合的有效途径,有效的学生评教应起到导向、调控、激励、诊断、服务等多方面作用,然而目前实施的学生评教工作却缺乏有效性。
3.Based on literature research and investigation,this paper discusses six pieces of advice to improve teaching evaluation by students.许多高校学生评教存在的问题,制约了学生评教积极作用的发挥。
4)students evaluating teaching学生评教
1.A practical research into cognitive conflicts between teachers & students in college students evaluating teaching;高校学生评教中师生间认知性冲突的实证研究
2.The values of students evaluating teaching from the perspective of management by objectives,are analyzed and how to implement it in the precondition of management by objectives is introduced.学生评教与领导专家评价、同行评价、教师自我评价一样,是教学评价的有机组成部分。
3.However, the existing problems in students evaluating teaching work and the current attitudes in teachers realizing the evaluation stand in the way of giving scope to the positive function and value in the evaluation to great degree.但是,高校学生评教中存在的问题以及教师的现有认识态度在很大程度上限制了学生评教积极作用和价值的发挥。
5)students evaluation of teachers学生评教
1.As a major part of the teaching quality assessment system in colleges and universities,students evaluation of teachers has been incorporated into the routine teaching administration in many colleges and universities in China.学生评教作为高校教师教学质量评价体系主要组成部分,已被许多高校纳入学校常规教学管理之中。
2.With the popularization of higher learning, quality and efficiency have become the focus of attention and students evaluation of teachers, as a way to change the function of the.随着我国高等教育大众化步伐的加快,质量和效率成为人们关注的焦点,学生评教因为其在转变高校职能、体现学生主体地位、实现教学质量自我监控、自我调节方面的突显作用越来越受到高校管理部门和社会的重视。
6)Students' evaluation of teaching学生评教
1.The Successful Experience of "Students' Evaluation of Teaching" in Foreign Countries——Taking the CEQ in Australia and the SFC-SFS in Japan as Examples国外“学生评教”的成功经验——以澳大利亚的CEQ和日本KUSFC的SFC-SFS为例
语文学习,Chinese learning
1)Chinese learning语文学习
1.A Study of Chinese Learning Evaluation for Vocational School Students;职业中学学生语文学习评价探究
2.The Research investigates Chinese learning conditions of 45 students with higher Chinese level in high schools for the deaf.本研究对聋高中45名语文水平较高的学生语文学习情况作了调查。
3.Autonomic Chinese learning represents the trend of learning method in the curriculum reform,in which initiative,independence,distinctness,comprehensibility and questioning play more important roles in learning.自主式语文学习体现了新课程改革学习方式的发展变化趋势。
1.rote memorization of verbal learning机械记忆式语文学习
2.computer-assisted language learning计算机辅助语文学习
3.Students Cultivate Good Habits of Language Learning;中学生良好语文学习习惯培养的研究
4.Developing Chinese Practical Activities and Broadening Chinese Studying Way;开展语文实践活动 拓宽语文学习渠道
5.the humanistic study of language and literature.语言与文学的人文学习。
6.We study Chinese, math,我们学习语文,数学,
7.We study Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and so on.我们学习语文、学、语、理、学和其他学科。
8.We study Chinese, maths, English and some other subjects.我们学习语文、学、语和其他几门学科。
9.I learn Chinese, English and math at school.我在学校学习语文,英语和数学。
10.At school, we learn English, Chinese, maths and so on.在学校,我们学习英语、语文、数学等等。
12.Individual Learner Differences and Foreign Language Learning;学习者个体差异与外语学习(英文)
14.Research Learning Used in Chinese Teaching:An Open Way of Learning;语文研究性学习——一种开放的学习方式
15.Improving Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Learners增强外语学习者的自主学习能力(英文)
16.How to Give Prominence to the "Flavor of Chinese" in the Comprehensive Learning of the Language;语文综合性学习如何突出“语文味”
17.Strengthen English Culture Learning to Improve English Culture Awareness;加强英语文化学习,提高英语文化意识
Chinese study语文学习
1.Using the inquiry papers about the factors that affect the results of Chinese study of the students in the Northern District of Pingxiang college,the author analyses the main trends of the factors associated with the students Chinese study and studies the disparity of the factors based on different genders and grades.本文以萍乡高专中专部学生语文学习成绩归因调查问卷为工具,对本校学生语文学习成绩的归因倾向及其在不同性别和年级上的差异进行调查。
2.It ref ers that Chinese study is step by step for personality training, and it exerts a subtle influence on personality training.简述传统语文教育人格培养的历史;简析在语文学习中进行人格培养的两个层面及其关系;语文的能力培养与人格培养的关系,指出语文学习对人格的培养是循序渐进的,潜移默化的。
3)learn Chinese学习语文
4)conception of Chinese language and literacy语文学习观
5)Learming Chinese学习汉语文
6)idioms and cultural learning习语与文化学习
部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning 部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)
政治信仰,political belief
1)political belief政治信仰
1.A Discussion of political belief of Qu Qiu bai in the May 4th periods;五四时期瞿秋白的政治信仰新论
2.Investigation and thought on the condition of contemporary students political beliefs;当代大学生政治信仰状况的调查与思考
3.Analysis on the social reasons of political belief;试析政治信仰产生的社会原因
1.Constructing Political Belief in China Through Media Belief;从媒介信仰建构中国缺失的政治信仰
2.Political prisoners, ie those put in prison because of their political beliefs政治犯(由於政治信仰而被监禁者)
3.ON the Harmonization of Moral Beliefs and Political Beliefs in the Confucian Culture;论儒家文化中道德信仰与政治信仰的相融互动
4.She spoke up in defence of her political beliefs.她为捍卫她的政治信仰而大声疾呼。
5.Can you sacrifice your political beliefs for money?你能为钱而放弃政治信仰吗?
6.A Study of the Nowadays Chinese Undergraduates Political Religion;试论当代中国大学生的政治信仰问题
7.Research in the Education of Social and Political Beliefs for the University Students in This New Era;新时期大学生社会政治信仰教育探究
8.Founding and Innovating Political Conviction during the Period of Society Change;社会转型时期政治信仰的铸造与创新
9.Having Strong Conviction is at the Top of Communist Education坚定政治信仰是党员教育的当务之急
10.Building Up Firm and Correct Political Belief is the Key Factor of Having Successful Politics Classes For Teachers;浅谈教师正确的政治信仰是上好政治课的关键
11.Demand of Innovating Political Belief: Developing Democracy;发展民主政治是创新政治信仰的必然要求
12.The Citizens Political Belief in the Period of Transition--An Investigation into the Citizens Belief in Wuhan City;转型期的政治信仰:弱化与保留——基于武汉市民信仰状况的调查
13.Her political beliefs grew out of her hatred of injustice.她的政治信仰来自她对偏私枉法的痛恨。
14.My political belief, my ideals, compel me to veto this bill.我的政治信仰、我的理想迫使我否决这个议案。
15.The Functions and Construction of Political Beliefs during China s Transitional Period;社会转型期中国的政治信仰及其功能和构建
16.They are political prisoners, in prison because of their political beliefs.他们是政治犯,因政治上的信仰而坐牢。
17.They represent many races, religions and political beliefs.他们代表了不同种族、信仰和政治观点。
18.Belief in or support of the tenets of the political left.左派,左翼信仰或支持政治左派观点
Political Conviction政治信仰
1.Under the condition of separation of religion from politics,civil religion sets up common political conviction for the society with the aid of religious form.公民宗教是在政教分离的情况下,借助于宗教的形式来为社会确立共同的政治信仰。
3)On Political Belief论政治信仰
4)Political Belief Crisis政治信仰危机
1.Philosophical Thought On Political Belief Crisis of Young Students;青年学生政治信仰危机之哲学探析
5)social-politics belief社会政治信仰
1.In the basic point of political-ideology work for contemporary university students the three aspects should be upheld:be sure to equipped university students with scientific and advanced social-politics belief,be sure to provide them with definite and strong sense of social responsibility,be sure to offer them with complete and moral outlook of social interest.当代大学生思想政治教育工作之基本点,应从三个方面入手:务必使当代大学生具有科学的、先进的社会政治信仰;务必使当代大学生具有明确的、强烈的社会责任意识;务必使当代大学生具有完整的、道德的社会利益观。
6)social and political belief education社会政治信仰教育
政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
理论探索,theoretical exploration
1)theoretical exploration理论探索
1.This paper makes some suggestions about theoretical exploration of Science of Securities Investment and construction of positive analysis system.文章就证券投资学理论探索与实证分析系统的建设提出了自己的几点认识。
2.Since the new century,the research on post-tenure review has gone more deeply and systematically,and the theoretical exploration represented by dissertation has appeared.新世纪以来,后终身制评估的研究更加系统和深入,出现了以学位论文为代表的理论探索。
1.Zhou Enlai’s theoretic exploration and innovation in 1956;周恩来在1956年的理论探索和理论创新
2.On Translation Process: Practical Experience and Theoretical Probe;简论翻译过程的实际体验与理论探索
3.The Theoretical Explore and Practice on Certificate Authority of Electronic Commerce电子商务认证技术的理论探索与实践
4.Exploration on the Multidimensional Urban Residential Community Planning Theoretics;多维度的城市居住社区规划理论探索
5.Exploring the Cognitive Process of Consecutive Interpreting-A Schema Theory Perspective;从图式理论探索交替传译的认知过程
6.The Theory and Case Study on Local Curriculum Development;地方课程开发的理论探索与案例分析
7.Theory and Practice of Inquiry Teaching of Middle School Physics;中学物理探究式教学理论和实践探索
8.Theory & Methodology Contribution from the Book of Title Explanation;《释名》语源探索的理论与方法论贡献
9.On industrialization development theory and its practice in new China;论新中国工业化发展理论与实践探索
10.A Study on the Course Reform of Deng Xiaoping Theory;《邓小平理论概论》教学改革的探索
11.On the Teaching Reform of Survey of DENG Xiao-ping Theory;“邓小平理论概论”课程教学改革探索
12.Teaching Methods of An Introduction To Deng Xiaoping Theory;《邓小平理论概论》课程教学方法的探索
13.Research on Development s Path and Law of Strategic Management Theory;战略管理理论发展的途径与规律探索
14.The Theoretical and Practical Exploration of Physical Teaching Language in the Secondary School中学物理教学语言的理论与实践探索
15.Some Attempt and Application of Lie Group Theory to Differential Equation Theory;微分方程李群理论的一些探索与应用
16.Study and Application on the Theory of Fuzzy Hypervolume Niche;模糊超体积生态位理论的探索与应用
17.Consideration and Practise for Our Enterprise to Implement Stock Option Prompting;股票期权激励的理论思考与实践探索
18.An Exploration of the Theory and Practice of English Teaching Reform in Primary School;小学英语教学改革的理论与实践探索
Theory study理论探索
3)theoretical research理论探索
1.The work On Essencials of The 21 Century′s Party School Education has filled in the gaps in the fields of the systematical and regular research of the party school education from the aspect of the academic study and theoretical research.《2 1世纪党校教育论纲》一书从学术研究和理论探索的角度讲 ,填补了党校教育系统性和规律性研究的空白。
4)EP theory探索理论
5)Exploration of Theory of Human ManagementH管理理论探索
6)exploration into economic theory经济理论探索
X理论-Y理论X理论-Y理论 【X理论一Y理论]美国行为科学家道格拉斯·麦格雷戈.(伪uglaSM。Gre即r,l以拓一1964)提出的管理理论,概括地论述了人的本性和人类行为规律及其相应管理策略。在1948一1954年间,他对当时流行的管理观点和对人的特性的看法提出了疑问,并在1957年11月号的美国《管理评论》杂志上发表了《企业的人性方面》(Hunlan sideofEnte州se)一文,提出了有名的X理论—Y理论。在以后的著作中他做了进一步发展,19印年正式出版《企业的人性方面》一书。 麦格雷戈把传统的管理观点称为X理论。他在《企业的人性方面》一书中指出:“企业管理当局利用人力来实现组织要求这项任务的传统观点可以大致表述为以下三点。为了避免混乱,我们引进一个标志,把这几点叫做‘X理论’:(l)企业管理当局为了达到经济目的,有责任把生产性企业的要素—金钱、材料、设备、人员—组织起来。(2)就人员来讲,这是一个指挥他们的工作、激励他们、控制他们的行动,修正他们的行为以适应组织需要的过程。(3)如果管理当局不作这种积极的干预,人们对组织的需要可能采取消极的—甚至对抗的态度。因此,必须对他们说服、报酬、惩罚、控制—必须指挥他们的活动。这是管理当局的任务。我们常常把它概括为:管理就是通过别人来把事情办成。在这种传统理论的背后还有一些附加的信念—不是那样明显,但却流传甚广。(4)一般人的本性是懒惰的—他尽可能地少工作。(5)他缺乏进取心,不愿承担责任,情愿受人领导。(6)他天生以自我为中心,对组织需要不关心。(7)他本性反对变革。(8)他轻信,不大聪明,易于受骗子和政客的煽动。” 麦格雷戈基于对古典管理理论的研究,提出了与X理论截然不同的“人员管理工作的新理论”—Y理论。其要点如下:(l)工作中无论在体力和脑力方面的支出,都像在游戏或休息时一样地自然。人们并非天生厌恶工作。(z)外来的控制和惩罚性的威胁都不是使人作出努力来达到组织目标的唯一手段。人们在实现他们所承诺的目标任务时会进行自我管理和自我控制。(3)对目标、任务的承诺取决于实现这些目标、任务后所能得到的报偿的大小。(4)在适当的条件下,一般的人不但懂得接受,而且懂得寻求负有职责的工作。(5)以高度的想象力、智力和创造力来解决组织上各项问题的能力,乃是大多数人都拥有的能力,而非少数人所独具的能力。(6)在现代工业化社会里,一般人的智力还没有得到充分发挥。(7)企业管理当局应当负责把生产企业的各项要素组织起来,以实现企业的经济目标。(8)企业管理的基本任务是,安排好组织工作方面的条件和作业的方法,使个人需要和组织目标尽可能地结合在一起,以便把个人的智慧和能力充分发挥出来。
中华武术,Chinese Wushu
1)Chinese Wushu中华武术
1.A preliminary discussion on features of fighting skills of form-and-will eight-diagram palm and its function to promoting the fighting skills of Chinese Wushu;形意八卦掌的技击特点及对推进中华武术竞技性发展的作用
2.On the Value of Chinese Wushu Sport;试析中华武术运动的价值
3.On the Development Tendency of Chinese Wushu;论中华武术国际化的发展趋势
1.Advantages and Disadvantages Analysis of Wushu s Development and in the Olympic Games;中华武术发展与武术入奥的利弊分析
2.The China martial arts cultural source is far to flow long, race martial arts the effort be great and deep.中华武术文化源远流长,民族武术功夫博大精深。
3.On the Restatement and Reinterpretation of the Developing Direction for Chinese Wushu--Reflection on Chinese Wushu s "Bid to Host the Olympic Games";中华武术发展方向的重申与再释——对中华武术“申奥”的反思
4."In Wind of Shao Lin":the Model of China WuShu Boom and Prosperity;风中少林:中华武术振兴与繁荣的典范
5.Chinese Wushu in Modernization of National Tranditional physical culture;中华武术:现代化中的民族传统体育
6.Status and Functions of Wushu in National Fitness Campaign;中华武术在全民健身中的地位和作用
7.Chinese Wushu is extensive and profound, which is the pride of our Chinese nation.中华武术博大精深,是我们中华民族的骄傲。
8.The Impact of Confueianism, Taoism and Buddhism on Chinese Wushu;三教武魂贯千古——儒、道、释对中华武术的影响
9.On the Interrelation of Chinese Wushu and Acrobatic Fighting Films and Television Programs;中华武术与武打影视作品相互关系的研究
10.Study of Developing Characteristic of Wushu In the Period of Yinshang;中华武术在殷商时期的发展特征研究
11.Looking into the Martial Arts Etiquette from the Tae kwon Do and Judo;从跆拳道、柔道礼仪看中华武术礼仪
12.The Research of Chinese Wushu Ehthic Impact on Modern Society;中华武术伦理思想对现代社会的影响
13.Survivability of Chinese Wushu culture under the background of globalization;全球化背景下中华武术的文化生存力
14.On the Cultural Basis of "Think-and-Act" in Chinese Wushu;论中华武术“心动形随”的文化基础
15.Simplification and Diversification of Chinese Martial Arts;试论中华武术的“淡出”和“深入”
16.A Discussion about Blending the Chinese Martial Arts with the Culture of Olympic Games;中华武术与奥运文化相互交融的探讨
17.On the Origin of Theory of Chinese Martial Arts and Chinese Medicine;试论中华武术与祖国医学的理论渊源
18.The Main Characteristics and Developing Tendency of China Wushu;中华武术的主要特征和当代发展趋势
Chinese martial arts中华武术
1.A Study on the Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Martial Arts;对中华武术文化特征的研究
2.The exorcism dance and Chinese martial arts have much in common by the comparison of their characteristics and movement structures.傩舞和中华武术的拳术的特征和动作结构进行比较,它们有许多相同特性,因此将传统民间艺术傩舞改编成系列傩拳是切实可行的。
3)Chinese martial arts morality中华武德
4)Chinese nation tradition martial arts development中华民族传统武术发展
5)A Brief Discussion on Chinese Wushu Thought中华武术思想简论
6)The aesthetic nature of the Chinese Wushu中华武术美的本质
高水平,High level
1)High level高水平
1.Strategies of managing the college high level basketball players;对高校高水平篮球运动员管理策略的思考
2.The Research of the Distribution and Function of High Level Sport Item of Ordinary Colleges and Universities of Shan Dong Province and Its Reciprocal Investigation;山东省普通高校高水平运动队项目布局与功能的调查及对策研究
3.Adopting a questionnaire method,the paper analyzes the current culture study situation of Jiangsu college high level football athletes.采用问卷调查等研究方法,分析江苏省普通高校高水平足球运动员的文化学习现状,剖析影响运动员文化学习的因素,提出改善运动员文化学习的对策,为提高高水平足球运动员培养质量提供借鉴。
1.high level neutron coincidence counter高水平中子符合计数器
2.a superior cloth, team, standard上等布、 强队、 高水平
3.Keep your work on a high plane.使你的工作保持高水平。
4.a contingent of top-notch researchers一支高水平的科研队伍
5.She teaches advanced students English/teaches English to advanced students.她教高水平的学生英语.
6.Study on Developing Condition of High-level Athletic Team in University;高校高水平田径运动队水平发展现状研究
7.The position or height of such a line or plane.水平高度水平线或水平面的位置或高度
8.a high price, temperature, fever, speed, wind, living standard高价、 高温、 高烧、 高速、 大风、 高的生活水平
9.ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual.上升到明显比通常水平高的水平。
10.His salary vis-a-vis the national average is extremely high.他的薪水比起全国平均水平高出很多.
11.They have / enjoy a high standard of living.他们生活水平很高.
12.I want to elevate the living standards.我渴望提高生活水平。
13.The low standards of management constitute another problem.管理水平不高也是问题。
14.height calculation above sea level水平面以上天线高度
15.a professional whose work is consistently of high quality.专业水平直很高的人。
16.Upgrading the management according to the law.38、提高依法管理水平。
17.We have markedly improved our ability to use foreign investment.利用外资水平明显提高。
18.-- The level of consumption rose noticeably.——消费水平明显提高。
1.Pedaling state of Chinese high-level female cyclists in 500m time track cycling;我国高水平女子场地500米计时项目自行车运动员踏蹬状态研究
2.Construction issue of college high-level volleyball teams in China;论我国普通高校高水平排球队的建设问题
3.Eight well-handled relations in the construction of high-level university高水平大学建设要重点处理好的八个关系
3)high aluminum level高铝水平
1.Compared between low and high aluminum level production,it is proved that high aluminum level was very important to improve the electric current efficiency.通过对低铝水平生产和高铝水平生产的长期比较,证明了高铝水平对电流效率的提高具有非常重要的作用。
4)increase the capabili提高水平
5)horizontal high水平高度
6)more high-level更高水平
深度开发,deep development
1)deep development深度开发
1.Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy in deep development of oilfield;高分辨率层序地层学在油田深度开发中的应用
2.Research on the Deep Development and Management of Human Resources of University;高校人力资源深度开发与管理研究
3.Nutritional value,stabilizing treatment and deep development of rice bran as well as research status and functionality are discussed in detail.详细论述了米糠的营养性质、稳定化处理和深度开发,以及米糠蛋白的研究现状、乳化性和乳化稳定、起泡性和泡沫稳定性、溶解性等功能性质。
1.Principles and Plans of In-depth Development of Tourism Areas in Longhua龙华旅游区深度开发的原则和设想
2.Studies on Tourism Resources Depth Development in the Western Hunan Fenghuang County湘西凤凰县旅游资源深度开发研究
3.The Study of Folk-custom Tourism Depth Explotation in High Platform Folk Houses;喀什高台民居民俗旅游深度开发研究
4.The Research of Minority Nationalities Customs Tourism Depth Exploitation in Hunan;湖南少数民族民俗旅游深度开发研究
5.Interior Monologue & A Further Exploration of ULYSSES;《尤利西斯》中内心独白的深度开发
6.On the Development of Urban Leisure Tourism in China;对我国都市休闲旅游深度开发的思考
7.Research on the Deep Development of Red Revolutionary Culture Resources in Jinggangshan;井冈山红色革命文化资源的深度开发
8.Further Exploitation of Village Tourism in the Situation of "New Countryside";“新农村”形势下乡村旅游的深度开发
9.The Exploitation in Depth and Three-dimensional Communication of Geo-science Cultural Resources;地学文化资源的深度开发与立体传播
10.A Research on the Further Development Mechanism of Tourist Resources in Wuling Mountaineous Area;武陵山区旅游资源深度开发机制研究
11.Comprehensive Re-utilization of Obsolescent Equipments;淘汰仪器设备的深度开发与综合利用
12.Further exploitation of healthcare tourism resources in forestry recreation areas;森林游憩区保健旅游资源的深度开发
13.On the depth development and conformity of the toursim resouces in Wuhan;武汉旅游资源深度开发与整合的探讨
14.On the Further Developmeat of Western Tourism and Innovation;我国西部旅游的深度开发与创新思考
15.Enriching Campus Culture with "Red Resources"深度开发红色资源 丰赡校园红色文化
16.A Plan for In-depth Development of ‘Villagers’ Sightseeing’in Pixian,Sichuan四川郫县“农家乐”旅游深度开发的构想
17.On Deep Development Strategies of Snow Tourist in Jilin Province吉林省冰雪旅游的深度开发战略研究
18.Discussion on the Further Exploitation of Red Tourism Product in Jiangxi对江西红色旅游产品深度开发的探讨
further development深度开发
1.The Research on Further Development of Rural Ecotourism in Turpan Region吐鲁番地区乡村生态旅游深度开发研究
2.Except the delicious and highly nutritional meat,the other parts,including hair,hide,milk,blood,viscera,bone and horn,are also valuable for further development.牦牛肉质鲜美 ,营养价值高 ,牦牛的全身 (毛、皮、肉、乳、血、内脏、骨、角 )都有深度开发价值。
3.According to the vast sand resources, Changli County began development mainly including digging well, supplying electricity, building roads, constructing field guarding foresting, explored five efficient utilization modes and accumulated a lot of experiences for the further development and sustainable utilization of sand resources.针对广阔沙地资源 ,从 1988年开始昌黎县进行以打井、配电、修路、发展农田防护林网等为主要内容的开发 ,摸索出沙地保护地蔬菜生产、乔木保护沙地果园、沙地节水高效种植、沙地防风林生态建设和畜禽养殖、农副产品加工等 5种高效利用模式 ,为沙地资源深度开发和持续利用探索了路子。
3)Deep exploitation深度开发
1.Deep exploitation strategy of rural experience tourism was put forward from the angle of experience marketing and cyber marketing.在考察目前我国乡村体验游现状的基础上,分析了其现存的问题与不足,并从体验营销与网络营销的角度提出了乡村体验游深度开发的策略。
2.Based on this, the paper discusses the focus of the deep exploitation of the western tourism.并以此为基础,围绕其在未来的深度开发中所应关注的焦点问题展开探讨,本着盘活资源存量,打造精品旅游的思想对西部旅游的发展战略进行了思考,针对其产品、结构等开发重点创造性地提出了一些新的思路和见解。
3.Based on PPT strategy,Shennongjia tourism deep exploitation should emphasize on such aspects: set up merging three sides into an organic whole;building up tourism image in three fields and three brands;developing tourism in three areas by one style;constructing out space cooperation area for gold triangle and tourism deep exp.基于PPT战略,神农架的旅游深度开发要搞好三位一体的旅游格局,旅游形象三大层面,旅游产品三大品牌,三区一式旅游开发金三角和旅游深度开发的外部协作区。
4)depth development深度开发
1.Research on the depth development of tour resource in Longhui County;湖南省隆回县旅游资源深度开发研究
2.The Research of Jinyun Tourist Products Depth Development;缙云县旅游产品的深度开发研究
3.For questions existing in the tourist economy and the feedback situation from the tourist market through questionnaire investigation at the county,some tentative plans of the depth development on tourist economy are proposed.概述了湘西凤凰县旅游资源的特征及旅游业的发展现状,分析了该县旅游经济存在的主要问题,进行了旅游市场问卷调查,并针对凤凰县旅游经济存在的问题和旅游市场问题调查的反馈情况,提出了旅游经济深度开发的一些设想。
5)further exploitation深度开发
1.Further Exploitation of Specilized Tourist Commodities of Xinjiang;论新疆特色旅游商品的深度开发
2.Base on analysis of its present development situation and the existent problems,In this paper are studied some measures of further exploitation of the tourist resourses in Moutain Lang.基于此,文章在深入分析了崀山的开发现状和存在的问题的基础上探讨了深度开发崀山旅游资源的对策,以期能为崀山旅游资源的深度开发提供一定的理论指导。
6)Exploitation Depth开发深度
Pro/E二次开发使用toolkit开发trigger的程序使用toolkit开发trigger的程序时,往往需要能够连续通过trigger来触发dll中的函数. 我碰到的问题: 1.配置trigger: Name: CimDll Event: Create PIV Time: POST RequireNO DLL:Cim.dll Function:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation 2.源代码: int PDMDLLInit() { PTCERROR pdm_status; FILE *g_pfileLog; g_pfileLog =fopen("test.dat","w"); setbuf(g_pfileLog,NULL); fprintf(g_pfileLog,"begin test
"); pdm_status = PDMTriggerRegister("PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation", PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation); if (pdm_status != PDM_SUCCESS) { printf("Failed to Register Trigger PIV Create Post.
"); } return (pdm_status); } int PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(int argc, void **argv) { fprintf(g_pfileLog,"test
"); ..... fprintf(g_pfileLog,"end test
"); fclose(g_pfileLog); } 结果:以上代码存在的问题:如果我们在第一次checkin到C/S中后,删除test.dat文件,然后再进行checkin时,发现没有再生成test.dat,在函数PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()中所进行的对文件的操作都无效. 原因:我们使用trigger触发时,真正起作用的是函数:PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation(),而PDMDLLInit()只是在第一次checkin时起作用,所以在第一次调用PDMTPIVCreatePostOperation()后,我就fclose(g_pfileLog),所以出现了上面的情况.所以注意的是:不要把一些重要的东西放在函数PDMDLLInit()中.
教学档案,Teaching archives
1)Teaching archives教学档案
1.To Promote the Construction of Collegiate Teaching Archives Based on University Teaching Quality Evaluation;以高校教学评估促院级教学档案建设
2.Construction of teaching archives and management of academic information in universities;高校教学档案建设与教务信息管理
3.My Recognition on the anagement of teaching archives;我对教学档案管理的认识
1.On the Importance of Teaching Files Based on Its Function;从教学档案的使用功能看教学档案的重要性
2.To Promote the Construction of Collegiate Teaching Archives Based on University Teaching Quality Evaluation;以高校教学评估促院级教学档案建设
3.Strengthening the Teaching Archives Management to Serve the Teaching Evaluation of University;加强教学档案管理 服务高校教学评估
4.Teaching Files Construction under the Background of Undergraduate Teaching Assessment;本科教学评估背景下的教学档案建设
5.Improving Teaching Archives for Evaluating Undergraduate Course Teaching;完善教学档案建设 做好本科教学评估
6.Thought on Educational Evaluation and Teaching Archives Construction in Universities;高校教学评估与教学档案建设的思考
7.Utilizing of Teaching Archives for Advancing Teaching Qualities;利用好教学档案为提高教学质量服务
8.Constructing Teaching Portfolios for English Teachers;英语教师教学档案袋评价模式的建构
9.Reflections on Improving the Utilization Ratio of Teaching Files in Schools of University;提高二级学院教学档案利用率的思考
10.The Scientific Management and Utility of Teaching Archives in Colleges and Universities;高等院校教学档案的科学管理与利用
11.Organic Chemistry Experiment Teaching File s Writing and Role;有机化学实验教学档案的编写与作用
12.Reinforcing the Teaching-record Construction to eviance the Teaching Level of the Teachers in University;加强高校教师教学档案建设 提高教育教学水平
13.The Application of TPI in Teaching Files Informatized Management;TPI在教学档案信息化管理中的应用
14.Teaching Files Information Management in the Faculties of Physical Education;浅析高校体育教学档案的信息化管理
15.Strengthening Files Education to Promote Students Files Consciousness;抓好档案宣传教育 强化大学生档案意识
16.A Case Study of the Portfolio Assessment in RICH Teaching Innovation;RICH教改的学习档案评价个案研究
17.A Discussion of the Problems with Building Self-education File in Middle-school History Teaching and Learning;中学历史教学创建自我教育档案初探
18.Research on Evaluation Model for Student Portfolios in RICH Teaching;RICH教学学生学习档案评估模式研究
Teaching files教学档案
1.Analysis of the teaching files of institutions of higher learning in the new period;浅谈新时期的高校教学档案工作
2.Discussion on the characteristics and management countermeasures of teaching files in higher institutes;关于高校教学档案的特点及其管理
3)teaching file教学档案
1.Research on function and construction of teaching files at higher vocational colleges——Thoughts from the evaluation on talent training at higher vocational colleges;高职高专教学档案的功能与建设研究——高职高专人才培养工作水平评估引发的思考
2.On the Problems and Countermeasures of Colleges and Universities Teaching Files Management Work Facing浅谈高校教学档案管理工作面临的问题和对策
3.Procedure and experience on teaching file reorganization which take the single-discipline department as the unit以教研室为单位进行教学档案整理的做法与体会
4)teaching archive教学档案
1.Speculation on Department-level Teaching Archives Managements in Colleges and Universities;关于对高校院系级教学档案管理的思考
2.There are thin awareness and broken system of archive management,non—standard files of teaching management,non—system collected,unstable person and backward method in the department teaching archive management.由于当前高等院校的档案管理意识淡薄,管理不健全,造成档案收集不系统、档案管理手段滞后、档案管理人员不稳定等问题,使教学档案不能发挥应有的作用,对此,应提高认识,理顺体制,加强领导,强化职能,改进技术,稳定队伍,增强素质等,已达到切实发挥院系级教学档案管理作用之目的。
5)file teaching档案教学
6)teaching portfolio教学档案袋
1.Much light is thrown on teaching portfolio assessment commonly used and spread in America,its theoretical ground,practical background and its definition.阐述在美国等欧美国家使用成熟普遍的教学档案袋评价法的理论现实背景及内涵,教学档案袋的构建策略,教学档案袋评价的实施策略等,旨在使其成为外语教师对自己的教学动态和教学行为进行自主定向、探究、监控及评估的最佳载体和支点,促进其专业水平的不断提升。
2.As a qualitative evaluation method,teaching portfolio is beneficial for recording the process of teachers individual development,promoting teachers self-reflection.教学档案袋作为一种质性评价方式,有利于记录教师个人发展的过程、促进教师自我反思,从而达到展现教师能力和促进教师专业发展的目的。
3.As a digital representative for teaching portfolio,the Blog is a useful extension to teaching portfolio assessment at network time.教学档案袋是一种较新的教师评价模式,它为教育叙事提供了"栖身地",是教师教学经验的最佳呈现方式;但不能及时、完整地反映真实的教师教学过程,易于形式化,不能很好地照顾和体现教师的个体差异。
教学档案 在教学实践和教学管理活动中直接形成的有价值的历史记录。主要产生于学校教务处、学生处、研究生处、系、教研室、实验室和实习工厂等教学管理部门。包括两部分:①教学实践活动中形成的材料。如教学大纲,自编、主编的教材和教学参考材料,典型讲义、教案、教学实习和生产实习方面的材料,各系各专业的考试题和标准答案,优秀毕业论文、毕业设计及评审意见,研究生及硕士、博士学位获得者的学位论文及有关审批文件,录音、录像、幻灯等电化教学手段产生的实物等。②教学管理工作中形成的材料。如招生工作的材料;学籍管理的材料; 课堂教学有关的材料、 包括课程安排计划、课程进度表、教师任课安排等材料;学生成绩表,学生奖惩材料,各类学生毕业分配的材料,毕业生质量调查材料;教师培训、出国进修方面的材料;夜大学、函授部和培训班、进修班等方面的材料等。教学档案反映学校主要职能活动情况,是学校档案的重要组成部分。教学档案一般按教学年度进行整理,有些材料,如学生登记卡片、统计材料等,是从学生入学到结业的全过程中形成的,内容是连续记载的,无法按学年分开,应该按学制年度进行整理。
体育精神,sports spirit
1)sports spirit体育精神
1.Physical Education in Modern Schools:Sports Spirit Should be Equally Important as Physical Health Education;现代学校体育:体育精神的培养与健康教育的弘扬并行不悖
2.The Chinese sports spirit as the starting point of promoting and educating national spirit in institutes of P.E.;中华体育精神:高等体育院校弘扬和培育民族精神的切入点
3.The spiritual lever of the history progress ——“the sports spirit”after Old Olympic Games and the influence on the history;历史进步的精神杠杆——古奥运会之后的“体育精神”及对历史的影响
1.in the true spirit of sportsmanship,以真正的体育精神,
2.Education of Sport Culture and Cultivation of Sport Spirit in Physical Curiculum;体育课程中的体育文化教育与体育精神培养
3.The Chinese sports spirit as the starting point of promoting and educating national spirit in institutes of P.E.;中华体育精神:高等体育院校弘扬和培育民族精神的切入点
4.On Chinese Sports Spirit,Chinese National Spirit and Beijing Olympic Games;中华体育精神、中华民族精神与北京奥运会
5.The Value Orientation of Olympic Spirit and the Sport Spirit in Campus;奥林匹克精神与校园体育精神的价值向度
6.Comment on Deep Vigorous Sports Implication and Educational Value a Bit;略论体育精神的深刻蕴涵与教育价值
7.On the Physical Spirit and Personality Education in the High School of Physical Education;论中学体育教学的体育精神与人格教育
8.PE Spirit and Personality Education in PE Teaching in Colleges and Universities高校体育教学中的体育精神与人格教育
9.On Sportsmanship and Personality Education in Middle School Physical Education试论中学体育教学中的体育精神与人格教育
10.The Sameness between Law Values and Sport Spirits--On how to the Promote and Realize Sport Spirits by Law;法律价值与体育精神的契合——兼论法律对体育精神的推进与实现
11.Promote sportsmanship and international exchanges.弘扬体育精神,促进国际往来。
12.Study on the Sport Spirit of High-level Athletes in China;我国高水平运动员竞技体育精神研究
13.Discussion of the Integration between the Scientific Spirit and the Spirit of Humanities in the Physical Education;体育学研究中科学精神和人文精神整合的探讨
14.Annotation on Humanistic Spirits and Harmonious Spirit of Sports Cultures in China;中国体育文化人文精神与和谐精神的当代意义
15.The Study of Cultivating the National Spirit in China Educational System;国民教育体系中的民族精神教育研究
16.Discussion on Sports Humanities Spirit in College Physical Education;论普通高校体育教育中蕴含的体育人文精神
17.Return of sports humanistic spirit in Chinese physical education;中国学校体育教育呼唤体育人文精神的回归
18.Aesthetic education of P.E. and the embodiment of education for all-around development;体育的审美教育与素质教育精神的体现
sport spirit体育精神
1.It thus puts forward the concept and characteristics of sport spirit and the concept,education contents of sport sprit in physical curriculum,in order to search for effect approaches and methods to realize the object of physical curriculum.从体育文化研究的视角,通过实证研究和理论研究相结合的方法,分析体育文化的概念和结构,由此提出体育精神的概念、特性和体育课程中体育精神培养的概念与教育内容,以探索实现体育课程目标的有效途径和方法。
2.Law values and sport spirits share the same ideal objectives, including justice,freedom,rightness,order etc.法律价值和体育精神都是属于观念意识层面,二者在属性上相同。
3.The Chinese sport spirit is an important component of the spiritual civilization of our country and valuable spiritual wealth.中华体育精神是我国社会主义精神文明的重要组成部分,是中华民族的宝贵精神财富。
1.Likewise in the market economy,traditional sportsmanship is also affected by various material dynamics impact,sports "scandal" by the specific situation and specific conditions in arenas demonstrated.同样在市场经济条件下传统体育精神也受到各种物质动因的冲击,体育失范现象通过赛场这一具体情景和具体条件表现出来。
2.Regarding the developing conditions and practical problems in the construction of athletic culture on a university or college campus, the article has discussed how the building up of athletic culture has been effected by cultivating sportsmanship and put forward some pieces of advice on how to enforce the cultivation of sportsmanship in order to better the athletic culture.本文根据高校校园体育文化建设的发展现状和存在问题,研究了体育精神教育对改善高校校园体育文化建设的作用和影响,并提出了加强高校学生体育精神教育几点建议,以促进高校校园体育文化建设。
4)cultivation of physical culture spirit体育精神教育
5)campus physical education spirit校园体育精神
1.In this sense,doing some research on the values of campus physical education spirit meets the requirement of both the development of campus PE culture and that of university education.校园体育精神是校园体育文化的重要内容,是学校体育的灵魂和核心。
6)sports humanism体育人文精神
1.Question and reflection:the realistic loss of sports humanism;质疑、追问与反思:体育人文精神的现实失落
精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis 精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)
高等教育评估,Higher education evaluation
1)Higher education evaluation高等教育评估
1.A comparative Study of international higher education evaluation;国际高等教育评估比较研究
2.A Study on the Institution of Higher Education Evaluation in Finland;芬兰高等教育评估中介机构研究
1.The Enlightenment of Foreign Educational Assessment Systemon Higher Education Assessment in China;国外高等教育评估制度对我国高教评估的启迪
2.Higher educational evaluation is the main pattern of educational quality guarantee.高等教育评估是高等教育质量保障的主要模式。
3.History and Current Situation of China s Higher Education Assessment;中国高等教育评估的历史与现状述评
4.On Restructure of Appraisal Culture of Higher Education;高等教育评估呼唤文化的引领——论高等教育评估文化的建构
5.Talking about the developing trend of the our country s higher educational evaluation workbasing on the comparison of the foreign higher educational evaluation institution;从国外高等教育评估制度的比较论我国高等教育评估的发展趋势
6.Research on the Content and Methodology of Meta-evaluation of Higher Education Evaluation in China;我国高等教育评估后评估内容与方法研究
7.Analysis of Diversify of Evaluation Subject in Higher Education;我国高等教育评估中评估主体的多元化探析
8.A Study on the Institution of Higher Education Accreditation in China我国高等教育评估中介机构问题研究
9.Analysis of government acts in the evaluation for higher education in China我国高等教育评估中的政府行为分析
10.Study on Problems and Solutions of Evaluation of Higher Education in China;我国高等教育评估的问题及对策研究
11.Assess Intermediary s Survival and Development to Study in Higher Education;高等教育评估中介组织生存发展研究
12.Advances in the Professionalization of Higher Education Assessment in China;我国高等教育评估专业化新进展综述
13.American Higher Education Evaluation and Its Enlightenment to China;美国高等教育评估及其对我国的启示
14.On the Cost and Benefit of the Higher Education Evaluation in our Country;我国高等教育评估的成本与效益研究
15.Some Questions Concerning Higher Education Assessment;高等教育评估中几个值得探讨的问题
16.The Chinese Higher Educational Problem Evaluated and Develop Tendency;中国高等教育评估的问题与发展趋势
17.Comparison and enlightenment of evaluation of higher education in four countries;四国私立高等教育评估的比较及启示
18.The Application of Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Higher Educational Evaluation;论高等教育评估中的顾客满意度测量
higher education assessment高等教育评估
1.It has been 20 years since higher education assessment was started in China.我国高等教育评估已经开展20年,经验值得总结,有必要在下列几个问题上从理论上进行反思:高等教育评估的目的和功能问题;高等教育评估与高等教育质量保障体系问题;高等教育评估与人文精神问题;高等教育评估的再评估问题等。
2.China s higher education assessment began in 1985.中国高等教育评估开始于1985年。
3.Nowadays,institutions of higher education assessment come forth continuously and more and more objects and programs are brought into assessment.高等教育评估机构不断出现,更多的对象与项目被纳入到评估中。
3)Evaluation of higher education高等教育评估
1.With the developing of higher education, this law has had some rules that didn t adapt to the evaluation of higher education.《普通高等学校教育评估暂行规定》是我国高等教育评估的法律依据,是在计划经济体制下制定的。
4)higher education evaluation system高等教育评估系统
5)market of higher education evaluation高等教育评估市场
1.Establishing market of higher education evaluation is a natural demand of the higher education modernization in economically developed regions.建立高等教育评估市场是发达地区高等教育现代化的必然要求。
6)higher education quality evaluation system高等教育评估体系
村落文化,village culture
1)village culture村落文化
1.Female Role in Transforming Village Culture;变迁村落文化中的女性角色
2.Relationship between village sports and village culture and mechanism村落农民体育与村落文化的关系及其作用机制
3.It reminds people of paying due attention to village culture so as to build the new type of villages with mnore distinguishing features.指出"文化丧失"的缘由和现实思考,提醒人们重视村落文化,从而创建更加富有特色的新型村落。
1.Cultural Villages in the Central of Shanxi Province on the Impact of Villager Autonomy;陕西关中村落文化对村民自治的影响
2.Relationship between village sports and village culture and mechanism村落农民体育与村落文化的关系及其作用机制
3.The Function of Village Culture in Rural Civilization;论村落文化在乡风文明建设中的作用
4.On the Construction of Village Culture in the Course of Societal Modernization;论社会现代化进程中的村落文化建设
5.On the Village Culture of the Huayao Yis at Shuiguan Village;云南石屏县水瓜冲花腰彝的村落文化
6.The Old People s Lodgings Selection:A Village Culture Perspective;村落文化视野下的农村老年人住房选择
7.Protection of the village culture in the course of transformation of Shijiazhuang石家庄市“城中村”改造中村落文化的保护
8.On the Exploration of Village Culture Resources to Build up Socialist Advanced Culture;发掘村落文化资源 建设社会主义先进文化
9.The Research of Culture Inherited Conformation in Shanggantang Village;文化传承下的上甘棠村聚落形态研究
10.The Study on Placenames of Anren County of Hunan Province.;湖南省安仁县村落名的语言文化研究
11.Folk House,Fung Shui Woodland and Territorial Characteristic of the Hakka Residential Area,Meizhou梅州客家村落民居、风水林及其文化
12.Jiao Village s Clan: A Study on Transformation of Village Clan Culture in the Southern Jiangsu at the Present Age;郊村家族:当代苏南村落家族文化转型研究
13.On the Influence of the Revival of Village Clan Culture on the Development of Village Politics;村落家族文化复兴对乡村政治发展的影响
14.Culture Landscape,Culture Resource and Culture Heritage--On Cultural Meaning of Ancient Village Landscapes in Zhaoqing City;文化景观·文化资源与文化遗产——兼论肇庆古村落景观的文化意义
15.A research on tourism environmental carrying capacity of ancient villages: a case study of world cultural heritage-Xidi Village;古村落旅游地旅游环境容量初探——以世界文化遗产西递古村落为例
16.Cultural and Ecological Strategy for the Sustainability of Ancient Villages: Case study of Gaoqian;古村落可持续发展的文化生态策略——以高迁古村落为例
17.A Study of Restoring and Preserving the Cultural Environment of the Historic Ancient Village "Yishala" after the Earthquake历史文化古村落“迤沙拉”震后村域环境文化恢复与保护研究
18.Internal Game Rules and Cultural Heritage of Traditional Countryside Community--Citing Jiuxi Village as an Example;传统村落社区的内部博弈与文化传承——以“屯堡第一村寨”九溪村为例
cultural cognition of ancient village古村落文化
1.In the second part, the author mainly introduces the main theoretical foundation, then analyzes and defines some basic concepts, such as cultural cognition of ancient village tourism promotion and SP strategy.旅游开发对于传承和弘扬古村落文化有什么影响,如何提高古村落的知名度,是古村落旅游的重要研究课题。
3)Culture Landscape of Village村落文化景观
4)construction of village culture村落文化整合
5)the traditional village clan culture村落家族文化
1.Through the analysis of the traditional village clan culture, the author intends to reveal that there are two different changing ways of the traditional village clan culture: the interior-origined changing way and the exterior-origined changing way.传统村落家族文化的现代变迁存在着两种可能的变迁路径,即外生性变迁路径与内生性变迁路径。
6)historic and cultural village历史文化村落
1.The historic and cultural villages in Beijing suburbs are important part of historic and cultural resources of Beijing.北京郊区分布广泛的历史文化村落是北京历史文化资源的重要组成部分,但其存续现状已不容乐观。
思想政治教育工作,ideological and political education
1)ideological and political education思想政治教育工作
1.On the Focus of Ideological and Political Education to College Students Online;试论大学生网络思想政治教育工作的着力点
2.On the Initiate New Phase of the Undergraduate Ideological and Political Education;谈开创大学生思想政治教育工作新局面
3.Analyses and discussions of ideological and political education in higher institutions;高校大学生思想政治教育工作分析与探讨
1.Research on the Ideological and Political Education Methods in National Defense Education国防教育中思想政治教育工作的方法
2.Thinking of Higher Vocational School Student Thought Political Education Condition;对高职院校思想政治教育工作的思考
3.On Status quo of the Present Education of University Students in Ideology and Politics and Thoughts of it;当前思想政治教育工作的现状与思考
4.Ponderations on Work of Students Ideological and Political Education;学生思想政治教育工作的实践与思考
5.Reflections on Reinforcing and Improving Education of Ideology and Politics;加强和改进思想政治教育工作的思考
6.Some Ideas about Ideological and Political Education of Peasant Workers in the New Period;新时期农民工思想政治教育工作初探
7.On Students Thought Education in Adult Education in Higher Institutes;高校成教学生思想政治教育工作浅议
8.Analysis on the "Subject" in Ideological Education;思想政治教育工作中“主体”作用的发挥
9.Affective Education: New Means of Ideological and Political Education in Universities;情感教育——高校思想政治教育工作新思路
10.A Brief Analysis on College BBS of the Ideological and Political Work;浅析高校BBS中的思想政治教育工作
11.A Study on the Evaluation of the Ideological and Political Work Level in Colleges and Universities;高校思想政治教育工作水平评价研究
12.Idological and Political Education on the Young People in the E-Age;互联网时代的青年思想政治教育工作
13.Innovation of College Students Ideology and Politics Education;浅论大学生思想政治教育工作的创新
14.Blog and Ideology and Politics Educational Work on University Students;刍议博客与大学生思想政治教育工作
15.An Analysis of the Construction of Ideological and Political Teachers in the Institutions of Higher Education;浅谈高校思想政治教育工作队伍建设
16.Doing Ideological Work Well with People-orientation;坚持以人为本做好思想政治教育工作
17.A Requirement of Consolidating the Politics and Ideology Education Contingent of College with the Network;思想政治教育进网络与思想政治工作队伍建设
18.Thoughts on enhancing the Education in Ideology and Politics for Collegiate;加强大学生政治思想教育工作的思考
ideological and political education work思想政治教育工作
1.Love Transmission: A New Way to Carry out the Ideological and Political Education Work of University Students爱心传递:大学生思想政治教育工作的新途径
2.It requires to do an important and urgent task well,which is directed to the ideological and political education work of higher professional education workers under the new condition.本文围绕“培养什么人”、“如何培养人”,怎样有针对性地做好高职大学生思想政治教育工作这个摆在高职教育工作者面前的重要而紧迫的课题,提出以行业需求为目标,以学生就业为宗旨,把“职业人”的定位、“就业力”的提升作为高职学院思想政治教育的抓手,通过职业意识的强化、职业技能的训练、职业认证制度的推行、职业道德的培养、职业生涯的规划、职业指导的创新等具体措施和方法,探索出具有高职教育特色的大学生思想政治工作的有效途径。
3.The coming of knowledge and economy times brings some vagueness and confusion in college students mind,and the ideological and political education work facec more severe challenges.知识经济时代的到来,给高校学生带来了一些思想上、认识上的模糊和混乱,使高校思想政治教育工作面临着严峻的挑战。
3)ideological and political work思想政治教育工作
1.Emotion education is an important method in the ideological and political work in universities.所谓高校思想政治教育工作中的情感教育,是指高校思想政治教育工作者通过情感交流触发大学生积极的情感体验,唤起大学生自我教育的主动性。
2.The people is concerned about the ideological and political work of the undergraduate.加强和改进大学生的思想政治教育工作是当前全社会共同关心的一个问题。
3.The rapid devlopment of information and network technology has created favorable conditions for the innovation of ideological and political work in the universities and colleges.信息网络技术的迅速发展为高校学生思想政治工作的全面创新创造了条件 ,高校学生思想政治教育工作应该高度重视并充分运用信息网络技术 ,努力实现思想政治工作的观念创新、内容创新、形式创新、机制创新、理论研究创新、队伍创新。
4)ideological and political education through network网络思想政治教育工作
5)students thought education学生思想政治教育工作
1.This article talks about related problems with students thought education in adult education in higher institutes.本文对高校成教育学生思想政治教育工作相关问题加以论述。
6)ideological and political education mechanism思想政治教育工作机制
中国工农红军政治工作中国工农红军政治工作political work of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Zhongguo Gong一Nong Honglun zheng-zhi gongzuo中国工农红军政治工作(poli‘ical workof the Chinese Workers’and Peasants’RedAimy)土地革命战争时期,中国共产党在中国工农红军中进行的思想工作和组织工作。主要是中国共产党在创建中国工农红军的同时,规定了人民军队的性质和三大任务,建立军队政治工作制度,设立政治委员、政治工作机关,成立各级共产党组织,确立共产党领导军队的原则和制度,规定用马克思主义和共产党的正确路线教育部队,实行军队内部的民主制度,颁布三大纪律八项注意,实行瓦解敌军、宽待俘虏的政策。这一时期的红军政治工作,为中国人血 中国工农红军政治工作暂行条例民解放军政治工作建设奠定了基础。 1 927年蒋介石发动反革命政变,大革命遂告失败。8月1日,中国共产党领导南昌起义,打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,开始独立领导革命武装斗争,创建人民军队。为建设一支无产阶级领导的新型人民军队,中国共产党在创建红军的初期,就在军队中建立了政治工作。南昌起义时,在起义部队的军、师建立共产党的委员会,设党代表;团建立共产党总支部或共产党支部,团、营、连设政治指导员;发布文告,宣传民众。同年9、10月间,毛泽东率领的湘肴边界秋收起义部队,在向井冈山进军途中于江西省永新县三湾村进行改编。改编后的红军部队,实行“支部建在连上”的原则,班、排建立共产党小组,连队建立共产党支部,营、团建立共产党的委员会,连以上各级设立党代表;团、营、连各级成立士兵委员会,实行军队内部的民主主义制度,官兵在政治上一律平等,规定军官不许打骂士兵,废除肉刑和烦琐的礼节;规定了红军打仗、筹款、做群众工作的三大任务,提出把武装斗争、土地革命和根据地建设紧密结合起来以武装斗争为中心的方针;制定“三大纪律”、“六项注意”,后发展为三大纪律八项注意;实行宽待俘虏的政策。1928年5月,中国共产党中央委员会颁发《军事工作大纲》,强调必须坚持红军中的政治工作,提出红军应由苏维埃派政治委员负责政治工作并作为共产党的代表。6月,中国共产党召开第六次全国代表大会,大会的决议规定,中国红军采用苏联红军组织的经验,实行政治委员与政治部制度。
思想建设,Ideological Construction
1)Ideological Construction思想建设
1.Against the new historical background of reformation,the Cuban Party in power faces three challenges in the ideological construction.在革新开放的新的历史背景下,在思想领域,古巴执政党面临三大挑战,如何进行思想建设,是摆在古共面前的重大课题。
2.The history of the early stage of the Party shows that ideological construction is the key factor for CPC to consolidate,develop and become strong in hard surroundings.党的早期发展史证明,思想建设是中国共产党在最艰苦的环境中巩固、发展和壮大的关键性因素。
1.The thought of three represents and thought construction of Party in new period;“三个代表”思想与新时期党的思想建设
2.The Three Representatives" and Ideological Construction of the Leaders;“三个代表”思想与领导班子的思想建设
3.More emphasis was placed on ideological and moral development.思想道德建设继续加强。
4.Ideological and political work in the army has been carried out effectively.思想政治建设扎实有效。
5.moral education思想道德建设(思想政治工作)
6.Relations between Cultivation of a Fine Work Style and Ideological Education in Ethics of the Party;党的作风建设与思想道德建设的关系
7.On the Development of Cultural Power and Construction of Ideological Moral--Some Thoughts on Learning Jiang Zemin s Ideology of Cultural Construction;开发文化力与思想道德建设——学习江泽民文化建设思想的一点思考
8.Thinking about the Standardization of Thoughts and Politics Theories Construction;关于规范思想政治理论课建设的思考
9.A Philosophy Thinking about Constructing the Party Ideologically;关于“着重从思想上建设党”的哲学思考
10.Thought on the Construction of College Students Ideology & Polities Eduction;大学生思想政治教育学科建设的思考
11.Several Issues about Socialist Thought Construction by Mao Ze-dong;关于毛泽东社会主义建设思想的思考
12."Tianze Mode":Reflections on China s Think Tank;“天则模式”:关于中国思想库建设的思考
13.Rational Consideration about Strengthening Ideological and Ethical Construction in New Rural Areas;加强新农村思想道德建设的理性思考
14.Reflections on Building the Contingent of Ideological and Political Workers in HEIs;对高校思想政治工作队伍建设的思考
15.Consumerism Tide and Moral Building for Youth and Adolescents;消费主义思潮与青少年思想道德建设
16.Ideological Trend of Consumption and Construction on College Students’ Ideology and Morality;消费主义思潮与大学生思想道德建设
17.Some Thoughts on the Construction of Campus Networks and the Ideological and Political Education at Colleges and Universities;高校网络建设与思想政治教育的思考
18.Law Thinking of the Construction In Minors Mentality and Morality;未成年人思想道德建设中的法律思考
thought construction思想建设
1.The thought of three represents and thought construction of Party in new period;“三个代表”思想与新时期党的思想建设
2.They all have profound and rich connotations, Mao Zedong s emphasis is laid on thought construction, Deng Xiaoping s on system construction, and Jiang Zeming s on function construction.毛泽东把党的思想建设放在首位,邓小平突出强调党的制度建 设,江泽民着重抓党的功能建设。
3.The key link is to promote thought construction of Party with advanced culture.党的建设以及先进文化建设的历史经验与现实状况表明,在21世纪,我们必须坚持以先进文化推进党的建设,其关键环节是以先进文化推进党的思想建设。
3)ideological building思想建设
1.One of the Key factors is due to the fact that the Party and its Leading nucleus have always attached great importance to the ideological building of the Party itself.中国共产党具有强大的凝聚力和战斗力,并且日益成熟坚强,很重要的一条就是中国共产党及其领导核心始终注重自身的思想建设。
2.In the course of the Party s construction and development,ideological building and system constrcution play an important part.党的建设发展历程中,思想建设和制度建设都发挥过极大的作用。
4)ideological development思想建设
1.The article emphasizes that ideological development should be put in first place when selecting leaders and cadres.强调选择领导干部必须把思想建设放在第一位 ,阐述了建立完善的监督机制是建设高素质干部队伍的重要举措 ,结合我国改革开放的新形势 ,对如何按照“三个代表”的要求培养选拔领导干部做了一些理论探
5)establishment idea建设思想
1.In this paper, we discussed establishment idea and design principle of payment network system,presented standard of evaluating system,analyzed five relation to make optimum system,presented system construction based four kinds of design methods.讨论了支付网络系统的建设思想及设计原则,提出了评估支付网络系统的六要素标准,分析了为使系统整体优化所应妥善处理的五种关系。
6)Ideological and Moral Construction思想道德建设
1.With the Chance of Olympics Service to Strengthen the Ideological and Moral Construction of Teenagers;以奥运志愿服务为契机 加强青少年思想道德建设
2.Discussion on the impact of Fang Zhimin Spirit on ideological and moral construction in the new period;试论方志敏精神在新时期思想道德建设中的作用
3.On strengthening students ideological and moral construction;浅谈加强学生的思想道德建设
《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》Ideological and Political Building Must Be Put in the First Place in Building the Army from All Respects Bixu Ba Sixiang Zhengzhi Iianshe BaizaiQt1Qnlun GeXiang Jianshe de Shouwei《必须把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位》(勿eozo、ieaz。n、尸。21,iealBuilding Must Be Puti凡t人e First Plaeei矛飞Building theA月刀〕户口从All ResPects)江泽民1994年12月18日在中央军委扩大会议上讲话的一部分,约6 800字,收人解放军出版社1997年7月出版的《军队高中级干部理论学习读本》一书。 该文的主要内容是二 要从战略的高度来认识在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,加强全党全军的思想政治建设,防止腐朽思想文化侵蚀的重大意义该文指出,改革开放是一场新的革命。这场革命给社会思想文化带来了空前广泛而深刻的影响,使人们摆脱了那些陈旧过时的思想禁锢,产生了一些符合时代发展要求的新观念,极大地调动了广大群众的积极性。这是今天人们思想的主流。地方是如此,军队也是如此。但是也应看到,随着改革开放的不断扩大,资本主义腐朽思想文化乘机而人,同历史上遗留下的剥削阶级的腐朽思想文化相结合,使得当前社会上拜金主义、极端个人主义和腐朽生活方式等消极现象有所滋长,对人们的理想、信念和价值观产生了很大的冲击,也侵蚀了一部分党员和领导干部。在改革开放的历史洪流中,既造就了一大批建设有中国特色社会主义事业的新人,也可能淘汰一些意志薄弱者。要从战略的高度来认识在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,加强全党全军的思想政治建设,防止腐朽思想文化侵蚀的重大意义。对于思想文化领域斗争的长期性和复杂性,一定要有足够的估计,始终保持应有的警惕。 该文指出,军队同社会有着千丝万缕的联系,各种社会思潮和社会风气也会不同程度地反映到军队中来。军队的风气总的说是好的,官兵的精神面貌是健康向上的,但是社会不良风气在部队中也有这样那样的表现,一些官兵已经受到了腐朽思想文化的侵蚀。中国人民解放军是人民民主专政的坚强柱石,不仅在政治上要十分坚定,始终不渝地坚持正确的政治方向,而且在思想道德方面也必须保持纯洁,成为人民群众学习的榜样。